Lord of All Gods

Chapter 385

Although Ye Liuyun and the others were a blessing in disguise this time. But every time the battle of spirit and soul is extremely dangerous, if you are not careful, you will lose your soul.

Just as the sea of ​​flowers and the castle were in flames, suddenly several giants three times taller than normal people came out of the woods. They were all surprised when they saw Ye Liuyun who was setting fire.

These locals are also very simple in clothes, just woven with grass leaves to cover the private parts of the body. The weapons in his hands are also the leg bones and stone tools of giant beasts, as if they came from ancient times.

A leading man asked Ye Liuyun from a distance: "Are you a human from outside? Did you burn the castle and the sea of ​​flowers?"

"Yes! I\'m afraid these things will harm other people again!" Ye Liuyun replied frankly.

In fact, they had already seen Ye Liuyun setting fire, but they were not sure, so they asked again.

"Isn\'t outsiders unable to use real yuan?" the man asked again.

"My situation is a bit special." Ye Liuyun didn\'t explain too much.

The man didn\'t mention it again. They introduced themselves first. Ye Liuyun knew his name was Ha Qiong. It\'s weird to stand up.

Similarly, the man also thought his name was strange. But he didn\'t pay much attention to it, he just asked anxiously: "What about the soul-purifying water in the castle? Have you got it?" He thought Ye Liuyun and the others came here for the soul-purifying water.

"I got it! I pretended it all." Ye Liuyun replied.

Several local people immediately gathered around happily. The man asked excitedly: "Friend, can you give us some of your soul-cleaning water? We use it to save people!"

Ye Liuyun was thinking about whether to raise some conditions with him. But the man took the initiative to say: "I don\'t want you for nothing, you go back to the village with us, you can take whatever you like, and the woman you like can give it to you. How about it?"

"Uh... let\'s forget about women!" Ye Liuyun was as big as a child in front of these locals, let alone he didn\'t have this hobby yet.

"But we just came here, and we just happened to find a place to stay, and we need to exchange some resources with you. We\'ll go back with you." Ye Liuyun readily agreed.

The journey went smoothly, and when I encountered a few ferocious beasts here, I also hunted them down by the way. The local people use these ferocious beasts as a source of food and often come out to hunt.

Ye Liuyun observed their fight without much skill. Through chatting, I learned that they don\'t practice, and they can improve their realm just by breathing the profound energy here and eating the meat of these beasts. Whoever cultivates more profound energy in his body has greater power.

He evaluated the profound energy in these people\'s bodies, and they were probably in the late stage of body refining to the early stage of true essence.

These locals didn\'t know Ye Liuyun\'s specific strength, but they knew that he, an outsider, had no restrictions on his true energy. They have also been in contact with alien humans before, and have also learned some outside information. But I don\'t have any feeling about how high their realm is.

It wasn\'t until they met a Firefox that they saw Ye Liuyun\'s true strength.

This Firefox was originally the king of this dense forest. Calculated according to the state, it is almost a fierce beast that is about to reach the sea of ​​transformation. It was also attracted by the flames of the sea of ​​flowers. When I happened to meet these humans, I wanted to eat them first, and then went to have a look.

Several local people were terrified after encountering this Firefox. "Friend Ye, this Firefox is too powerful, we are too unlucky. You guys run, we try to delay as long as possible."

The few of them seemed to know that they couldn\'t run away, so they picked up their weapons and prepared to fight Firefox desperately.

Ye Liuyun knew that they went to die. And these monsters around me, without real energy, are not its opponents. So, decisively and directly shot.

one knife. A slash of true energy split the Firefox into two halves.

"Friend Ye! You actually killed all the Firefox!" The people who were about to die, saw that the Firefox that they feared was easily killed by Ye Liuyun, and they couldn\'t help being happy again.

Ha Qiong asked Ye Liuyun to put up the Firefox, after all, it was his prey. Ye Liuyun gave it to him directly. However, they all hunted with their prey on their shoulders, so Ye Liuyun put the Firefox into his storage ring first, and gave it to him when he arrived in the stockade.

Ha Qiong and other locals laughed from ear to ear when they heard the words, and thanked them repeatedly. The size of this Firefox is bigger than that of a stone ape, enough for them to eat for a long time, and for a long time, there is no need to come out to take risks and hunt!

Not long after, Ye Liuyun followed Ha Qiong and his group back to their village. The entire village is built with a large piece of iron ore, and the walls look very tall and strong. At the entrance of the stockade, they were stopped by the people on the wall.

"Ha Qiong, why did you bring outsiders back to the village again? Isn\'t the lesson from the past not deep enough?" The man who stopped Ha Qiong shouted.

"Santan, this friend Ye helped us kill Firefox, and brought back soul-cleaning water, which can save the patriarch, let us in quickly!" Ha Qiong also shouted at the top of his voice.

Upon hearing this, Sang Tan looked at Ye Liuyun and the others. The monsters had already turned into human forms, and he couldn\'t see anything.

"Where\'s Firefox?" he asked suspiciously.

"In Friend Ye\'s ring!" Ha Qiong said, pointing to the storage ring on Ye Liuyun\'s hand.

Sang Tan hesitated for a while, and finally let Ye Liuyun and others enter the village.

"Friend Ye, don\'t worry about it. We were deceived by outsiders before, so everyone has a bad impression of outsiders." Ha Qiong was afraid that Ye Liuyun would get angry, so he explained it to him.

"It\'s okay! I can understand!" Ye Liuyun found that the locals are very simple after communicating along the way. So it must be that people like them are not scheming, which is also understandable.

After entering the stockade, he first took out the corpse of Firefox. Immediately attracted the onlookers of many clansmen. Ha Qiong and the others told everyone vividly how Ye Liuyun chopped Firefox to death with a single knife, and gave them the body of Firefox. This made many people\'s impression of Ye Liuyun change instantly.

They all admire the strong. In their eyes, if they can defeat Firefox, they are absolutely strong! What\'s more, Ye Liuyun gave them the spoils.

So, everyone brought out food to entertain Ye Liuyun, treating Ye Liuyun as a distinguished guest for a while. Ye Liuyun also chatted with Ha Qiong. Learn about their resources and needs.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun asked Ha Qiong to fetch the container and pour him the soul-cleaning water. Everyone was very excited when they heard the words, and looked at Ye Liuyun eagerly. This soul-cleaning water is also very helpful for them to improve their spirit ability and sense the surrounding environment. This will make them safer when hunting.

Ha Qiong only asked someone to fetch a bowl. I was afraid that Ye Liuyun would give too much, so I told him that only half of it would be enough. In the end, Ye Liuyun asked him to take ten stone jars and filled them all up. The crowd of clansmen were stunned.

Even San Tan, who blocked Ye Liuyun at first, became respectful now, and apologized to Ye Liuyun repeatedly.

After eating, Ha Qiong immediately brought Ye Liuyun and others to the back mountain of their residence. There is a cave in the back mountain, exuding a strong profound energy.

"Friend Ye, if you talk about loyalty so much, we can\'t be stingy. You and your friends can practice here casually, and you can dig the crystals inside as you like." Ha Qiong also said generously.

"Okay, thank you then!"

Ye Liuyun also thanked him, and walked into the cave with the people around him.