Lord of All Gods

Chapter 403

Ye Liuyun, Su Miaoyin and the others went directly through the secret realm and escaped from the pursuit of Moxiu. They were also very relaxed at the moment.

Su Miaoyin also told Ye Liuyun about the recent situation in the Eastern Region and her going to Tianyin Hall.

"What kind of organization is the Night Demon Palace? Why haven\'t you heard of it before?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

Su Miaoyin also said: "I\'ve never heard of it before. But our shop owner said that this is a very powerful organization that acts ruthlessly and has influence outside of the five domains, but we rarely have access to it before. That\'s all."

"Will Tianyin Hall send people to rescue your sect? What kind of strength do they have?" Ye Liuyun asked Su Miaoyin about the situation of Tianyin Hall, but Su Miaoyin knew nothing about Tianyin Hall.

"I only know that Tianyin Temple is definitely stronger than our Moyinfang. Mr. Ye, if you don\'t have any destination, why don\'t you come with me?" Su Miaoyin suggested.

She also hoped to stay by Ye Liuyun\'s side more. She also doesn\'t know anywhere now, and doesn\'t know what\'s going on, as long as she stays by Ye Liuyun\'s side, she feels very safe.

"I\'ll take a look. I\'ll make a decision after I buy the map." Ye Liuyun didn\'t agree. He already had Liang Xue in his heart, and Wu Qingcheng by his side. He also doesn\'t want to provoke other women, so it\'s better to avoid it as much as possible.

Sitting next to Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng understood his thoughts and secretly shook Ye Liuyun\'s hand. Naturally, Su Miaoyin\'s thoughts couldn\'t be hidden from Wu Qingcheng, but she didn\'t point it out.

Su Miaoyin couldn\'t help showing a look of disappointment on her face. But she didn\'t say anything else, she could only blame herself for meeting Ye Liuyun too late.

Several people were thinking about their own thoughts, and the atmosphere on the boat fell into silence for a while.

Fortunately, Lei Ming, a snack foodie, shouted that he was hungry, and he wanted Ye Liuyun to eat barbecue, which could be regarded as resolving the embarrassment of several people.

But as soon as they finished roasting the meat, before they could eat it, Ye Liuyun\'s divine sense found a flying boat rushing towards them, obviously coming towards them.

Soon the consciousness of other people also discovered the flying boat. Lei Ming hastily stuffed the rest of the barbecue into his mouth.

From the flying boat on the opposite side, hundreds of people descended, and they were all dressed as soldiers. Obviously official soldiers.

One of the commanders, as well as an old man, are both in the first and second level of Tiangang. Even those soldiers are at the fifth or sixth level of Huahai.

"It seems that the strength outside the domain is indeed much stronger than that in the five domains. Even the soldiers are at the fifth or sixth level of the sea of ​​transformation." Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

In fact, the strength outside the five domains is much higher than that of the five domains. But ordinary soldiers don\'t have such a high realm. It\'s just that this is a defender stationed on the border, so the configuration is higher.

It was the first time for Ye Liuyun to go outside the Five Regions. He didn\'t know the situation, and thought that all the forces outside the Five Regions were very powerful.

As soon as the soldiers came, they surrounded Ye Liuyun and his flying boat. In order to prevent them from attacking the flying boat, Ye Liuyun and the others had no choice but to get off the flying boat and put the flying boat away.

"Your name is Ye Liuyun?" asked the leader leading the team opposite.

"How do you know me?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"I am the commander of the city guard in Jiangbei County. I am here to arrest you and return you to the county." The commander ignored Ye Liuyun\'s question. After finishing his mission, he waved his hand, and his soldiers surrounded Ye Liuyun. past. And he and the elder in the Tiangang realm released coercion, trying to oppress Ye Liuyun and others so that they dared not resist.

"Lei Ming, can you deal with the commander of Tiangang No. 1?" Ye Liuyun ignored the soldiers and turned to ask Lei Ming instead.

