Lord of All Gods

Chapter 500

Yunmeng and the others helped the martial artist down, and gave him the healing elixir.

After that, they didn\'t dare to challenge Ye Liuyun anymore. The two attacks, Ye Liuyun didn\'t even move, and they were resolved. If they provoke Ye Liuyun again, they are obviously courting death!

The other teams were also watching. At the same time, they are discussing carefully.

"That young man who cultivated is so powerful! Could it be that he is rushing to win the championship?"

"Hmph, no matter how powerful he is, he probably won\'t be Mo Tianheng\'s opponent. Mo Tianheng is really strong!"

"Mo Tianheng? Will he also come to participate in the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament?" Ye Liuyun\'s heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Although he is cultivating, his spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to every speech and action on this platform.

The attacks of those two people just now happened to be his strong point, so he didn\'t bother to get up. But what these people said, he heard clearly in his ears.

He always thought Mo Tianheng was very mysterious, and hoped to see his demeanor again. Ye Liuyun hadn\'t thanked Mo Tianheng for the gift last time when he said goodbye to the Demon Clan\'s secret realm.

Yunmeng also knew now that Ye Liuyun must be the strongest here. So she didn\'t dare to provoke Ye Liuyun anymore, so she could only shift her target to Lu Wentong and Gao Yuan, and sent people to challenge Lu Wentong and Gao Yuan one after another.

After Lu Wentong was defeated by Ye Liuyun last time, his sword intent had improved a lot, reaching the peak state of perfection, defeating his opponent with a single strike.

Yunmeng didn\'t send anyone to challenge him anymore. It is enough to know that he is a sword cultivator and his sword intent. Then there is Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan is the most combative, and he can\'t wait. As soon as he heard that someone challenged him, he immediately jumped out and confronted his opponent.

It\'s a pity that his realm is a little lower than his opponent, and he still hasn\'t beaten his opponent in the end. Yunmeng and the others finally regained some face. But Yunmeng was secretly startled. The strength of Jinpeng Dynasty\'s team this time is much stronger than before.

Especially that Ye Liuyun was simply unfathomable. At least she had no chance of winning when she met Ye Liuyun.

After testing it out, Yunmeng took her team back to repair. Gao Yuan began to heal immediately.

Their battle here has come to an end, but as more and more teams arrive, there are more and more battles among these young people.

The elders of each team watched tacitly without saying a word.

These teenagers are all young and vigorous, and it is normal to have some friction with each other. If you lose, the elder will make a move, and you will be despised by everyone.

After that, on the entire platform, various battles continued, one after another. There are even cases where fighting broke out in multiple places at the same time. People who like to watch the excitement will be unable to watch at this time.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense was also paying attention to every new team. These teams are strong and weak, but they are undoubtedly the strongest young generation of each sect.

This big platform can be said to be a collection of elites.

Not long after, Ye Liuyun saw the team of Lingxi Palace, and Liang Xue was indeed among them, and her realm had been raised to the third level of Tiangang.

Moreover, Liang Xue\'s temperament seemed to be even more extraordinary. As soon as she arrived, she immediately attracted the attention of many male disciples.

Ye Liuyun immediately communicated with Liang Xue with his spiritual sense. There are a lot of people here, and it is not convenient for them to get together to catch up. The same is true for simply communicating with spiritual consciousness.

Not long after, the team from Tianyin Hall also arrived. Su Miaoyin is also in the team, but her realm is still at the second level of Tiangang.

Ye Liuyun was distracted, and also greeted Su Miaoyin, but did not introduce her and Liang Xue to each other for the time being. He also told her not to worry, even if he wanted to leave Cangyun Continent, he would take her with him before he left.

This is what Su Miaoyin is most worried about. Seeing Ye Liuyun bring it up, he was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Their Tianyin Hall, female elders and disciples are all women. Seeing Su Miaoyin losing her composure, a female disciple who was close to her immediately came up to ask why. Su Miaoyin found an excuse casually and prevaricated.

Then she smiled contentedly again. In his opinion, this is equivalent to Ye Liuyun acknowledging her identity and announcing that she will never leave her.

This crying and laughing made her sisters from the same school all bewildered.

At this time, a one-horned winged horse in the sky neighed long and dragged a carriage down to the platform. Many young people walked out of the carriage, all of them were gorgeous, obviously they were not disciples of ordinary people.

After the leader of the team got off the carriage, he didn\'t go to settle down the team, and walked towards Liang Xue directly.

"Miss Liang, how are you doing recently?" The man greeted Liang Xue directly.

Liang Xue\'s consciousness was chatting with Ye Liuyun about her cultivation progress. Seeing the man greet him, he just responded politely: "Mr. Nie!" Then he continued talking to Ye Liuyun. There is a marked difference in attitude.

The young man surnamed Nie didn\'t feel that he was losing face, and chatted with Liang Xue in a hurry. "I ran into that Mo Tianheng some time ago, and even fought a battle, and lost half a move! Now that my realm has improved, if I see him again, I will definitely have the strength to fight."

His voice was not low, and many people looked at him. Especially when he mentioned Mo Tianheng.

"It seems that Mo Tianheng is a famous person, I don\'t know how strong he is now!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

He didn\'t care too much about someone pursuing Liang Xue. With Liang Xue\'s appearance, figure and cultivation, it is normal for someone to pursue her. As long as Liang Xuexin belongs to him, he has nothing to be jealous of.

"Oh, then congratulations Mr. Nie!" Liang Xue replied politely. She felt a little dissatisfied with this man surnamed Nie for interrupting her communication with Ye Liuyun.

This man is called Nie Weiheng, and he is the strongest among the disciples of Canglong Hall. It was just a chance, after losing to Mo Tianheng, he took Mo Tianheng as his pursuit target.

Some time ago, he felt that his realm had improved, so he deliberately went to find Mo Tianheng, and wanted to compete with him again. Unexpectedly, he lost to Mo Tianheng directly with another move, and he had no strength to resist at all.

Now that his realm has reached the fifth level of Tiangang, he began to feel that he could fight Mo Tianheng again.

He and Liang Xue also met during the exchange and competition between the two sects. At that time, Liang Xue was only at the ninth level of Yuandan, so of course he had no chance to fight against him.

But when he saw Liang Xue\'s appearance, he was tempted. Although he expressed his desire to pursue Liang Xue at the time, Liang Xue resolutely rejected him, but he still did not give up. I feel that with my status and strength, I will finally win the hearts of beauties.

"Hey, Miss Liang, are you communicating with someone? Who are you talking to?" Nie Weiheng finally noticed Liang Xue\'s absent-mindedness and couldn\'t help asking.