Lord of All Gods

Chapter 3595

Ye Liuyun and the others didn\'t need to cover up when they left the city this time.

All of them are here, let the people in the palace watch them leave, so as not to worry about them.

"Song Qing, an idiot, how did he become the king of heaven? He is usually greedy for money, but he can\'t tell the difference between friend and foe when it comes to the most important things!" Li Qianjiao was still angrily arguing for Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun just smiled and didn\'t complain.

"You\'ve been kicked out of the city, can you still laugh?" Seeing that Ye Liuyun was still smiling, Li Qianjiao also felt that Ye Liuyun was overbearing.

But Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "Isn\'t this better? Since Song Qing is intolerant, I don\'t need to worry about him in the future. Without a fixed residence, I don\'t have to worry about other people\'s revenge in the future!"

"You really can think about it... Well, you have a big heart!" Li Qianjiao didn\'t understand Ye Liuyun\'s real intention, thinking that he was talking to comfort her.

But after they left the city, he realized that Ye Liuyun was not joking.

After Ye Liuyun left the city, he immediately released the spaceship, left the planet directly, and then began to make arrangements.

"Cheng Huofeng, take fifty people back to the vicinity of Gufeng City, use Gufeng City as a boundary, sweep all the mercenary regiments to the north, bring them all under the command of the wolf hunting mercenary regiment, and let the captives sign a contract of loyalty But don\'t expose them for the time being, let them continue to use the original banner.

Xu Rong, you bring a hundred people to sweep away the mercenary groups on all the planets between Wangcheng and Gufeng City. Just like Cheng Huofeng, you only control them and don\'t expose them.

I took others to develop southward from Wangcheng. First, unify the entire northern mercenary group under the wolf hunting mercenary group. "

After finishing speaking, he began to arrange manpower for Cheng Huofeng and Xu Rong. The level of the realm was well matched, and let the two of them leave first. Ye Liuyun led people to rush to the big forces that had been stepped on before, and went to wipe them out first. By the way, they killed Duanmutang\'s sub-helm, and also took the opportunity to replenish their mercenary regiment.

This time, they mainly focused on arresting, and they also arrested many martial artists of seventh to ninth level.

These days, Duanmu Xin has also received news that Ye Liuyun has taken action against those forces and Duanmutang. After thinking about it for a while, he knew that Ye Liuyun had found out that Duanmutang was attacking him secretly, so he launched revenge.

"Hmph, this kid is not easy! He didn\'t fall for it easily. But this is just the beginning, and the best is yet to come!"

Duanmu Xin sneered for a while, and then began to ask people to arrange tasks.

"Go and bribe the city lord\'s mansions all over the place, use the wolfhunter mercenary group to kill innocent people everywhere, arrest and expel them, and try to let the city lord\'s mansion send troops to exterminate them.

At the same time, let the forces under our control also participate in the operation to wipe out the wolf hunting mercenary group, so that everyone in the south will shout and beat them, and there is no place for them to stay. "

After Ye Liuyun wiped out several big forces, not only did he gain a lot of money, but the strength of the mercenary group also quickly recovered, and the number reached more than 300 people. However, he also found that several surrounding planets began to crowd out them.

"The energy of Duanmutang is really not small!"

Ye Liuyun immediately realized that it was Duanmutang who did it behind his back, otherwise it would be impossible for those cities to react at the same time.

"Forget it, if you don\'t let me enter the city, do you think I have nothing to do with you?"

Ye Liuyun raised the corner of his mouth, and first ambushed around the planet near the king\'s city, subdued all the mercenary groups he encountered, and then integrated these people together, let them continue to attack the local mercenary groups, These mercenaries are all classified into the wolf hunting mercenary group.

But on the surface, these mercenary regiments are still in the local area under the original banner. After a planet is almost handled, he will continue to move south.

When he encountered a city with a Duanmutang sub-helm, after dealing with the local mercenaries, he disguised himself and entered the city to wipe out the local Duanmutang sub-helm and rob resources.

By the time the City Lord\'s Mansion sent troops to rescue them, their battle was over, and Ye Liuyun had already changed his appearance and blended into the crowd.

Ye Liuyun also became more and more bold. Ye Liuyun dared to enter the city directly when he encountered some cities with weak garrisons on planets.

If the local city lord\'s mansion dared to send troops to drive or exterminate them, they would directly kill the soldiers they sent, and then go directly to the city lord\'s mansion to blackmail them.

Ye Liuyun will take the initiative to destroy some big magic cultivators even if no one pays to issue the mission. This can not only obtain resources, but also expand the strength of his own team.

At this time, Ye Liuyun was really more famous than the king of heaven. Whether it is the City Lord\'s Mansion or the major forces, there is no one who is not afraid of his visit.

After Duanmutang was tossed by Ye Liuyun several times, his strength was not as good as before. What made them even more angry was that they often lost track of Ye Liuyun now, and couldn\'t find Ye Liuyun\'s whereabouts.

Ye Liuyun has no fixed rumors now, his people often disappear for a period of time, and then suddenly appear to attack them, making them unable to hide even if they want to.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun is also very familiar with the information in each city, relying on those mercenaries to help him collect information. Soon, the range of mercenaries controlled by Ye Liuyun reached Heiyun City where Duanmutang\'s chief rudder was located. ..

This Black Cloud City can be regarded as a key city on a central hub planet from Wangcheng to Pingyang Pass.

Duanmutang chose this place as the main rudder, which is just suitable to cover up their real purpose. After Ye Liuyun arrived, he didn\'t go directly into the city. It is estimated that the City Lord\'s Mansion here has long been controlled by Duanmutang.

So he is still arresting mercenaries around, expanding his team first. Then he turned around and killed several big magic cultivators, first cutting off the wings that might be Duanmutang.

When Duanmu Xin learned that the surrounding magic cultivators had been killed, he realized the danger. But Ye Liuyun is developing too fast now, even if they go all out, it is impossible to be tough with Ye Liuyun.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun has no scruples at all now, even the city lord\'s mansion is ready to fight, and he has nothing to do with such a person who has no taboos.

So after thinking about it for a while, he decided to evacuate early so that he would not be captured alive by Ye Liuyun again.

But as soon as he left the city, the mercenaries controlled by Ye Liuyun had already passed the news to Ye Liuyun.

So Ye Liuyun hurried over, intercepted Duanmu Xin in the starry sky, let Lei Ming take action again, and captured Duanmu Xin alive.

After searching his soul, he confirmed that Duanmu Xin was responsible for the reason why he was kicked out of Wangcheng.

"Hehe, your family is going to bleed again this time! But don\'t worry, I\'ll charge some interest first!"

After Ye Liuyun captured Duanmu Xin alive, he no longer had to worry about someone attacking him behind his back. He rushed into the city with his mercenaries and wiped out Duanmutang\'s chief rudder in one fell swoop.