Long Live the Lord

Chapter 679

The remaining number of people who are running away is about 400, of which women and children account for the majority, and there are a few old people.

After dismounting, the cavalry of the nether wolf tribe gathered around with a grim smile. Some old people quickly raised their weapons to resist.

But the soldiers just now are not the opponents of the dark wolf tribe cavalry. How can these old people resist it.

"Ah After a few screams, the old men fell to the ground.

Then some children and women all screamed in horror and tried to squeeze into it. The scene was out of control for a time.

"Well, tell us, what do you want? We have been slaughtered by you, even this last blood is not left to us? "

At this time, from the center of the crowd suddenly sounded a young woman's voice.

The voice was soft and deep, from which the woman's grief and helplessness could be felt.

"What do you want? As long as you give up your holy things, we will let you go

At this time, the cavalry leader of the wolf Tribe said what they wanted.

When she heard the sacred things, the woman was silent and did not answer.

Seeing the woman like this, the cavalry leader laughed grimly, "Hey, brothers, I've been chasing for more than a month, haven't you seen any meat or fish for a long time? The sheep tribe is not so good, but the girl is a water spirit. If you hold on to it, it will belong to you! "

When the cavalry who surrounded the women and children of the Weiyang tribe heard the leader say this, they immediately laughed and laughed. They did not talk nonsense. They rushed into the crowd without any protection.

Regardless of their age and appearance, they hugged a woman and began to tear up her clothes. It seems that they want to start a live spring palace in front of the public.

"As I said, our sacred things have disappeared many years ago. If you force us, we can't take them out!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

At this time, the voice of the woman's drinking and the sound of the crossbow firing sounded at the same time.

The woman and the wolf tribe cavalry were attracted by the sound of the crossbow, and all looked in the direction of the hillside.

When they looked, they saw that a small group of wolves cavalry had been sent out before, all of them were in a pool of blood.

On top of their bodies, thousands of Yongfeng heavy cavalry in heavy metal armour have urged their horses to rush towards the stunned wolf cavalry.

"What a meddler! Brothers, fucker, give it to me

Then the cavalry of the nether wolf tribe let go of the Waiyang tribe women who were crying.

He ran to his mount, turned over, and rushed to Yongfeng heavy cavalry.

It seems that he wants to avenge his dead brother.

The number of the two sides was almost the same, and the cavalry of the nether wolf tribe were all elite. Therefore, in their eyes, the result of the fight between the two sides must be a complete victory for their own side.

But the result was totally different from what they thought. Before they were close, the Yongfeng heavy cavalry was a round of strong crossbows.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

At such a close distance, even though the wolf tribe's armor protection ability is strong, it can't resist the attack of crossbow.

After a burst of sound of crossbow and arrow entering the body, the hell wolf tribe cavalry fell to the ground, and the formation was in chaos.

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