Lord of All Gods

Chapter 452

After the trials, Ye Liuyun released everyone from the storage rings to let them breathe.

The head teacher is also safe and not afraid of being attacked.

Unexpectedly, the realm of the nine princesses has broken through to the first stage of Tiangang, and the realms of everyone else have been raised to the first stage. Lei Ming broke through to the second level of Tiangang, equal to Ye Liuyun, while Baihu broke through to the first level of Tiangang. It seems that after the battle of the virtual battlefield, everyone has laid a solid foundation.

Ye Liuyun gave Piaoyun another storage ring and asked her to arrange someone to exchange it for spirit stones.

He even took out many items from the tomb of the poisonous dragon and exchanged them for spirit stones.

Piaoyun was also taken aback when she saw the contents. "Master, some valuables may need to be auctioned to be worthwhile. The time may be longer."

"That\'s okay, I don\'t need it urgently." Ye Liuyun said.

"Does the master really need spirit stones? I think there are a lot of good things in here, you can keep them!" Piao Yun couldn\'t help but asked again.

"You have also seen that there are so many people around me who need spirit stones! You don\'t need to keep them, just go and change them. If you have something you like, just take it!" Ye Liuyun said to Piaoyang.

The ninth princess heard it and said to Ye Liuyun: "Brother Liuyun, do you need spirit stones? I know there are many spirit stones!"

"Oh? Tell me about it?" Ye Liuyun also regained his energy.

"Our royal family has a secret realm, which is specially used for the cultivation of royal family members. There are five spirit stone veins in it. It doesn\'t matter if you dig out a few of them. Just don\'t dig them all out."

These nine princesses are willing to do anything for Ye Liuyun. I don\'t care whether the royal family suffers at all.

"Really? Is the secret realm easy to enter?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"There are guards at the entrance. Why don\'t you take me back to the palace again, and I\'ll take you there. Those guards will definitely not dare to stop me." The nine princesses have completely become Ye Liuyun\'s accomplices, and she is the kind who only cheats on her mother\'s family.

Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "How can I do that? If you are caught, you will completely expose your identity as a little traitor to the royal family! Don\'t worry, I have a way to get in. I will take you with me when the time comes. Let\'s eat first , Congratulations to all of you for breaking through the First Level Realm."

Ye Liuyun took everyone to a full meal, and before it was dark, he returned to the Xuankong Stone to practice the power of space.

After he practiced this time, he was able to stay in the fourth-level space for an hour. Such a long time is enough for him to hide or attack from a distance. Moreover, when he was cultivating, he paid great attention to not causing fluctuations in the space as much as possible when entering and exiting the void.

Ye Liuyun planned to use this space ability to quietly escape the detection of the guards and directly cross to the entrance of the royal secret realm.

When he was about to practice, in the middle of the night, Ye Liuyun asked the nine princesses to pass on the map of the palace and the location of the secret realm to him through his consciousness, and then put everyone into the storage ring. When digging spiritual veins, you have to rely on the strength of the number of people.

With the map of the palace and the location of the secret realm, Ye Liuyun directly hid in the void, and traveled through the void to the entrance of the secret realm.

At the entrance to the secret realm, there are two strong men in the Tiangang realm guarding it. The guards are not tight.

This is the royal palace, and there are layers of guards outside. There are not many people who know this secret place, and even fewer people can break into it. If someone could break in here, neither of them would be able to stop them.

These two guards are actually just blocking the guards and maids of other palaces, and then checking the tokens for entering and exiting the secret realm. After all, even princes and princesses can\'t enter the secret realm casually, and there is a time limit.

So both of them are very relaxed. The two were chatting, their backs were facing the entrance of the secret realm, and they didn\'t even let go of their spiritual sense.

Ye Liuyun took this opportunity to appear directly at the entrance of the secret realm. As soon as he appeared, he stepped into the teleportation array at the entrance of the secret realm, and his figure disappeared.

One of the guards felt the fluctuation of the formation, but when he turned around, he saw nothing.

"Huh? There seems to be movement in the secret formation, do you feel it?"

The other person looked at the entrance of the formation, and said immediately: "Why are you so nervous! We are guarding here, and no one passes by. Could it be a ghost? I think you are too nervous?"

"Oh! Maybe it\'s because I\'ve been too tired from practicing recently! I\'ll apply for a transfer tomorrow, so I can go back and rest for a few days..."

The two guards looked at the entrance again and found that there was indeed no movement, so they continued to chat, not taking the fluctuation just now seriously.

At this time, Ye Liuyun had already disappeared into the void again near the entrance, waiting to see if the two guards would come in to check. But he waited for a long time, but no one came in to check, so he released the nine princesses.

"Have we entered the secret realm?" Princess Nine came out and felt the environment, then lowered her voice and asked Ye Liuyun in surprise.

"Yeah, I\'ve already come in and no one noticed." Ye Liuyun replied.

"Wow! Brother Liuyun, you are amazing! How did you get in?" Princess Nine asked curiously.

"Hurry up to find the Lingshi mine, so as not to have long nights and dreams, let\'s talk about the rest when we go back." Ye Liuyun had nothing to do with this princess, she didn\'t know what it meant to be afraid.

If they were stuck here, they would be in a trap, and they would not be able to get out.

He also let go of his spiritual sense, and explored the secret place to see if there were members of the royal family practicing in it. But no one has been found yet.

"Come with me, I\'ll take you there." As the nine princesses spoke, she found a direction and flew over with Ye Liuyun.

It was also the first time that the Ninth Princess was in the air after breaking through to the Tiangang realm, so she was very happy to fly. Ye Liuyun saw that there was no one around here, so he asked her to let go of it, holding back her practice every day, which bored the princess to death.

But she still reminded her: "If you are discovered, then we will be in trouble. If we are stuck in this secret place, we will never be able to get out."

"Oh, then I\'ll be more careful." Ninth Princess\' voice immediately quieted down, and when flying, she tried her best to be unobtrusive.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense and golden pupils were fully released to investigate the situation in the secret realm and members of the royal family.

Just as they were approaching a mine vein, Ye Liuyun also found that there were two people practicing near the mine vein they were going to attack. Obviously, the aura here is relatively abundant, and they chose the location specially.

From a distance, Ye Liuyun pulled the Ninth Princess down and landed on the