Long Live the Lord

Chapter 700

However, listening to the words of the eagle king, Zhao Fengnian was still very moved.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the eagle king. The reason why the eagle king does this is that he really cares about himself.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian once again thanks: "thank the eagle king."

Then Zhao Fengnian didn't care what kind of material was in the soup.

He picked up the soup bowl and drank it down in one gulp. He was very generous.

After drinking the soup in the bowl, Zhao Fengnian put down the bowl, and then he had a careful aftertaste.

Well, this soup tastes good.

The soup has a little smell of mutton, but it is not heavy. The taste is slightly sweet, and there is a bit of bitterness and astringency of herbal medicine.

However, the delicious taste suppressed this bitter and astringent taste, leaving only a little medicinal herbs unique aroma.

On the whole, the soup is not hard to drink.

A drink does have an effect, let alone other aspects, take the effect of refreshing the mind, it is very obvious.

Originally, Zhao Fengnian's head was a little dull, and he became clear and clear all of a sudden.

"Well, this soup works well!" Zhao Fengnian sincerely praised.

"Ha ha, of course! Can I cheat you? Now we can't see the effect. We have to wait for the evening... "

When the eagle king saw Zhao Fengnian's praise for his soup, his face was proud.

Zhao Fengnian heard the eagle king want to mention that stubble again, quickly interrupted: "that eagle king, today I want to ask, can the person who sells this piece of iron still find?"

The eagle king listened to Zhao Fengnian's question and nodded, "the people below remember what they said, but at that time, they just recorded the information. When I found this piece of iron and wanted to find this person, he had already left. Many people on the grassland have no fixed place, so they have never found him. "

Zhao Fengnian frowned when he heard what the eagle king said. In fact, it doesn't matter whether Zhao Fengnian is looking for this person.

But those who know the mausoleum of Weiyang tribe are definitely related to the royal family of Weiyang tribe.

Wei Yuhan always wanted to find the lost tribesmen, so Zhao Fengnian was so interested in this person.

"The tribe is going to organize a meeting these days. I'll ask people to pay more attention to this man. In addition, I've heard about the Weiyang tribe and the ghost wolf tribe. I've also secretly sent people to look for the people of the Weiyang tribe. Let's leave this small matter to our Eagle tribe. "

The eagle king had a long talk with Muhan all night after the banquet last night.

Zhao Fengnian's side of the woman's identity, and the road and the conflict between the wolf tribe, the eagle king also know.

When he learned that Zhao Fengnian opened arms sales channels to the eagle tribe in order to thank the eagle tribe, the eagle king was also very surprised.

After praising the practice of Muhan, a flame which has been extinguished for many years in the heart of the goshawk king suddenly burns violently at this moment.

Perhaps with the support of Yongfeng Kingdom, the Cangying tribe can control the endless grassland more closely and become the top tribe in the endless grassland.

This is also the main reason why the eagle king is paying so much attention to Zhao Fengnian.

Hearing the words of the eagle king, Zhao Fengnian was even more moved in his heart. He quickly got up to thank him and said, "thank you very much. Yongfeng is the most firm ally of the eagle tribe at any time."

Today, the main purpose of coming here has been achieved. Later, Zhao Fengnian and the eagle king determined their intention to further cooperate. Zhao Fengnian left in a hurry.

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