Long Live the Lord

Chapter 665

Zhao Fengnian ate half of the spirit grass, felt a large group of warm current into the abdomen, and then quickly spread to the body around.

A stream of transformed spiritual power is poured into all parts of the body in an instant, and a comfortable sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously.

"Ah How wonderful! Is this the feeling of full blood resurrection? "

Zhao Fengnian felt his body full of strength again and sighed sincerely.

Now the spirit power that was used up in the body has been restored, and the Spirit Crystal seems to grow a little bit.

This is really a good way. You can be lazy or practice indirectly.

Zhao Fengnian, who proved that this method was useful to himself, restrained his mind and sealed up the half cut spirit grass with spiritual power.

Then began the next step of practice, practice weaving Lingli net.

Lingli silk thread is a kind of thing that doesn't exist in this space level. It can only be detected by perception and can't be seen by naked eyes.

Only Lingli silk thread together can form a light halo on the surface of the controlled object.

Since he can't see or touch, Zhao Fengnian needs to have a strong sense and control ability to weave the spiritual power net attached to the surface of his body.

Generally, it takes years or even decades for the first step to form a spiritual power net if they want to choose this path. Therefore, the effect is long, and most people will not choose it.

Zhao Fengnian carefully sensed and controlled the Lingli silk thread from the top to the bottom.

In fact, this kind of feeling is not good, just like I am weaving a bag to seal myself in.

At the beginning of knitting to his face, Zhao Fengnian could not help crying and laughing when he looked at his head like a layer of big hole silk stockings.

Fortunately, when the knitting is finished, it can be folded into the surface layer, which is not seen by other people.

Otherwise, Zhao Fengnian is really afraid that he will collapse when he goes out with a pair of silk stockings every day.

As time goes by, Zhao Fengnian slowly weaves the head position.

At this time, Zhao Fengnian had clearly felt that the spiritual power in his body was continuously consumed.

In addition, Zhao Fengnian soon felt that the spiritual power had hit the bottom again.

Zhao Fengnian, who felt that Zhao Fengnian did not hesitate to swallow the remaining half of the spiritual grass in his stomach.

Once again, Zhao Fengnian, who was full of blood and resurrected, began a new round of Lingli net weaving.

In the process of weaving, Zhao Fengnian found that it seemed that the weaving of Lingli net would gradually improve the strength and control of Lingli silk thread,

therefore, Zhao Fengnian did not continue to practice the control of Lingli silk thread, but was concentrating on the weaving of Lingli net.

In this way, in the process of consumption, supplement, supplement and consumption, time slowly passed to March 28.

That is the day when Zhao Fengnian set out for the endless grassland.

After several days of hard training, Zhao Fengnian finally completed all the Lingli net weaving after consuming dozens of spirit grass of all levels.

Zhao Fengnian finished the work in just a few days, which took at least a few years for others to complete.

This completely depends on Zhao Fengnian's continuous spiritual support.

If, like other people, there is no spiritual power, dissipate the spiritual power net, and re weave it when there is spiritual power.

It is estimated that Zhao Fengnian will take months, even years to complete.

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