Lord of All Gods

Chapter 479

The four-year competition selection ended hastily.

Some elders of the Tie Ying Sect were unwilling to accept that it was their Ye Liuyun who could win the first place.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t care, as long as he accomplished his goal, it would be fine.

As soon as the competition was over, Ye Liuyun was about to leave the Tie Ying Cult\'s residence and go to Lingxi Pavilion where Liang Xue was located to see her. This time there was a large period of nearly three months, which was just enough for him to go back and forth. Otherwise, he has something to worry about and is always restless.

Jing Wudi wanted him to cultivate with peace of mind and get ready. But seeing Ye Liuyun\'s impatient look, he also knew that he couldn\'t stay, so he simply left him alone.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t delay at all, and after getting Jing Wudi\'s approval, he asked Piaoyun to stay and help him handle the affairs of the sub-rudder, and then left the Jinpeng Dynasty, released the flying boat, and rushed to the west.

Along the way, he has been constantly perfecting the fusion of the Buddha\'s demon golden body and the power of blood, and he is also cultivating his own Buddha\'s demon true essence phantom. In this way, his Buddha Demon Golden Body can not only be used for defense, but also for attack.

And not only is it able to condense the phantom of true essence, but even the strength of the golden body of Buddha and demon has doubled.

"It turns out that the previous golden body of Buddha and demon is not strong enough!" Ye Liuyun\'s previous golden body of Buddha and demon has been cultivated to the seventh level physically and the eighth level spiritually. Only now did he realize that the previous Buddha Demon Golden Body was still so much worse, otherwise he thought his Buddha Demon Golden Body was already strong enough!

Now the golden body of Buddha and demon in his physical body, at least the strong in the Tiangang realm, should not be able to do anything to him. The same is true for the cultivation of the soul. After the power of the blood is also integrated, it has also been doubled.

For the rest of the time, Ye Liuyun increased the blood power in Batian Shenquan and Shenlongclaw, stopped practicing, took everyone to eat a lot of good things, and let everyone relax.

During this time, the spirit stone was consumed a lot. Everyone\'s realm has improved, Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, and Ruyue, who are in the Yuandan realm, have directly broken through the first stage. Lei Ming and Baihu in the Tiangang realm slowed down a bit, but also increased.

The journey of nearly ten days is almost over. As the flying boat got closer and closer to the destination, Ye Liuyun\'s mood became more and more excited.

"I feel Xue\'er\'s spiritual sense mark!" Suddenly, Ye Liuyun called out. This shows that Liang Xue is very close to her.

"Look at your excited look. The mark of spiritual consciousness is still there, which means that you are fine!" Wu Qingcheng laughed.

"That\'s right! Actually, I feel much more at ease when I\'m fine!" Ye Liuyun said, took out the sound transmission talisman, and started to contact Liang Xue. This distance is enough to contact Liang Xue.

Liang Xue was cultivating in the training room at this time, but she was holding a sound transmission talisman in her hand. She was also looking forward to news from Ye Liuyun every day.

At this time, Ye Liuyun\'s voice suddenly came from the sound transmission talisman, she was so happy that she jumped up on the spot and ran out immediately.

And a young man in the training room next to her saw her running out in a hurry, and immediately followed her.

"Junior Sister, what are you doing in such a hurry?" The man\'s realm was obviously higher than Liang Xue\'s, and he caught up to her in a few strokes.

Liang Xue frowned, and answered casually: "Senior Brother He? I have some family matters, so I\'ll go out for a while."

This young man\'s name is He Liancheng, and he has been pursuing Liang Xue. Although Liang Xue had clearly rejected him, she did not give up. Liang Xue finds it annoying, and usually avoids it when she can.

"What\'s the matter? You can tell me, and I can help you solve it! I managed to get this practice room for you!" He Liancheng said courteously.

"Let\'s talk about it later!" After Liang Xue finished speaking, she ran away without looking back. She also couldn\'t wait to see Ye Liuyun. And she also knew that Ye Liuyun had a lot of things to do, so she missed it this time, and she didn\'t know when she would see her again next time.

