Long Live the Lord

Chapter 748

Although the essence of Tianlei gold also contains a lot of spirit, most of them are in the form of lightning.

It contains the spirit gas content that can be used even without a piece of superior Lingshi from the pure.

"Xiao Long, this thing you can't absorb. It is not a piece of wood. He and..."

After being stunned by God, Zhao Fengnian hurriedly made a sound to stop Xiao Long.

But before Zhao Fengnian finished, Xiao Long opened his mouth and stuffed the wood block wrapped in Tianlei Jinjing into his mouth.

"No! Xiao Long, listen to me, spit out! " Zhao Fengnian was in a hurry at this moment, rushed to the front, trying to stop Xiaolong from swallowing Lei Jin in two days.

This is the essence of Tianlei gold. If swallowed in the stomach, the thunder and lightning burst in the body. Even if you are the inheritor of the dragon, the consequences are also unthinkable.

But it was late, and when Zhao Fengnian rushed up, Xiao Long had closed his mouth.

"Gulu" will be wrapped in the gold essence of the wood block will swallow down.

"You It's not uncomfortable, isn't it? " Zhao Fengnian was stunned on the spot, holding his hand in a blocked position, worried about asking Xiao Long.

Xiao Long looked at zhaofengnian with the same doubts, and his big eyes showed a confused and puzzled look.

"Burp..." Xiaolong burps and spews a bunch of sawdust and silk arc.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Fengnian's worry looks more heavy, finished, this day Lei Jin Jing began to play a role.

And after zhaofengnian, people have been paying attention to the direction of zhaofengnian.

After Zhao Fengnian appeared the shadow of dragon, they were unable to bow down.

Then they saw Zhao Fengnian was motionless first, and after a few minutes, he suddenly moved up, as if he was speaking to.

After Zhao Fengnian was like a neurotic, self-expression comparison, and his things on the ground.

Looking at the orderly arrangement, Zhao Fengnian now seems to have become a stall vendor.

Also in the public is worried about zhaofengnian, want to ask Zhao Fengnian situation before.

Zhao Fengnian before the air suddenly appeared a dragon, the version of the reduced version of the dragon.

This little dragon seems to be very close with zhaofengnian, and he is constantly gathering around zhaofengnian.

Finally, they watched Xiao Long swallow a piece of wood into his mouth.

Looking at this scene, people also secretly for the Dragon pinch a sweat.

They all know what is in this wood, and the power of Tianlei Jinjing has been seen by all.

At the beginning, the Tianlei gold elite array nearly killed the holy see in a perfect state of martial arts who were committed in the future, thus its power can be seen.

And this obvious breath is weak, looks young dragon, unexpectedly eat it!

But it is still behind that that makes people more surprised. Xiaolong eats Tianlei Jin Jing.

First, a burp and splashed a pile of sawdust and several arcs.

Then the expression of the Dragon began to suffer, a silk of red and white arc can not help but come out of the dragon's mouth.

These arc strikes in the air crackle straight, forcing Zhao Fengnian to retreat backward.

With Zhao Fengnian retreating, a large number of arcs began to emerge from the body of Xiaolong, until finally, the arc wrapped the whole dragon.

"Little dragon!" Zhao Fengnian sees this urgent call.

But Xiao long did not respond to zhaofengnian's call this time, and Zhao is afraid to go up to see the situation of Xiaolong.

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