Long Live the Lord

Chapter 685

Later, Wei Yuhan learned that they wanted the sacred things of the tribe, but the sacred objects of the Weiyang tribe had disappeared a long time ago, along with an elder who was responsible for controlling the sacred objects.

Now ask the Weiyang tribe to hand over the sacred relic. The Weiyang tribe can't find it. Even if the Weiyang tribe can find it, it won't give the totem of the tribe to the wolf tribe.

So the war began. Because the hell wolf tribe was far away from the Weiyang tribe, it took some time to mobilize a large army. So the king of Weiyang, who had not been talked about, would kill people in the future. Then he led the tribal people to migrate, hoping to find a hidden place to avoid the Revenge of the wolf tribe.

But I didn't expect that this time, not only this negotiator was sent by the hell wolf tribe, but also nearly a thousand mysterious people in black robes also followed.

As soon as the king of Weiyang led the tribal people to escape, these mysterious men began to move out and started a massacre against the people of the tribe.

Yes, it is the massacre. These mysterious black robed people seem to have no pain and no feelings.

What's more, they eat people! Wei Yuhan saw with his own eyes that a member of the tribe was caught by a mysterious black robed man. On the spot, he was bitten off his throat by the black robed man, and the black robed man began to suck his blood.

It was also the black robed people who were busy eating, so Wei Yuhan was able to get rid of the chaos and lead the remaining members of the tribe who had escaped to start the road of escape.

Along the way, the people of Weiyang tribe have suffered countless sniping attacks, leading to fewer and fewer members of the tribe.

Her father was also on the run, and soon led the remaining tribal experts to ambush and pursue the enemy. With his own life, he won a breath for the Weiyang tribe.

Weiyuhan thought that Weiyang tribe, who had paid such a high price, could escape the disaster and find a hidden place to recuperate and continue the existence of the tribe.

But what weiyuhan didn't expect was that the position of himself and others was leaked, and the person who leaked was his brother, who could not bear the pressure and didn't want to continue to live a life of escape.

People who find the wolf tribe on their own initiative say they want to submit to the tribe.

As a result, we can imagine that the people of the hell wolf tribe directly sent out cavalry to pursue the remaining members of Weiyang tribe.

Wei Yuhan guesses what his brother is doing by discovering that her brother has disappeared and letters left by her brother.

Knowing that the enemy was about to find them, Wei Yuhan had no choice but to continue to lead the tribesmen to escape.

As a result, they ran all the way and escaped all the way, leaving only the hundreds of women and children in the camp.

Although I don't know why these people rescued them, they not only provided a place to rest, but also gave them a lot of delicious food that they had never eaten.

But Wei Yuhan knows that the other party must want something. Seeing that the tribal people who have not had a full meal for this period of time, now has enough to eat and drink, showing a satisfied look, Wei Yuhan secretly decides in his heart.

No matter what the other party wants, as long as it can make the tribe continue and let these suffering tribal members no longer be afraid, weiyuhan will give it to each other without hesitation.

Because she's fed up with it, and they're fed up with it.

"Is the leader of your tribe there? Our Lord has something to ask. "

Just then, a question came from outside the account.

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