Lord of All Gods

Chapter 356

Just as everyone was consolidating their realm, Hell Snake told Ye Liuyun that Yan Shengzi had left the city.

"Oh? It seems that their family paid to redeem them!"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and called everyone to leave Shuiyue Tower to bid farewell to Long Ximeng.

"It\'s not too late to leave until your strength has improved. I have reserved this other courtyard for half a year. You can practice here with peace of mind!"

"Thank you very much!" Long Ximeng was not particularly good at expressing herself, so she just thanked Ye Liuyun. Watching them leave.

Yan Shengzi and his group didn\'t walk fast. When Ye Liuyun caught up with them, he saw that they were no longer as arrogant as they were when they first came, and they were all walking with their heads down and sad faces.

From a distance, Ye Liuyun tried Jin Tong\'s cross-air attack, directly obliterating Jin Wuya with his soul. This guy was the culprit behind Liang Xue\'s forced marriage. Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to let him go when he met him this time.

Jin Wuya was on his way, when he suddenly felt a powerful force that directly pulled his soul into another terrifying space, where golden-red flames were everywhere, and blood thunders continuously blasted down from the sky. A huge black python stared at him from afar.

"Jin Wuya, don\'t you come here without any problems?" Ye Liuyun\'s soul appeared in this space, standing in mid-air like a giant, looking down at Jin Wuya.

"Ye Liuyun? Why are you here? Aren\'t I with Yan Shengzi of Yingui Sect?" Jin Wuya still didn\'t understand what was going on, and felt like he was dreaming.

"I came here to kill you on purpose! You have taken advantage of letting you live for so long!"

As he said that, a series of blood thunders continuously blasted at Jin Wuya, shattering his soul.

"Ah..." Jin Wuya screamed.

"If you dare to attack the people around me, you will have to pay the price!"

Ye Liuyun was indifferent to Jin Wuya\'s wailing and begging for mercy, and directly started to search for souls.

It turned out that the holy son of Yan was called Yan Qing, one of the five great holy sons of the Yin Gui sect, and had reached the ninth level of Yuan Dan. Still ranked seventy-fifth on the Holy List! Moreover, it is said that he still has a protective treasure given to him by his master.

The reason why they came to the Eastern Sea of ​​the Northern Territory this time was because his master invited the Alchemy King to refine alchemy after being injured in the aspect of spirit and soul. And the main material of that taste is the double-stalked ghost hand lotus that Ye Liuyun photographed.

Ye Liuyun completely absorbed Jin Wuya\'s soul before taking back the Thunder Fire Domain.

While Yan Shengzi and his group were walking, suddenly Jin Wuya fell headfirst, completely out of breath. Only then did they become vigilant and found Ye Liuyun and others not far away.

After Jin Peng saw Ye Liuyun, he was also an enemy, and he was extremely jealous. "Ye Liuyun, you stole my woman and made me lose face. I didn\'t expect you to show up?"

Then he said to Yan Shengzi: "Son, this kid is Ye Liuyun I mentioned to you. Just watch from the side and see how I kill him!"

"It\'s just you?" Ye Liuyun also wondered why Jin Peng suddenly became so bold today.

"Hmph! Our Jin family searched everywhere and couldn\'t find you. I didn\'t expect you to take the initiative to die! My master has already prepared a sharp weapon for me to deal with you, and I\'m just waiting for you to throw yourself into the trap!"

As Jin Peng said, he took out a talisman and crushed it.

In the talisman, there is actually stored the power of a five-layer Tiangang strongman, which exists in the form of will clone. It was an amulet that Jinpeng\'s master, Alchemy King, asked for from an ancestor of the Jin family when he was refining alchemy for the Jin family. It was specially given to Jinpeng to guard against Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly. "It\'s a pity! It\'s still a bit short. We should understand our enmity today."

After finishing speaking, Ye Liuyun directly released his Thunder Fire Domain, directly enveloping the avatar of the fifth-layer powerhouse of that day gang.

