Long Live the Lord

Chapter 696

Weiyuhan of course heard Zhao Fengnian's words, and felt Zhao Fengnian's hot eyes.

Weiyuhan first blushed, then moved his body to Zhao Fengnian and pasted the whole body on Zhao Fengnian's body.

He stuck his head to Zhao Fengnian's ear and said softly, "you want to eat, but now you can..."

Zhao Fengnian was stunned when he heard Wei Yuhan's words. The prairie girl was really open and bold.

Since other girls are like this, Zhao Fengnian doesn't need to endure any more at the moment.

A direct turn will not rain culvert in the arms, began the last unfinished business.

An hour later, Wei Yuhan leans on Zhao Fengnian's body, and Zhao Fengnian looks satisfied.

Recalling the madness just now, Zhao Fengnian had to admire the strength of the grassland girl.

For the first time, instead of being shy, he took the initiative to make him abstinent for a long time. Zhao Fengnian surrendered repeatedly.

Soon, the motorcade entered a yurt besieged area.

This area is all large and small yurts, connected into a piece, has been extended to a very far away.

At this time, the road began to be lively, some grassland people looked at a carriage, there are all kinds of goods with yongfengling logo.

They all gathered around to ask whether the goods could be sold and when.

Grassland cavalry simply said when to sell again line notice, these talents reluctant to leave.

"Feng Xianggong, our country's goods are very popular! No wonder the name of Yongfeng kingdom is very familiar before. It turns out that yongfengling brand is produced by Yongfeng country. "

Not rain culvert in the carriage will also see this scene in the eyes, can not help but be happy to Zhao Fengnian said.

Because of the relationship between the two, Zhao Fengnian asked Wei Yuhan to call himself husband and wife, which is the name of husband and wife in ancient times.

However, it will take some time to change this. At least, weiyuhan is not suitable for this title.

"Ha ha, we can say that we started with yongfengling brand goods at the beginning, and now these commodities are also the pillar industries of Yongfeng country."

"When I get back, I'll show you our production workshop, which is where these goods are made."

While they were chatting, the motorcade passed the crowd and came to an area guarded by grassland cavalry.

And this area is where the eagle king is, and the core area of the eagle tribe.

Here, the carriage can not continue to move forward, all people, including Mu Han, can only get off and walk here.

Before getting off the bus, weiyuhan put on his turban again and put on a long robe. He got out of the car with the help of Zhao Fengnian.

And when Zhao Fengnian stepped out of the carriage, Mu Han found it.

Looking at Zhao Fengnian with a smile, he said, "the Lord of Yongfeng is really refreshed today. It seems that he has met some good things. Congratulations!"

After hearing the words of Mu Han, Wei Yuhan's face turned red again, and gently pushed away Zhao Fengnian's help.

After a salute to Mu Han, she and her companion, who took care of her daily life, went to the back of Zhao Fengnian.

Zhao Fengnian was also embarrassed by Mu Han's words, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "ha ha, this is because the goshawk tribe is outstanding, and the spirit here is much better than before!"

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