Lord of All Gods

Chapter 354

Ye Liuyun directly gave Long Ximeng the two things of Bingdi Ghost Hand Lotus and True Dragon Nilin. ; it\'s all for you. You should absorb refining now. ;

;ah? "Long Ximeng was taken aback. She thought Ye Liuyun bought it for Lei Ming. I was still thinking about whether I should borrow it to have a look. Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun gave it to her directly.

;I thought you bought it for Lei Ming and these are for me? ; she asked incoherently.

"Lei Ming has enough things to cultivate his soul and body, so he doesn\'t need this nilin." Now you need it more, keep it! ;After speaking, Ye Liuyun threw the things to her directly.

; Thank you for that! "Long Ximeng took the things and didn\'t know what to say.

; Hurry up and refine it! "Ye Liuyun waved his hand, telling her not to be polite."

And the others, after knowing that Ye Liuyun had already paid for the spar, felt emotional again!

;It\'s nice to be rich! Buy whatever you want! ;

"He is really not afraid of offending people!" ;

Then, they and Qiongqi focused on the next auction item.

The auction is now coming to an end. The penultimate auction item is the Golden Crow Sacred Flame.

Everyone knows that the Golden Crow Sacred Flame is the strongest flame in the world, so after Xu Dongyun announced the starting price of 3 billion, everyone followed immediately, and the price soon reached 8 billion.

Two of them are the most competitive. There was a person in the private room next to Ye Liuyun, and the voice was a woman. The other person was sitting outside at a casual table. However, he was wearing a black robe, covering his face. On both sides, there is an upward price increase of 100 to 200 million.

"It\'s really a rich man\'s world!" Looking at their posture, it seems that the spar is the same as the stone on the roadside! ;Someone is already sighing aloud.

The two of them raised the price to 10 billion, and the woman in the private room next to Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help saying: "Your Excellency, can you give us the Golden Crow Sacred Fire to the Magic Sound Workshop?" ;

;Magic Sound Workshop? The strongest magic power in the five domains? Even came here? ;Someone in the audience exclaimed directly.

The audience was suddenly silent. Even Xu Dongyun looked at the private room cautiously. Many of these private rooms were reserved by others, and he didn\'t know who was sitting in them.

But the man in black robe under the stage smiled: "Sorry!" I can\'t be good at this! ;

; The Great Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect? It is said to be the realm of the late Tiangang! ;

"The Heavenly Sword Sect is also the top force in the Five Regions, no worse than the Magic Sound Square!" What\'s the situation? Why are there so many powerful forces? ;

The people in the audience were discussing one after another.

Qiongqi also explained to Ye Liuyun: "I\'ve heard of this day\'s disability." It is said that he was born blind. But his talent in knife skills is far superior to ordinary people. Needless to say, the realm, the sword intent alone should be above you! ;

Ye Liuyun also nodded. ;His soul is also very powerful, even my spiritual sense can\'t see through him. He didn\'t dare to use the golden pupil, for fear of arousing the other party\'s awareness.

The woman in Moyinfang also sighed softly. That sigh also seemed to be integrated into the melody, which made people feel very tactful and felt pity.

"It turned out to be the senior Tiancan, the little girl Su Miaoyin, disrespectful!" Since the senior is unwilling to give in, the little girl can only overestimate herself and compare her financial resources with the senior! ;

; Two hundred million top-grade crystals! ;

At this time, a discordant hoarse voice appeared, making the audience lively again.

;The man bid again, and he bid directly with top-grade spar. It doubled directly! ;

The conversion ratio of high-grade spar to medium-grade spar is 1:100. With this move, Ye Liuyun directly doubled the asking price of the two of them.

;Boy! Do you really want to fight with this old man? "Hearing the words, Tian Can looked directly at Ye Liuyun\'s private room with a pair of whitened blind eyes.

Qiongqi immediately released his consciousness, blocking his consciousness from the outside.

Tian Can couldn\'t help being surprised when he saw that his spiritual consciousness was blocked from the outside. ;Who is it inside, so powerful! It stands to reason that people at this level would not come to grab things from me! Isn\'t he from the five domains? This is very possible, otherwise how could anyone dare to offend! ;

;My friend, you have offended quite a few people tonight! Don\'t you want to leave yourself a way out? ;Su Miaoyin from Moyinfang also reminded Ye Liuyun. But the voice was full of temptation.

;Thank you Miss Su for your kind reminder! However, anyone who wants to kill me is already dead! This seat is really idle and boring! ;

Ye Liuyun\'s hoarse voice also used illusion, as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared before everyone\'s eyes, flashing past.

The soul power displayed by the three of them has already surpassed Xu Dongyun. So Xu Dongyun was shocked on stage.

He didn\'t want to provoke Tiandaozong, Moyinfang, and a rich man who didn\'t know which faction he was. So he pretended not to know about the temptation of the three people.

But in order to prevent the three of them from making any further moves, he still reminded: "Tianyu Lou thank you for coming to our auction house." But when you enter the auction house, you must abide by the rules of our auction house, and don\'t make things difficult for the old man! The Golden Crow Sacred Flame, the one with the highest price will get it! Now someone has sold 200 million high-grade crystals, I wonder if there is any price increase? ;

Tian Can, who was at the banquet, had gathered his aura and consciousness at this moment, wrapped in the black robe again and remained silent, obviously he didn\'t want to compete with Ye Liuyun for financial resources.

Su Miaoyin from Moyinfang said slowly: "He is so rich, how can we fight it!" Hope he lives to enjoy it! ;

After waiting for a while, Xu Dongyun saw that there were no more bids, so he directly gave the Golden Crow Sacred Flame to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also immediately paid 200 million high-grade crystals. Afterwards, the Golden Crow Sacred Flame was put away directly.

The auction is coming to an end, and he doesn\'t have enough time to refine it, so he can only put it away first.

Immediately, he and Qiongqi got busy, asking Qiongqi to help arrange the formation that shields space fluctuations. He set up the array and prepared to send it back to the Northern Territory Alliance as soon as the auction is over.

"You said, can this rich man be able to leave after the auction?" ;

; I guess this person is dead! No matter how powerful he is, he can\'t beat so many people! ;

At this time, Pei Yong, the great elder of Lieyun Pavilion, couldn\'t help laughing. ;This kid is really looking for death! It seems that without my own action, someone will kill him. I just don\'t know if the soul-returning pill can be given to me. Even if I have to pay to buy it back! ;

The Kraken and others also had the same calculation. They also waited for Ye Liuyun to be killed, and bought the real dragon Nilin back with money.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi finished their work, and the last item was carried up.

It turned out to be a coffin!

According to the usual rules, in order to maintain the mystery. The last item, none of which was listed on the list.

When everyone saw the coffin, they were all puzzled.

After the coffin was carried onto the stage, Xu Dongyun opened the lid, revealing a black skeleton inside.

;The corpse of an alien evil? ; Someone asked in surprise.

;That\'s right, and it\'s a supreme-level alien evil! I don\'t know who was refining it into a puppet, at least it can display the strength of Tiangang\'s peak state. And its defense, even the strong Tiangang can\'t break it.