Lord of All Gods

Chapter 503

"Liuyun, did you make that image just now?" Liang Xue also sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun to ask.

Miaoyin did the same, asking Ye Liuyun what happened. Even Jing Wudi asked Ye Liuyun curiously.

They all knew that the golden pupil, the blood thunder and the golden crow\'s sacred fire were all things owned by Ye Liuyun, so they asked him immediately.

Ye Liuyun immediately told them: "I was practicing, and I accidentally made it!" As for how to practice, Ye Liuyun did not explain to them. Just let them know so they don\'t worry.

These people were secretly surprised when they heard this. "What skills are you practicing? It\'s so powerful!"

But none of these people asked about his privacy, but they were all happy for him in their hearts.

Only Mo Tianheng glanced at Ye Liuyun and smiled slightly.

Although Mo Tianheng did not have golden pupils that could see through, he used the power of heaven and earth well. Although Ye Liuyun closed his eyes, he could still "see" Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils. As for the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Fire, he could feel it from Ye Liuyun without looking.

As soon as he guessed, he knew that it was Ye Liuyun who was wandering in the void just now.

"This Ye Liuyun is really quick at learning! He is really a genius in cultivation, and his future is limitless! No wonder he can catch up with me in cultivation speed." Mo Tianheng also sighed in his heart.

The people in Yangong are all in a state of excitement. Even Elder Yan Jiu seemed very excited.

"This is an omen! Maybe there will be a inheritance like flames in this martial arts competition. Hongxia, you must seize the opportunity!" Elder Yan Jiu instructed Lie Hongxia.

They all regarded this scene as a harbinger of Wubi\'s inheritance!

"Yes, Master, this disciple will not disappoint Master. I will definitely get this flame inheritance!" Lie Hongxia was also full of confidence at this moment.

In her heart, there are only a few people who can compete with her, so getting the inheritance is almost certain.

However, most people think that this vision from the sky is a harbinger of disaster. The scene just now was as terrifying as purgatory. It should be some great god passing by, warning Cangyun Continent that a catastrophe will happen here.

In short, this brief vision has attracted everyone\'s attention, and they are all discussing what this vision represents. A few people knew about it, and no one said it. It was just amused to hear the people\'s increasingly outrageous guesses.

Ye Liuyun was also guilty at the moment. I didn\'t expect to make such a big mess by practicing myself. His practice this time is not like the last time he was on the futon of Shengwu Academy. There is a formation on that futon, which can isolate that side of the world.

This time he practiced directly, without isolation, so it manifested.

After he figured out this key point, it would also be of great help to his future practice. There are many cultivation methods in mind wandering in the void, such as incarnation of all things, etc., which will not be discovered.

"Be careful next time, just incarnate something that others can\'t see." Ye Liuyun reminded herself in her heart.

At the same time, he was also thinking to himself, if this is possible, can my golden pupils attack from a longer distance? Thinking of this, he practiced again.

This time, his mind wandered too far, and he turned into a stream of light, ran hundreds of thousands of miles, and came to a desolate mountain range. Only then did he open his golden pupils and look down.

Sure enough, all the ferocious beasts in the mountains prostrated themselves on the ground, feeling the coercion. But his golden pupil attack was not released. As soon as he exerted his strength, his spirit immediately returned to his physical body.

"It seems that we need to practice more! I still can\'t use this trick yet." Although it didn\'t work this time, he already clearly felt that this idea was correct. It\'s just that he still doesn\'t know how to use that kind of power between heaven and earth to attack.

And his own strength cannot keep up with the speed and distance of the wandering spirit. He needs to use the flame power between heaven and earth to imitate his own Golden Crow Holy Flame, and then release it to attack.

"Let\'s practice later!" Ye Liuyun thought of this, and he didn\'t force it anymore. As long as he finds this feeling of wandering too far away this time, he will already have made great progress.

As soon as Ye Liuyun stopped and thought about moving around, he saw a thick cloud of devilish energy drifting towards him from far to near.

All the people on the teleportation platform looked nervously at the ball of devilish energy. Ye Liuyun also looked over, and from a distance, he saw the leader of the bull-headed demon tribe he met in Wanmo Ridge, leading six demon tribes, running towards here.

For the remaining six demons, two of the fifth level of Tiangang, two of the sixth level of Tiangang, and two of the seventh level of Tiangang.

"What is this for? Why did they run out?" Ye Liuyun was also puzzled.

The others almost had the same idea as Ye Liuyun, and they were all guessing the demons\' intentions at the moment.

As soon as the demons fell, the surrounding people naturally avoided them. They didn\'t explain anything to the others, they just stood there silently, waiting.

Only the leader of the bull head said to Ye Liuyun through voice transmission: "The demons also accepted the invitation of the Cangyun Wubi. After all, we are also a force in the Cangyun Continent. It\'s just that when you went last time, you killed many The geniuses of the young demon race, the number of people is not enough to make up ten now. Can you let Thunder Dragon come to help us? Maybe she can meet her own chance."

Ye Liuyun did not expect that the demons could also participate in the Cangyun martial arts competition. But after thinking about it, even Qu Chenfeng, who took refuge in the Night Demon Palace, came, and it was normal for the demons to come.

The leader of the demon clan didn\'t say much, but he moved Ye Liuyun. Lei Ming should indeed be given a chance.

So, he immediately contacted Lei Ming with his spiritual sense and asked her if she wanted to join in the fun.

For more than ten days, Lei Ming has been cultivating in the Xuankong Stone, and he has long been bored. When Ye Liuyun asked, she agreed without saying a word.

Ye Liuyun also replied to the bull-headed leader: "Okay, I\'ll let her follow you. But you have to take care of her for me! She doesn\'t have much experience in the world, so don\'t let anything happen to her!"

"Don\'t worry! I will regard her as more important than my life!" The bull head leader also replied directly.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t talk nonsense right away, and asked Lei Ming to come out, and told her a few more words, and asked her to stand with the demons.

Yunmeng, who had been paying attention to Ye Liuyun from a distance, quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Otherwise, she was afraid that she would scream out.

Ye Liuyun opened his eyes to reveal the golden pupils, which were too similar to the golden pupils that appeared in the sky that day.

Although other people also saw it, they didn\'t think about it. Only Yunmeng, who had always been curious about Ye Liuyun, would associate it with the golden pupil in the sky just now.

However, she was not sure whether Ye Liuyun made it or not. Anyway, she felt in her heart that the vision should have something to do with Ye Liuyun.