Long Live the Lord

Chapter 688

Having figured out this point, he began to wander again.

Their own strength is not as high as that of others, and the people of their own tribe are still in their hands, and now that the other party has seen their own appearance, then their future destiny.

Wei Yuhan is very confident about his appearance and figure. No man has ever seen his face and doesn't care about himself.

This is why Wei Yuhan has been wearing a veil.

Now the man in front of him saw his face and looked at his eyes.

Wei Yuhan knows that he can't escape.

But when can I escape?

No matter whether the other party saw his appearance or not, he couldn't escape his magic hand when he came here this time.

If the tribes captured in the grassland want to survive, the only result is to surrender to each other.

As the highest authority of Weiyang tribe, only by giving yourself to each other can he show his willingness to submit.

Before I came, Yu Han had already made this plan, but I was still lucky.

But at this moment, the last fluke of not rain culvert was also mercilessly broken.

Since the other side saw their own appearance, it was impossible to let go of themselves.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuhan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Then he looked up straight at Zhao Fengnian, and said in a cold voice, "what do you want? To promise to protect my tribe from harm? "

Weiyuhan, who has figured it out, is not going to be cowardly any more. It is worth sacrificing everything for his own tribe.

Zhao Fengnian was awakened by the voice of Wei Yuhan.

Wake up in the heart of Zhao Fengnian secretly scolded himself, now actually no resistance to beauty.

However, after listening to the words of not rain Han, Zhao Fengnian was stunned.

What's the matter? I'm like a villain who persecutes a good girl?

I saved you, OK? What's more, I just want to know some information about Weiyang tribe, as well as the ghost wolf tribe.

As for their sacred objects, if it is a fragment of dragon soul, Zhao Fengnian has no need to look for her.

Because Zhao Fengnian's reaction to the fragments of dragon soul is unique.

No matter where he is hiding, Zhao Fengnian can accurately perceive and find it.

Zhao Fengnian's heart Feifei, but look unchanged, since you think so, then I'll see what you have in the end.

"Well, let's talk about it. What do you have that is worth my asking for? I'll give you three chances. If I'm not satisfied, I'll be sorry. "

Then Zhao Fengnian's face became cold. He stood up and went to the body of Wei Yuhan, staring at her dark brown eyes.

Wei Yuhan did not expect that Zhao Fengnian would be so direct, so aggressive and so aggressive.

These are two people who are totally different from their gentle appearance.

I can't think of it. How can a person change his face so fast.

But in this case, not rain culvert also let go.

The same voice said firmly: "when we fled, there were a lot of treasures and spiritual materials that were passed down before we could take them away. They were all placed in a hidden secret room. This location and key were only told by my father if you could... "

However, before Yu Han finished, Zhao Fengnian shook his head and directly interrupted: "there are still two opportunities."

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