Lord of All Gods

Chapter 457

After discussing with Ye Liuyun for a while, Jing Wudi and Ye Liuyun also felt that it would be very risky to make a move.

If there is a slight mistake, the entire Iron Eagle Cult may be doomed.

However, they know better that the arrow is on the string now and they have to launch it. If they couldn\'t resist, the secret of the old leader would be exposed, and the Iron Eagle Sect would become even more dangerous.

"Let\'s take a chance! If it drags on for a long time, they will even doubt the truth of the old leader." Ye Liuyun persuaded.

"Okay! If it doesn\'t work, retreat back into the formation, don\'t fight recklessly!" Jing Wudi said with concern.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun agreed, and rushed straight out of the formation.

"What are you doing? Ye Liuyun, come back to me." Seeing this, Jing Wudi immediately chased after him.

His shout shocked everyone, and they all came out to see what happened.

Seeing Ye Liuyun rushing out on his own initiative, everyone gasped.

"What is Ye Liuyun going to do? Is he going to die?"

"Ye Duo mainly sacrificed his life to protect the teaching?"

"Master!" Seeing this, Piaoyun immediately rushed up desperately.

Ye Liuyun and Jing Wudi didn\'t expect that Piaoyun could also rush out, so when discussing before, they ignored her.

When the two guards outside saw Ye Liuyun rushing out, Jing Wudi and the others became anxious, and they were really fooled.

In fact, this was all designed by Ye Liuyun and Jing Wudi. It\'s just that Piao Yun was not considered in advance.

"Old man, if you want to kill me, do it according to your ability!" Ye Liuyun yelled, drawing out the demon-slaying knife as he ran, and rushed towards the martial artist beside Night Breeze.

He was afraid that Piaoyun would catch up and delay his and Jing Wudi\'s actions.

"Stop!" Jing Wudi was also chasing after him, and he was about to catch up with Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s late!" The martial artist opposite Ye Liuyun shouted coldly, and shot directly at Ye Liuyun.

He really rushed to kill Ye Liuyun with one move.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to be careless, and immediately greeted him with a knife, and at the same time, he threw the magic vine seed out of his hand.

The Wuxiu on the opposite side really found the magic vine seed. But a small black seed, after he took a look at it, he didn\'t care anymore. Instead, the true essence surged, and the Tiangang domain was released directly, covering Ye Liuyun and the magic vine seed.

In his heart, no matter what tricks Ye Liuyun played, as long as he entered his Tiangang domain, he would not be able to escape from his palm.

Night Breeze also shot immediately and stopped Jing Wudi. The two of them released the Tiangang domain respectively, and immediately sent Piaoyun flying.

Fortunately, she was only hit by the aftermath and did not suffer serious internal injuries. But she still stood up stubbornly, and rushed towards the Tiangang domain that enveloped Ye Liuyun again.

And took out the spiritual sword that Ye Liuyun gave her, and attacked the Tiangang domain. Piaoyun has recently followed Ye Liuyun, and has also received a lot of benefits and training resources, and her realm has just been promoted to the third level of Tiangang.

But her strength is not strong, and her ability to fight across borders is relatively weak, so the strong man doesn\'t bother to pay attention to her little attack. Now he only wants to concentrate on dealing with Ye Liuyun, deal with him first, and then fight back to deal with Jing Wudi.

What he didn\'t expect was that the seed of the magic vine dropped by Ye Liuyun would quickly start to germinate and grow as soon as it fell into his Tiangang domain, and it absorbed his energy.

Soon, vines grew from that seed, some attacked him, and others directly penetrated his domain barrier in an attempt to break through it. Moreover, the vines were still spreading everywhere, and wherever they passed, they immediately took root and continuously absorbed his true energy. This is also a great consumption of his true energy.

He didn\'t dare to wait any longer, and immediately attacked Ye Liuyun. What he didn\'t expect was that Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent was so strong that he blocked most of his attacks, and a small part hit Ye Liuyun, but he only took a step or two back.

"This brat\'s physical body is also so strong!" The strong man was unexpected again.

Immediately, he directly launched a spiritual attack. He didn\'t believe that Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense could surpass him.

In fact, the reason why Ye Liuyun picked him was because his soul was relatively weak and he was easy to deal with.

As soon as the strong man\'s soul rushed into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, he was immediately bound by the order of the gods, and then swallowed, causing him to suffer backlash.

Just when he was backlashed and lost his mind, the magic vines entangled his body, and before he could break free, Ye Liuyun\'s death knell covered him again and directly locked him inside.

Only then did Ye Liuyun heave a sigh of relief.

He immediately sent a voice transmission to Piaoyun: "Piaoyun, I\'m fine, this is a plan made by me and the deputy leader, you go back quickly."

When Piaoyun heard this, she realized that she had been reckless, and immediately retreated.

As soon as she retreated, a bell rang in the Tiangang domain of the strong man. It was the mighty who attacked Deathstroke again.

The sound of the death knell directly shattered his soul. Even the powerhouse of Tiangang Yae is no exception.

"It\'s really weird! Those who were enveloped in tried to attack the death knell, thinking they could break it. I didn\'t expect that they were looking for death!" Ye Liuyun laughed secretly, and put the death knell away. Then let the magic vine directly penetrate into the Yuan Dan of the strong man, absorbing all the true essence in his body.

His Tiangang domain also collapsed. And the magic vine seed returned to its original shape, and was grabbed by Ye Liuyun from the human body.

It was still a small black seed, with an unattractive appearance, and no life fluctuations could be seen. Ye Liuyun raised his hand and threw it towards Night Breeze\'s Tiangang domain. As soon as the seed touched the Tiangang domain, a vine immediately grew out, took root directly in the barrier of his domain, and then drilled a small hole and got in.

Ye Liuyun knew that relying on this seed alone would definitely not be able to defeat Night Breeze, at most it would only consume some of his real energy.

At this moment, the Tiangang domain was shattered, and the corpse also fell from the air, turning into a puddle of flesh.

They all admired Ye Liuyun\'s methods. Especially the young disciples like Jiang Wanhao, who admired him even more.

"Is this his true strength?"

"This is Tiangang Yae\'s opponent! He is so strong!"

A few young people were so shocked that they couldn\'t even close their mouths!

Jing Wudi and Night Breeze were fighting inextricably. The Tiangang domains of the two sides collided constantly, making moves one after another.

Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth, and slashed at Ye Feng\'s Tiangang domain with all his strength, then dodged, followed his knife, and forced his way into Ye Feng\'s Tiangang domain.

This move shocked everyone in the Tie Ying Sect into a cold sweat. They never thought about such a bold act.

Directly break into other people\'s Tiangang domain? They can\'t hide in time, how can they take the initiative to break in.

Ye Liuyun just did that!

And he actually went in!

On the one hand, it is because his physical body is strong and does not have the golden body protection of Buddha and demon. After that knife, Ye Feng\'s Tiangang domain barrier was broken. For the rest, he directly resisted with his body.

On the other hand, the magic vine seeds were also absorbing Night Breeze\'s true essence. He was already fighting Jing Wudi, and he consumed a lot of energy. As this went up and down, his defense was naturally not at its peak.