Lord of All Gods

Chapter 459

The ones who most wanted to get rid of Ye Liuyun were undoubtedly the Night Demon Palace and Jinpeng Dynasty.

It\'s just that they don\'t want their own people to do it now, so as not to suffer losses. Therefore, the two of them unexpectedly paid money to find the killer organization and attack Ye Liuyun.

In the field of the Jinpeng Dynasty, the most famous killer organization is the Bloody Hand.

Bloody Hands, a killer organization, only recognizes money, not people. It accepts anyone\'s business and dares to kill anyone, as long as they can afford the price. And their assassination missions have never failed.

It is said that the strongest assassin in their organization, Blood Shadow, has even successfully assassinated Wuxiu of Tiangang Yae.

Even for several other well-known killers, such as Feng Ren and Kong Zhan, who assassinated some martial artists in the fifth and sixth levels of Tiangang, they were all easy to catch.

Therefore, no one dared to provoke the blood shadow killer organization, and they were all afraid of their revenge.

The news of the hiring of assassins by the Night Demon Palace and the Jinpeng Dynasty naturally cannot be concealed from the eyes and ears of the Iron Eagle Cult.

After Jing Wudi found out, he also told Ye Liuyun the information as soon as possible, and reminded him cautiously, lest he might be negligent.

Ye Liuyun also discussed with Wu Qingcheng. After all, Wu Qingcheng was also a killer in the past, so she has a relatively good understanding of this industry.

"It\'s useless for you to hide all the time. There is only one solution. That is to destroy this Bloody Hand organization just like you did when you destroyed the Dark Night Hall. Otherwise, you will be hunted down endlessly. They will continue to kill you." Send stronger people here." Wu Qingcheng obviously has a better understanding of the rules and behavior of the killer organization.

"Okay, since that\'s the case, let\'s go fishing before they send out the strongest!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t advocate hiding all the time.

In addition to destroying this killer organization, he also wanted to give Jinpeng Dynasty and Dark Night Demon Palace a little color, and let them know that Ye Liuyun is not a soft persimmon, and he can be manipulated casually. If you want to kill him, you must pay the price.

"Think about it first, how can you find the lair of the killer organization. Even some hired killers don\'t know the lair of the killer organization. Only the killers they cultivated know the location of the lair."

"Well, then keep killing and searching for souls until you meet the killer they cultivated themselves." Ye Liuyun has only this way at present.

"It\'s feasible. I\'ll stay by your side in the future. Although I\'m not in a high level, I still know a lot about killers. Maybe I can remind you." Wu Qingcheng asked proactively.

Ye Liuyun also agreed. He felt that with his ability, he could still guarantee Wu Qingcheng\'s safety. Moreover, Wu Qingcheng also said that the killer\'s goal is very clear, and he will not kill extra people for no reason.

Right now, Ye Liuyun was about to go out. Wu Qingcheng stopped him again.

"What are you in a hurry for? It\'s safer to break through first and then go out. If you break through outside, it just gives the killer a chance. Even if you break through here, you must be fully prepared. There must be a way."

"Okay then, I\'ll break through first and then go out."

Ye Liuyun thought about it too. If he breaks through, he can catch those killers by surprise. Before they act, they will definitely investigate his situation.

And his void power can also be cultivated again. Now he has almost practiced the Escaping Art. It\'s time to talk to Xuankongshi\'s weapon spirit for the next stage of space power training. Otherwise, he will always comprehend it by himself, without the guidance of exercises, his future progress will be very slow.

"And in a few days, your Jiangshan Ding and Fanshan Seal will also be sent back. It will be safe to go out after taking everything with you. Take the Fanshan Seal back, and you can give it to Lei Ming. She doesn\'t have any high-ranking treasures now, and often It\'s not safe to help you fight." Wu Qingcheng reminded him.

Ye Liuyun nodded, hugged Wu Qingcheng in his arms, and said softly: "It\'s better for you to be thoughtful! It\'s time to get that girl a high-ranking treasure. And when Jiang Shan Ding comes back, I have to refine some Elixir."

Wu Qingcheng\'s face turned red, but she didn\'t break free. Although she stayed by Ye Liuyun\'s side, she didn\'t have much time to get close to him.

Ye Liuyun also often felt that she owed Wu Qingcheng, so when there was no one around at this time, he hugged her to comfort her.

But just as they were enjoying this rare moment of happiness, Princess Nine and a disciple of Tie Ying Sect rushed in in a hurry. Wu Qingcheng immediately broke free from Ye Liuyun\'s arms, turned her back, her face flushed with shame.

Ye Liuyun looked at the two of them, not knowing why. He asked aloud, "What\'s the matter? What\'s the rush?"

"Brother Liuyun, you won\'t blame me for causing trouble, will you?" Ninth Princess said aggrievedly.

Another Tie Ying Sect disciple also urged: "Master Ye Duo, you should go and have a look, the one who was injured by the Ninth Princess is the son of the First Elder!"

"Don\'t blame me! They provoked me first!" Ninth Princess ran to Ye Liuyun, took his arm and dangled it, letting Ye Liuyun decide for her.

The Tie Ying Sect disciple also insisted: "This subordinate can testify that it was indeed Princess Nine who made the first move."

"Really?" Ye Liuyun smiled slightly.

Immediately, his soul domain was released directly, enveloping them both.

Jiang Wu Qingcheng was startled by his sudden action.

After a few breaths, both of them turned into cold corpses and fell to the ground.

"This..." Wu Qingcheng looked at Ye Liuyun with some puzzlement.

"These two people are disguised makeup!" Ye Liuyun said lightly.

Wu Qingcheng immediately went forward to identify them carefully, only to find that the two people, a man and a woman, were wearing human skin masks made up.

Ye Liuyun then called Piaoyun over and asked Piaoyun to deal with it.

At this time, Princess Jiu ran in to look for Ye Liuyun. Seeing a person exactly like himself lying on the ground, he couldn\'t help but let out a "huh".

Ye Liuyun told her and Piaoyun what happened.

"How did you find them?" Princess Nine asked puzzled.

"That man kept calling you the Ninth Princess, so I thought it was wrong, because I never told anyone about your identity. So I tried searching the soul with the Soul Domain." Ye Liuyun explained.

When Wu Qingcheng heard the words, she couldn\'t help but blame herself. "I lost my mind at the time, but I didn\'t notice these problems. I am really unqualified as a bodyguard! I have to be more careful in the future."

In fact, Ye Liuyun could see the disguise of the two just by scanning them with his golden eyes. It\'s just that he didn\'t tell what Jintong saw.

He was afraid of alerting the follow-up killers. The people who can pretend to be around him are so similar, there must be spies planted by the other party here.

After the ninth princess figured out the reason, she was about to draw her sword and stab the woman pretending to be her, but was stopped by Ye Liuyun.

"Forget it, everyone is dead, why should you be angry with her anymore!" Ye Liuyun persuaded.

The ninth princess still stabbed a sword in her heart to relieve her hatred.

He said bitterly, "If you hadn\'t been vigilant, you would have been fooled by them. You might still hate me then. This woman is so hateful that she dared to let me take the blame. Fortunately, she died, otherwise I must cut her into pieces."