Lord of All Gods

Chapter 4178

"The remaining people evacuate first. We will immediately send Wu Xiu to clean up the group of people, and then you go back."

After hearing the news, the commander of the Lingwei Dynasty immediately issued an order, and sent fifty strong men of the heaven-reaching realm, thinking that it was enough.

So Ye Liuyun and the others killed seven teams, and when they were about to kill the eighth team, they happened to be evacuating.

"Want to run? Can you still run away?"

Their battleship was directly smashed by Lei Ming\'s Thor\'s Hammer and Dragon Girl\'s Panlong Cudgel. None of the soldiers who had entered the battleship escaped, and they were all killed by the two of them.

The remaining commanders were also immediately shot to death by Ye Jinyuan. The clone, magic vine, and other monsters also shot immediately, killing most of the soldiers waiting for the ship in an instant.

The rest of the soldiers were all killed and scattered, and they couldn\'t form a battle formation. They didn\'t have much deterrent effect, and they were all killed by their hands.

Ye Liuyun also learned through soul searching that these soldiers were indeed going to run away, so he immediately asked his clone to take the magic vine and Ye Jinyuan and go to the starry sky to kill those soldiers.

The avatar used space power to quickly catch up with a battleship. Although the battleship opened the protective cover, it still couldn\'t block the avatar\'s red lotus fire.

The souls of all the soldiers in the battleship were directly wiped out.

Then he blasted the formation with white light, opened the hatch, left the magic vine to deal with the corpses in the battleship, and led Ye Jinyuan to chase after the next battleship.

The avatar directly used white light to penetrate a big hole in the battleship, and then used time to freeze to go in and catch people.

When he was tired, he took a break, and Ye Jinyuan stood guard at the entrance of the cave, sucking and killing.

Then the avatar used time to stop and went in to arrest people. A total of more than 500 people were arrested, including the two commanders and deputy commanders, and the other three minor commanders.

The other soldiers were all killed by Ye Jinyuan.

At this time, the magic vine also rushed over, took the battleship away, and brought it back to the clone.

Ye Liuyun immediately decided to pretend to be their soldiers and intercept the fifty strong men who reached the sky.

So he, Ye Jinyuan and others all changed into another image of the commander and deputy commander, took the five hundred captives, boarded their warships, and greeted the fifty powerful men of the heaven-reaching realm.

But until they reached the next galaxy, they didn\'t see the spaceships of those strong men. Ye Liuyun asked the leader of the prisoner to ask for instructions to stay in this galaxy temporarily, and he was also approved.

So Ye Liuyun and the others stopped here.

There are also ten teams of 5,000 people here, occupying cities on ten planets. This galaxy is still two galaxies away from the border of the Lingwei Dynasty, and those strong people didn\'t arrive so quickly.

So Ye Liuyun and the avatar used time to freeze every day, and began to control people non-stop. After controlling 5,000 people, they went to the next team.

Ye Liuyun learned through soul searching that there is a commander of 100,000 people here.

So Ye Liuyun planned to control him in the end. But just as Ye Liuyun arrived at the next city and was beginning to control the people, the 100,000-strong commander suddenly rushed to him directly with a guard of 200 people.

He suspected that people like Ye Liuyun were messing around and had other purposes. It had to be said that he was still very cautious.

However, he still underestimated the strength of people like Ye Liuyun.

The leader\'s own realm is the Jiuzhong of Hedao, and the two hundred guards are all of the Jiuzhong of Hedao. He thought it would be enough to deal with some rebels.

But as soon as they arrived, Ye Liuyun activated the power of time, and first controlled the guards who had no soul treasures in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The rest was handed over to the avatar, and even the commander and his two hundred guards became prisoners.

"Who are you? It\'s useless to do this. Once you control me, our leader Fang Tianhua will already know."

Na Tong took the lead because he was surprised by Ye Liuyun\'s disguise, but he said helplessly afterwards.

But Ye Liuyun said easily: "I know, when I controlled you, I forcibly erased the soul contract in your consciousness, of course he will find out.

But I\'m far away from him now, even if he wants to come and find me, he won\'t be able to find me for a while.

Moreover, we are few and do not belong to any galaxy, so it is too easy to avoid his pursuit. "

Ye Liuyun was going to keep him right away. It was estimated that once he was controlled, their chief commander would notify the other commanders, and it would be useless to let him go back.

The commander\'s name was An Xianyong, and he was also a well-known commander in the Lingwei dynasty. He had good commanding skills, was brave and good at fighting, and was meticulous in his details.

He and the avatar also continued to control the other soldiers here, controlling all the five thousand people.

Then he took all the captives into the cave world, disappeared from here, and then went to the previous city, and took all the five thousand people away, so as not to be designed by their commander.

Sure enough, as soon as he hid himself, several other armies came to kill one after another. Four armies surrounded a city, but it was an empty city. They all ran in vain.

And when they were returning, Ye Liuyun and his avatar attacked one of their warships again, arresting more than 2,000 people again.

The rest were killed by both the magic vine and Ye Jinyuan.

Then the two of them immediately followed another army and killed them. They killed as much as they could, and caught as much as they could. First, they used the power of time to catch more than 2,000 people. kill.

This time, Fang Tianhua, the leader of the other party\'s dynasty far away, was also alerted. Every day, the commanders are asked to report regularly and send people to check each other.

After discovering that two more groups of troops had an accident, they immediately gathered all the remaining troops together. Ready to evacuate together.

Ye Liuyun and the avatar were not in a hurry to make a move. After all the 30,000 people boarded the battleship and sailed into the starry sky, they repeated their tricks and captured some strong people. Then the avatar used the red lotus fire to kill people All go out.

Afterwards, they didn\'t move any more, but took a flying boat and waited here for the fifty powerful men of the heaven-reaching realm.

Ye Liuyun supplemented the consumption of Chaos Qinglian while cultivating.

In the last few arrests, it was he who urged the power of Chaos Qinglian to be the main force, so he was able to catch so many people at once, which also consumed a lot of energy in Chaos Qinglian.

We will continue to arrest people in the future, so we must add quickly.

The avatar is also waiting while replenishing Honglian\'s energy.

The Lingwei Dynasty lost a lot this time, and the 50,000 army was gone again. The continuous loss of 90,000 elite soldiers is already a considerable loss.

So their commander-in-chief immediately sent another 200 experts in the sky-reaching realm, and many of them were soul cultivators, to the planet where Ye Liuyun was located to investigate the situation.

He felt that Ye Liuyun and his group could control his subordinates, and among them there must be soul cultivators with powerful spiritual power.

So he didn\'t notify anyone of the two hundred people he sent later, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t know the news either.