Lei Ming nodded: "No problem."

"Well, I\'ll leave the commander to you, and I\'ll deal with that old man. Yu\'er, Ruyue, kill all these soldiers. Do it."

After all, he ran directly to the old man of the second level of Tiangang.

When the old man saw him, he just smiled and persuaded Ye Liuyun: "Little baby, do you have to force the old man to do it? Why bother!"

"Speak with strength!" Ye Liuyun replied coldly, and punched him from afar.

He has just broken through the eighth layer of Yuan Dan, and he is looking for someone to practice. As a martial artist of the first level of Tiangang, he believed that it would not be difficult to deal with him, so this old man of the second level of Tiangang was just right. And Lei Ming is in the realm of the ninth level of Yuandan, and it is perfect to practice with an opponent of the first level of Tiangang.

Lei Ming also immediately showed his body, and rushed towards the commander. The soldiers who had just arrived were all scared by the huge body of the Thunder Dragon Beast and retreated one after another. Lei Ming unleashed the power of the bleeding thunder and immediately blasted them to death.

Yu\'er and Ruyue also drew out their weapons one after another, and rushed towards the soldiers. The two of them are in the third or fourth level of Yuandan, and it is not difficult to kill some soldiers in the Huahai realm.

Wu Qingcheng, Baihu, Shi Yuan, Miaoyin and others had no suitable opponents, so they had to stay where they were and watch the excitement.

The old man opposite Ye Liuyun originally looked down upon Ye Liuyun. When he saw Ye Liuyun\'s punch, his expression changed.

This punch, like a bloody lightning, rushed straight at him, and there was a golden flame in it, and he could feel the terrifying heat as soon as he punched. And where the punch passed, even the void was annihilated.

He didn\'t dare to be careless, and went all out to mobilize all his true essence, and shot a white light, facing Ye Liuyun\'s blood thunder.


The two fists intersected, forming a huge bang in the air, and then the true energy was scattered in all directions, sending all the surrounding soldiers flying.

"This kid really has two tricks!" The old man was secretly surprised, put away his contempt, and treated Ye Liuyun cautiously. He even took out a spiritual weapon, the lancet, as a weapon.

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun also drew out the demon-slaying knife. With sword intent, he has never been afraid of anyone. If the old man hadn\'t used a weapon, he might have been able to last a few more rounds with Ye Liuyun. But if you compete with Ye Liuyun, that knife will end the battle.

The old man would never have thought that Ye Liuyun had already bred the seed of sword intent. He has practiced swords all his life, and he is only a master of swordsmanship.

When the two of them acted together, the old man immediately regretted it. But it was too late to change tactics at this time. His sword intent was completely suppressed by Ye Liuyun. It\'s like a child holding a wooden knife and fighting a general riding a tall horse and holding a machete.

With one blow, Ye Liuyun split it in half.

Ye Liuyun shook his head afterwards, feeling that the beating was not enjoyable. He originally wanted to practice more with this old man, but he didn\'t expect it to be over after only two moves.

On Lei Ming\'s side, the fight with the commander was very fierce. This was also the first time that Lei Ming had a head-on confrontation with a strong man of the first level of Tiangang, so Ye Liuyun did not participate.

After taking Hualong Pill, Lei Ming\'s physical body was not much worse than his, so he wasn\'t worried at all. Lei Ming was also fighting while getting familiar with the power of his Nine Layers of Yuandan, and from time to time, he also released the power of ice in his body. Try all kinds of power. Obviously, he was also practicing with that leader.

The commander also saw it, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn\'t break through Lei Ming\'s defense at all. No matter how he hits, Lei Ming\'s scale armor will not be damaged at all. But every time Lei Ming attacked, if he didn\'t do enough defense, he would be seriously injured.

As for those soldiers, they were being chopped down one by one by Yu\'er and Kisaragi like melons and vegetables.