Long Live the Lord

Chapter 694

This is especially true in grasslands.

The strong have many women. It is the instinct of the strong to inherit the genes of the strong as much as possible.

Wei Yuhan, who was born in the royal family, can understand that Zhao Fengnian is so young and excellent that there must be many women around him.

However, I heard that the rules of the Empire were very special. It seemed that there was only one wife. The others were concubines and so on. Their identities were very different.

I don't know what kind of identity I can get.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuhan can't help worrying about his future.

"Don't worry, I'll be as good to you as you are, and they're all very easy to get along with." Zhao Fengnian finally said it.

This matter cannot be concealed. If weiyuhan can't accept it, it also proves that they have no predestination, so let her go.

After hearing Zhao Fengnian's words, Wei Yuhan didn't react much. She had already guessed the fact.

"Well." In the end, Wei Yuhan gave a light hum and agreed.

The next day, Zhao Fengnian found the rain culvert that had returned to the camp last night.

After returning, Wei Yuhan said that he was OK to the tribal people who were worried about him, and said that the other side only asked a few questions.

After answering, she promised to give her a place to recuperate.

When the people of Weiyang tribe heard this, they all cried with joy, and their suffering was finally over.

Although I don't know what will happen to Yongfeng country in the future, no matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than my own situation.

Not rain culvert see Zhao Fengnian come over, pretty face suddenly red.

He went to Zhao Fengnian and said in a low voice, "Lord, we are ready to start at any time."

After hearing this, Zhao Fengnian nodded and said to Li Xuanwu, "you will lead some brothers to escort them back to yongfengling first."

Li Xuanwu had been informed by Zhao Fengnian and nodded respectfully.

However, Li Xuanwu's eyes have been wandering on Zhao Fengnian and Wei Yuhan's body, and from time to time he also shows a mysterious smile.

Weiyuhan naturally observed Li Xuanwu's appearance, and remembered what happened last night. Weiyuhan's already red face became more red.

"If you don't get ready, what are you doing here?"

When Zhao Fengnian saw Li Xuanwu's appearance of gods and gods, he was not angry and drove him away.

"Well, now you can take the people of the tribe and wait for me to go back." After driving Li Xuanwu away, Zhao Feng said in a young voice to Wei Yuhan.

The last words didn't finish, but Wei Yuhan knew what Zhao Fengnian wanted to say.

But Wei Yuhan shook his head and said, "I won't go with them. I want to go to the tribe with you. That place is known only to the royal family, and now I am the only one left in the royal family. "

Zhao Fengnian frowned when he heard what Wei Yuhan said.

Zhao Fengnian is not expected to have a smooth trip because of the presence of Vatican personnel.

Now weiyuhan can be said to be his own woman. His woman wants to take risks with himself, which is something Zhao Fengnian can't accept.

Otherwise, Zhao Fengnian would not have left the three women in the territory.

However, as Wei Yuhan said, if she did not go, Zhao Fengnian would not be able to find that place.

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