Lord of All Gods

Chapter 491

The master of Lingxi Palace thought for a while, and said to Elder Luoxi: "Before the He family is wiped out, we will cooperate with them in arresting Ye Liuyun. Once the He family is wiped out, please let me know, and I will talk to him when the time comes. "

"Yes", Elder Luoxi agreed, and nervously put away the sound transmission talisman. He was worried that the palace lord\'s guess would be inaccurate, and Ye Liuyun would suddenly attack him. Then his reliance can only be defended with this net of heaven and earth. Otherwise, he would definitely not be a match for people like Ye Liuyun.

"This young man, how bold is he?" Elder Luoxi looked at the direction Ye Liuyun and the others were stationed, and shook his head helplessly. Anyway, he never thought about destroying the ancient martial arts family.

But Ye Liuyun really thinks so now. He didn\'t know the strength of the He family before. But after realizing that he had already wiped out half of the elites of the He family, he immediately changed his mind.

He has always been merciless to those who want to kill him. Now that he has this opportunity to destroy the He family, he is not in a hurry to leave.

As for the Consonance Palace, he found that they did not send anyone to directly participate in the battle. Moreover, he felt that the elder who used the heaven and earth net didn\'t seem to have strong malice towards him. Therefore, he also wanted to see what the Consonance Palace wanted to do.

The news that the elites of the He family were completely wiped out was sent back to the He family, and the patriarch He Weiqun couldn\'t sit still.

"Great Elder, take someone with you, take the divine weapon Yunling Sword, and kill those people directly. Just bring the corpse back, and you don\'t need to catch the living!"

The Great Elder pondered for a while and asked, "Patriarch, is it worth using the family artifact for a brat?"

The patriarch also sighed: "I don\'t want to use the artifact either! But looking at this posture, without the artifact, it can\'t compete with the big clock in his hand. And now that so many people have died, if you don\'t kill him, there is no way to explain it to the other clansmen. ah!"

"Okay then, I\'ll go right away!" The Great Elder was also very helpless. Their dignified He family was actually forced to use the divine weapon by a brat.

The patriarch and the Great Elder went to the He Family Ancestral Temple to invite the artifact, and asked the Great Elder to take four elders from the seventh level of the Tiangang, plus more than 200 elite disciples, and rushed to Yanluo Gorge.

After Ye Liuyun and the others went back, they didn\'t stay by the bridge anymore.

"I guess they\'re going to use their artifacts this time. Even the strong men of the eighth layer of Tiangang are dead, and their patriarch can\'t sit still! Sending someone again should be because they want to have a showdown with us."

"Then what should we do?" Liang Xue asked nervously.

"We retreated into the mountains, dispersed their strength, defeated them one by one, and then counterattacked."

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he put everyone into the storage ring, hid in the void, went to hide in the mountains, and gave up crossing the bridge directly.

After everyone went back, Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, and Ruyue also entered the Xuankong Stone, preparing to break through another realm. Ye Liuyun also gave Wu Qingcheng the rest of the original power of the stars to help her break through.

He knew that when Wu Qingcheng saw that Liang Xue had already reached the Tiangang realm, she must be anxious, that\'s why she was so anxious to break through to the Tiangang realm.

At this time, Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness also discovered that the members of the He family had reached the other side of the bridge.

"There are more people coming this time than last time! After these people are wiped out, the He family may not have much strength left!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

When the He family members arrived, they found that Ye Liuyun was not guarding the other side of the bridge.

"Great Elder, what should we do? Shall we all go there together?" An elder from the seventh level of Tiangang asked the leader of the team.

The Great Elder thought for a while: "It\'s not advisable to divide them too loosely, so as not to be broken by him one by one. You all stay, and I will go find him."

"Yes!" The man agreed, and then arranged for other people to settle down and be vigilant.

The Great Elder, on the other hand, was cautiously walking towards the bridge with the divine weapon Yunling Sword in hand.

"Sure enough, it\'s an artifact! Do you think I can\'t do anything about you? If you don\'t come over, I\'ll go over."

Ye Liuyun immediately decided to get rid of the others first. Although there were many of them, they did not pose much threat to Ye Liuyun and the others.

As for the great elder holding the artifact, he still temporarily left him until the end. After all, the consequences of the collision of the artifacts are very serious, and if you are not careful, you may lose your life. Although he has confidence in Deathstroke, he doesn\'t want to take risks too early.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness followed the great elder until he disappeared into the mountains and walked away. Ye Liuyun disappeared into the void, shuttled directly to the other side of the bridge, and released Thunder, Skeleton Puppets, Earth Demon Dragon, Liang Xue and Baihu. Start killing.

He used both the death knell and the Jiulong Jiangshan tripod. They needed a quick fight before the elder rushed back to reinforce them. The high-ranking weapons and treasures in the hands of other people were all used, and they were all trying their best to kill the He family\'s children.

Ye Liuyun used the method of the last time to kill two of the four Tiangang elders, and handed over the remaining two to Lei Ming.

However, Ye Liuyun didn\'t use the magic vine this time. This time there were a lot of people on the other side, and he was afraid that someone would escape, so he would expose the magic vine early.

Sure enough, the arrangement of He family disciples this time was very conservative. As soon as they started fighting, there were disciples in the distance, who withdrew to the gap in the net and hid in the distance to observe the battle situation.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t take care of things that were so far away for a while, so he could only be busy with the fight in front of him.

After he killed two strong men at the seventh level of Tiangang, he continued to kill other disciples with lower realms without stopping. The others, too, once they\'ve killed their opponents, start killing as many as possible.

Soon, half of the more than two hundred people died at their hands, and the rest of the low-level people were fleeing to the sky.

Ye Liuyun and the others didn\'t chase after them deliberately, but killed as many people as possible.

As soon as they drove these disciples away, the elder of Tiangang Yae rushed back and was currently crossing the bridge.

Ye Liuyun asked the skeleton puppet, Earth Demon Dragon, Liang Xue and others to continue chasing them until they reached the edge of the heaven and earth net. He and Lei Ming faced this formidable enemy alone.

This time, Ye Liuyun also called out the Demon Sealing Tablet. He was worried that Lei Ming would not be able to defend against the elder\'s divine weapon, so he prepared first, so that once the elder used the divine weapon to attack Lei Ming, he could help her block it first.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun directly controlled the death knell and threw it at the elder. The thundering Nine Dragons Over the Mountain Seal also followed the death knell and smashed over together.

The elder immediately threw the Excalibur at the death knell. There was a bang of "Boom".

The collision this time made the sound louder and continuous. Even Liang Xue and the others in the distance were affected. Lei Ming, who was standing beside Ye Liuyun, felt dazed for a while.