Long Live the Lord

Chapter 821

But this is not the case.

When the sun tribesmen wait until night to arrive at the insect gathering place, a corner of the sun lake.

It was found that there were thousands of fire insects gathered here.

These fire insects gathered together to emit a faint light, just like the eyes of the devil in hell, making the sun tribe people cold all over the body.

That's why the devil bug was named.

However, from the Sun Tribe army at that time, no matter how strange and frightening they were, they were just a bunch of insects.

It's just a bunch of more insects. As long as you spend time and effort, you will always eliminate them.

But the fact is beyond all people's expectations, when a strong spirit control realm inspires spiritual power.

When you want to control one of the fire insects, pull it over to study.

The fire bug suddenly gave out a long cry, and then suddenly turned into a green flame.

This green flame seems to have no temperature, just like the faint light on them.

But to the fear of the Sun Tribe's powerful spirit controlling realm, the flame is actually absorbing its own spiritual power to grow!

And along the line of spiritual power, you have to rush to yourself.

Startled, the powerful soul control realm quickly cut off the spiritual silk thread, which avoided the end of the fire.

However, before the spirit Master felt lucky, he heard a burst of buzz, and then came bursts of screams from his side.

It turned out that after the fire insect turned into fire, the other fire insects seemed to get some orders.

Crazy toward the direction of the Sun Tribe army, when flying to the front of the Sun Tribe army.

All of them turned into green flames and attacked the crowd.

Because the sun tribe was too crowded, the entire Sun Tribe army was ignited instantly.

Some Sun Tribe soldiers screamed, trying to put out the green flame.

But no matter how they fight, the flames can't be extinguished.

It can even be directly contaminated on the hands, causing a larger area of burning.

Finally, there was no way out. The soldiers of the Sun Tribe, who were extremely afraid, jumped into the lake one after another.

But even if they jumped into the lake, the flames were only temporarily suppressed.

As the soldiers come out of the water, the flames will start again.

At this point, the campaign to exterminate the underworld was a complete failure.

Only fled back to some powerful warriors, other soldiers, all destroyed!

Then the contemporary Sun King learned of the result and ordered that it should not be close to that area.

At the same time, look up ancient books to see if this kind of insect has appeared in the past.

But before the Sun Tribe personnel found a way, the next night, these fire insects began to march toward the Sun Tribe gathering place.

And in the middle of these fire insects, there is a huge one.

The Sun Tribe saw this and knew that this giant fire bug was the leader of these insects.

So he tried to carry out a decapitation plan to wipe out the leader, hoping that this could prevent the attack of the fire insects army.

Hearing this, Zhao Fengnian nodded in his heart.

Indeed, the sun tribe will survive this crisis if it can wipe out the great underworld firefly.

But as it turned out, the sun tribesmen did not succeed.

Finally, they can only escape from their homeland.

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