Lord of All Gods

Chapter 359

After Ye Liuyun successfully condensed into the seed of sword intent, he didn\'t delay in Shengwu Academy, and rushed directly to Tianyun Dynasty by flying boat.

He promised the King of Fortune to exchange the crystal nucleus for the god-level blood essence. Now that the information has been received, the King of Fortune has already collected a lot, so he has to go to get it.

When it came to the Tianyun Dynasty, Ye Liuyun directly collected the crystal nucleus according to the ratio of the alliance\'s exchange for blood essence, and then gave some of the blood essence in his hand to the King of Fortune.

The King of Fortune was extremely happy. "Now the strength of our Tianyun Dynasty should be improved!"

"I see that there are quite a lot of crystal nuclei in the Yuan Dan realm. Recently, the corpse demon has become active again?" Ye Liuyun asked.

Speaking of the corpse demon, the face of the King of Fortune immediately darkened. "Yeah! It\'s as if this thing can\'t be killed. Recently, it has started to counterattack and seized many barbarian territories. Fortunately, this time, several major sects sent people out to suppress them in time, so they were suppressed back. There was no breakthrough. Frontier! If it weren’t for this, there wouldn’t be so many crystal nuclei.”

"It\'s good that they make a move! With them here, the corpse demons won\'t be flooded like last time." Ye Liuyun felt relieved after hearing this. In fact, their northern border can be controlled to the present, which is already considered the best! Other places are worse than here.

"Senior Brother Song Yi and Senior Sister Li Mengxi, how are they doing recently? How far has their cultivation reached?" Ye Liuyun asked the other two Holy Sons with concern.

"Both of them have reached the middle stage of the Sea of ​​Transformation. The blood essence is their share, and they can improve a little bit more by then." Sky Fortune King is obviously very satisfied with the improvement of the two of them.

Ye Liuyun left two holy artifacts for the two of them to be handed over by the King of Fortune, and then returned directly to the Northern Territory Alliance.

Qiongqi still has to go out to find the source of the fire, and he can\'t stay with him all the time, so he has to hurry back and explore the secrets of the alliance with Qiongqi.

He and Lei Ming had unsealed the original power of the Dragon Emperor that had been sealed at this time. It\'s just that they have just broken through, and they are afraid of unstable realms if they break through continuously, so they temporarily seal up this power, and want to wait for a period of time before breaking through.

Ye Liuyun only returned to his mountain to settle down this time.

After returning, Lin Fei\'er was nowhere to be seen. There was only a note left by her. It turned out that after she broke through, she went out to practice with Mo Ya, and didn\'t wait for Ye Liuyun any longer. Ye Liuyun didn\'t take it to heart either.

After that, he and Qiongqi studied how to explore the secret realm.

The Hell Snake told Ye Liuyun the location where its divine consciousness disappeared, which was under a hall in the center of the alliance. Qiongqi\'s spiritual sense probed the past and found that there was a formation blocking it.

"How is it? Can you break the formation?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Small idea. It can be broken easily. But there are too many metal puppets here, and their spiritual sense is too strong! How can we avoid their detection?" Qiongqi asked.

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and borrowed Wu Qingcheng\'s invisibility cloak. "how about this?"

"Holy artifact level? If you encounter a metal puppet with a fifth-level or higher Tiangang, then you won\'t be sure!" Qiongqi hesitated.

"It\'s okay, let\'s upgrade these holy artifacts first!"

Ye Liuyun introduced: "The Alliance has a service for upgrading weapons and treasures. We can take advantage of it and upgrade these things first."

So Ye Liuyun summoned everyone and took out their weapons and treasures to upgrade them.

In the end, except for his own knife, Lei Ming\'s dagger, Shi Yuan\'s bone stick, and Wu Qingcheng\'s and Yu\'er\'s swords, all of them were taken to the hall to be upgraded.

