Lord of All Gods

Chapter 351

When Ye Liuyun went to the auction this time, he only brought Qiongqi and Long Ximeng with him. The rest of them were all included in the storage ring by him.

Just based on the few treasures mentioned by Pavilion Master Li, Ye Liuyun can also guess that the people who come to the auction this time will not be low-level. So he didn\'t even release the thunder.

On the morning of the auction, all three of them put on masks and black robes, and rushed to Tianyu Tower early.

Wu Qingcheng also gave Long Ximeng a treasure to shield her realm and aura, lest she reveal her identity as a monster. Ye Liuyun also found that Long Ximeng\'s soul was not very strong, so he gave her a sacred weapon that could defend against the attacks of the soul, so that if a fight broke out, he would not be able to take care of her.

Sure enough, there were a lot of masters at the auction, and many of the people who came in were strong in the Tiangang realm. There were even a few sea-monsters from the transformed Tiangang realm, who also came to participate in the auction.

The private room that Ye Liuyun booked was on the second floor of the auction, facing the auction stage. It can be said to be the best location. Moreover, there are protective formations in the private rooms to prevent the detection of the divine sense, but it does not prevent him from releasing the divine sense to detect others.

Not long after, a thin old man found Ye Liuyun\'s private room, and was stopped by the guards of Tianyu Building outside the door. Ye Liuyun didn\'t know this old man, but when he spoke, Ye Liuyun could tell that it was Old Ge.

"Old Ge? Is that you?" Ye Liuyun communicated with him with his spiritual sense.

"It\'s me! Didn\'t you tell me to hide my identity, so I refined a Yirong Pill!" Elder Ge replied.

Ye Liuyun immediately invited him in. Then he looked at him again and again. "This Yi Rong Pill is really miraculous? It can completely change a person\'s appearance!"

"Hey, don\'t you look at what I do! It\'s just that the process of changing is a bit painful!"

Old Ge smiled, and seeing Ye Liuyun and the others\' outfits, he couldn\'t help but ask, "What good things are you going to buy, so cautious?"

"Here is the auction list, please sit down first!"

Ye Liuyun asked old man Ge to sit down, and briefly introduced Qiongqi and Long Ximeng to him, and then they began to study the auction list.

"Heart of the ocean! Bingdi ghost hand lotus? And soul-returning pill? Nine-tailed grass..." Old man Ge cried out as he watched.

"So many good things? The money I brought is still less! In comparison, the Hanging Pill I brought is not that valuable!"

Old man Ge brought one billion mid-grade crystals. The alchemists were all rich, so he brought almost all the coffins this time, and planned to buy some good things to go home. But when he saw the things on the list, he couldn\'t help but worry. The things on this are really rare and precious.

They were studying something that was useful to them, and Hades suddenly reminded Ye Liuyun that he felt Yan Shengzi and others had arrived. Ye Liuyun also saw them approaching the outermost private room on the second floor. His consciousness has been watching the people entering each private room.

There are more and more people in the arena, and even the seats on the first floor, many of them are strong in the Tiangang realm. In the entire auction house, there was hardly a single martial artist in the Sea Transformation Realm, and the ones with the lowest cultivation were all in the Yuan Dan Realm.

"If you take a good photo, it\'s really not easy to take it away!" Ye Liuyun sighed.

Old man Ge was only at the Yuandan realm, he looked outside and felt the coercion of the strong people in the Tiangang realm outside, and he was also quite nervous. Immediately, he lowered his goal and stopped staring at those top materials. Don\'t say he can\'t afford those things, even if he can afford them, he won\'t be able to take them away.

In fact, what Ye Liuyun sighed just now was to remind him. Seeing that old man Ge lowered his goal very pragmatically, and was not dazzled by those good things, he couldn\'t help but secretly admired him in his heart.

After looking around, Long Ximeng\'s eyes fell on the real dragon\'s scales, but then she looked away. She knew that she couldn\'t afford it, and she never expected Ye Liuyun to help her take pictures.

Qiongqi said unceremoniously to Ye Liuyun: "Help me take pictures of the Soul Recalling Pill and Lieyun Huojing, I won\'t snatch the Golden Crow Sacred Flame from you!"

The old man Ge said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "This time the soul pill can help those who have been reborn or lost their homes to quickly recover the power of the soul of the previous life! With the rarity of the pill, I am afraid it will cost billions of middle-grade crystals to start bidding!"

Ye Liuyun just nodded slightly, continued to look at the list, and was noncommittal to what Ge Lao said. Qiongqi didn\'t care either. He knew Ye Liuyun\'s character, so he would definitely help him take pictures.

At this time, the auction hall was full of seats. Twenty strong men in the Tiangang realm came out from the backstage and lined up on both sides of the auction stage.

A white-haired old man appeared on the auction stage with a radiant face. The aura emanating from him immediately shocked the audience.

"The realm of the sixth level of Tiangang! This Tianyu Building is really a big deal. With these strong people around, no one would dare to come here to make trouble!" Ye Liuyun murmured to himself.

At this time, the entire auction house was also silent, and everyone was amazed at the realm of the old man.

"Old man Xu Dongyun is the host of this auction, and he would like to give a little face to all the distinguished guests. Please abide by the rules of the Tianyu Building when the auction comes later."

He cupped his fists and saluted the audience, and then said: "The old man will not waste everyone\'s time anymore, today\'s auction will start immediately! Today\'s first auction item is a spiritual weapon, the Fire Cloud Spear!"

As soon as Xu Dongyun said this, the audience immediately boiled.

"Tianyulou is such a big hand! He even started with a spiritual weapon!"

"Today is an eye-opener, there must be better things in the future!"

Everyone in the audience started talking.

Xu Dongyun also smiled with satisfaction, and raised his voice and said: "The spiritual weapon, the Fire Cloud Spear, is suitable for martial arts with fire attributes. The auction starts with one billion middle-grade crystals, and each increase in price should not be less than 10 million middle-grade crystals. Everyone, please bid!"

Old Man Ge swallowed, not knowing what to say! From the very beginning, the auction started with one billion mid-grade spars. The starting point of this auction is too high!

"Haha, the spirit weapon is only one billion yuan. I\'ll buy it back for the kids to play with! I\'ll bid 1.1 billion yuan!"

"Council, 1.1 billion is like taking away a spiritual weapon, I\'ll give you 1.2 billion..."

"1.5 billion!" Before the man finished speaking, someone directly added 300 million middle-grade crystals.

Ge Lao said unhappily: "There are so many rich people! This is simply not using spar as money!"

There was an endless sound of exclamation in the audience!

This kind of high-standard opening immediately stunned many people who didn\'t have many crystals.

And everyone is still increasing the price, and now the price has been shouted at two billion middle-grade crystals.

But Ye Liuyun said to Ge Lao: "Actually, a handy spiritual weapon, several billion spars is not too expensive!"

Elder Ge also nodded. "That\'s true. There are too many rich people here!"

The few of them were chatting in the private room, and the fire cloud gun outside was finally auctioned off at a price of 3.5 billion.

After this operation, the atmosphere of the auction house became lively all of a sudden.

Next, it is something that everyone can afford, but the price is naturally much higher after being driven by the fire cloud gun.

"The Tianyu Tower is very good at driving the atmosphere! The prices of the next items are much higher." Ye Liuyun chatted with Ge Lao and the others.

When Ge Lao saw a few medicinal herbs, he also bid carefully, and he really bought two of them back.

Gradually, as the crowd became more and more rational, the Tianyu Tower began to release heavy treasures again.