He Liancheng felt strange. Liang Xue, who has always been steady and unsmiling, is so happy like a bird at this moment, but also looks very anxious.

"Is this something to be happy about? Maybe I have a chance!" Thinking of this, he followed Liang Xue from a distance.

Liang Xue only thought about Ye Liuyun at the moment, and didn\'t pay much attention to him. And this He Liancheng\'s realm is 40% of Tiangang, which is already the top cultivation level of Lingxi Palace. He intentionally hid his figure, so Liang Xue couldn\'t find him.

Liang Xue\'s realm is only at the first level of Tiangang. Although the progress is considered fast, compared with him, it is still a lot worse.

Ye Liuyun also felt Liang Xue moving rapidly towards the flying boat. Before seeing Liang Xue, he put away the flying boat and flew directly towards Liang Xue.

At that speed, the others were thrown away almost instantly. He traveled directly through the void, Lei Ming couldn\'t even catch up with him, so he had to protect the others and slowly chase him behind.

"Look, little brother is anxious. With Sister Liang, we don\'t care about us!" Lei Ming pursed his lips dissatisfied.

"It\'s inevitable! The two of them haven\'t seen each other for a long time, unlike us, we can often see him!" Wu Qingcheng also enlightened Lei Ming. In fact, seeing Ye Liuyun so excited, she felt sore in her heart, but this was something she couldn\'t help, who made Liang Xue the first person to break into Ye Liuyun\'s heart!

Ye Liuyun\'s sky-spanning golden pupils spotted Liang Xue\'s figure from a distance. While rushing to Liang Xue, he communicated with her with his spiritual sense.

"Xue\'er, how are you doing recently? I\'m so worried about you!"

Liang Xue also responded to him: "I\'m worried about you too, I haven\'t heard from you all this time! I\'m fine, how about you?"

"I\'m fine!" The two people were talking, and soon they met together.

Liang Xue threw herself into Ye Liuyun\'s arms, and Ye Liuyun also hugged her tightly.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness has also discovered Hao Liancheng. It\'s just that his attention was on Liang Xue and he didn\'t pay attention to him.

He Liancheng, who was following behind, saw Liang Xue throwing himself into a man\'s arms, immediately became jealous and hurried over.

"Let go!" He Liancheng shouted loudly, startling Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue.

"Senior Brother He? Are you following me?" Liang Xue also reacted immediately, and asked angrily.

"Who is this kid?" He Liancheng ignored Liang Xue\'s questioning, and instead questioned Liang Xue.

"This is my fiance!" Liang Xue said proudly. At this moment, she was still nestled in Ye Liuyun\'s arms.

"Fiancé?" He Liancheng was dumbfounded for a moment, feeling angry. Although Liang Xue had rejected him, he didn\'t know that Liang Xue was already engaged.

But then he calmed down again. "It must have been her engagement in a small place like the Five Regions before! How can people in such a small place compete with me!"

Thinking of this, he puffed up his chest again, and said proudly: "People from a small place like the Five Regions, right? Liang Xue, you have to think clearly, people from such a small place can\'t compare to me!"

Their He family is a well-known ancient martial arts family in the local area. No matter in terms of financial resources or power, they are far from comparable to the sects of the five regions. In addition to himself, he is also one of the best geniuses in Lingxi Palace. So he felt that with his condition, Liang Xue should be tempted.

Unexpectedly, Liang Xue directly turned back: "I am from a small place, so I want to find a man from a small place. Liuyun, I will take you to the residence of the county family to rest."

Saying that, she took Ye Liuyun\'s hand, turned around and left. He didn\'t even want to say goodbye to He Liancheng.

Ye Liuyun also followed Liang Xue obediently. He didn\'t want to cause trouble for Liang Xue. Since Liang Xue can handle it by herself, let Liang Xue deal with it. In order not to stand out and cause trouble for Liang Xue again.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn\'t stop. He wanted to avoid trouble, but the trouble didn\'t want to let him go.