When I came to the main hall and asked, Ye Liuyun\'s highest authority can only be upgraded to the spiritual rank, and he can only be upgraded to the honor rank of weapons or treasures after he breaks through to the Tiangang realm.

So the last thing Ye Liuyun took to upgrade was Qiongqi\'s formation flag, invisibility cloak, sky fascination, military mace, soul tower, silver hammer, and Ruyue\'s sword and shield. Stone Ape\'s weapon was directly replaced with three spiritual weapons, without any effort to upgrade it.

When Ye Liuyun paid the fee, he also tried to exchange for unused weapons and other resources, and only exchanged with crystal cores for what was not enough. He thinks this crystal core is of great use in the alliance and can be exchanged for more good things, so try to save it for resources.

Then he took out some supplementary resources that were exchanged for the King of Fortune, and then returned to his residence to wait for the weapons to be recovered.

The news of Ye Liuyun\'s return to the alliance was quickly spread to the Jin family. Jin Lei and others who went to the East China Sea to intercept him were destined to miss out again. Jin Lei, who was about to rush to the East China Sea, was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He issued an order to the disciples of the Jin family in the alliance to go all out to kill Ye Liuyun.

During the period when Ye Liuyun left the alliance, the Jin family had gathered a lot of people, hoping to catch Ye Liuyun by surprise.

At this time, Liu Tianfeng, the owner of Duantian Pavilion, left the customs. Liu Tianfeng had been in seclusion before, and only after he left the seclusion did he learn that the Duantian Pavilion had suffered huge losses, so he began to understand the situation. Afterwards, he immediately contacted the disciples of the Jin family, planning to join forces with them to deal with Ye Liuyun.

A disciple of the Liu family reminded him: "The patriarch has an order, let\'s wait and see what happens!"

"Don\'t worry, I\'m here to make sure that Ye Liuyun won\'t escape this time. Do you think I\'m one of those trash from the Jin family? You actually ran after Ye Liuyun! I\'ll set a trap and wait for him to get inside..."

Ye Liuyun was completely unaware of these. After the metal puppets upgraded their weapons, he didn\'t fight with Qiongqi immediately, but teleported back to the Martial Arts Academy, leaving Dragon Palace at Tianzhu Peak, and he didn\'t even take Lei Ming with him.

He only collected Qiongqi into the storage ring and returned to the alliance.

The inside of the alliance is really too dangerous. Once Ye Liuyun is discovered, nine out of ten he will not be able to escape the siege of so many metal puppets in the Tiangang realm. So Ye Liuyun couldn\'t let them take risks.

After returning, he immediately put on the invisibility cloak and sneaked out of the mountain where he was, and went to the hall designated by the hell snake, and opened the golden pupil to look at the formation there. At the same time, he passed the content he saw to Qiongqi, and asked Qiongqi to instruct him to break the formation. Although it was slower, it was much safer.

During the formation break, Ye Liuyun noticed the metal puppet\'s spiritual glance many times, and even encountered a metal puppet\'s inspection once.

Every time Ye Liuyun stopped all his movements and stood motionless, waiting for them to patrol past before he continued to move. The invisibility cloak has now been upgraded to the spiritual level, which can completely avoid the detection of the strong in the Tiangang realm.

"This won\'t work! Destroy the formation in one go, and you always have to start over intermittently like this! These puppets\' investigations are too intensive, and you don\'t have enough time!" Qiongqi complained.

At this time, a puppet walked towards the formation carrying a corpse.

"Then how about we go in with this corpse?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"What if there is danger once you enter?" Qiongqi asked.

At this time, the puppet had already dragged the corpse closer, and opened a gap in the formation with the token.

"It\'s too late! Let\'s go in and talk!" Ye Liuyun said, leaning over directly.

The puppet threw the corpse in through the gap, and Ye Liuyun also jumped in while the puppet was about to close the gap in the formation. Immediately the formation closed.

The metal puppet seemed to sense some movement, and immediately opened the formation again, looked inside, saw that there was still only the corpse, and saw no one else, closed the formation again and left.