"You are the Ye Liuyun who caused misfortune to my Jin family?" The spiritual coercion exuded by the old man was indeed powerful, but Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help it. "Just to kill you today!"

But when he saw Ye Liuyun\'s thunder and fire domain, he couldn\'t help but gasped. This kid\'s soul is too strong, far surpassing the average junior. Even many masters of the older generation may not be his opponents.

"It\'s just a clone, and you want to deal with me? Extinguish!" Ye Liuyun shouted coldly, and the hell snake and his own two spirits shot at the same time, hitting the ghost fire directly on the clone.

This kind of avatar that stores power originally does not contain much soul power. Even if the old man himself came, Ye Liuyun was not worried.

"Ah!" The old man realized how powerful Ye Liuyun was when he saw that he was defeated as soon as he came up. Immediately changed his words and said: "Junior, do you really want to fight to the end with our Jin family? You have already gained a lot of benefits. It is better to settle the enemy than tie it. Why don\'t you just stop here and let Jinpeng go? We are no longer together pursue?"

"If you can\'t fight, you want to make peace? Do you think I\'m so easy to talk to? I\'ll tell you today, you Jin family, I will kill as many as you come, including you old people!"

Saying that, several ghostly ghost fires bombarded the old man again, instantly blasting away his phantom.

On the other side, in the Jin family\'s mansion, an ancestor of the Jin family was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and withdrew from his cultivation. Immediately took out a sound transmission talisman and passed it to Jin Lei. "Ye Liuyun is in the East China Sea and is chasing and killing Jin Peng. I\'m afraid Jin Peng will die. Take someone to the East China Sea to kill him."

"Yes!" Jin Lei agreed, and hurriedly set off to the East China Sea with his people.

Here, Jin Peng saw that none of the avatars of his ancestor could match Ye Liuyun, so he immediately asked Yan Qing, "Sheng Yan, as long as you help me kill him, our Jin family will be very grateful."

"The Jin family can\'t protect themselves now, so you still use the Jin family to fool people?" Ye Liuyun curled his lips disdainfully, and asked the Yan Shengzi, "I\'m going to kill this Jinpeng today, why don\'t you meddle in my own business?" Qiongqi also released Tiangang The double coercion frightened him.

Jin Peng quickly added to Yan Qing: "I will let my master refine the pills that your master needs for you for free!"

Although Yan Shengzi was under coercion, he acted confident. "Jin Peng\'s master is concocting alchemy for my master, so you can\'t kill him. Those who oppose our Yin Guizong will end badly. I advise you to leave quickly. The strength of our Yin Guizong is not yours. Can imagine!"

He also felt that Ye Liuyun\'s soul contained the power of the Hell Snake, so he spoke so politely, otherwise, in his capacity, he wouldn\'t talk nonsense with Ye Liuyun at all.

"Then I\'m sorry! This Jinpeng, I must kill him today!" Ye Liuyun\'s tone also turned cold.

"I know I\'m not your match, but..."

Yan Qing also directly took out a talisman, and said with a smile, "However, this is the will of my master\'s avatar. My master\'s realm is the seventh level of the Tiangang! Are you sure you want to fight me hard?"

Ye Liuyun was also taken aback when he heard this. "At the seventh level of Tiangang, I can\'t deal with the Hell Snake together. Even with the skeleton puppet, he is no match for him."

He was hesitating, but Qiongqi sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming: "Have you forgotten the bell bracelet that the nine-tailed white fox demon emperor left for Lei Ming? Crush a bell, and you can destroy this kid\'s body." Master, the strength of the nine-tailed white fox demon emperor is definitely stronger than that of Tiangang Qizhong!"

Ye Liuyun also calmed down after hearing the words. He warned Yan Qing: "Yan Qing, think about it! There is no turning back when you shoot the bow. Once you crush the talisman, there is no room for you to turn back! You must pay such a high price to protect the family of the Jin family." waste."

Lei Ming also secretly prepared to crush a bell.