Long Live the Lord

Chapter 663

For example, the body can be washed away from the impurities in the body.

It can be said that after the baptism of heaven and earth, people tend to be more perfect. It is not too much to say that they are all beautiful men and women.

And if you keep it right, you can always get rid of the little blemishes on your body.

Zheng sanpang should be the first batch of managers to accept the transformation, and seems to have good talent. He successfully communicated with heaven and earth and got baptism of heaven and Earth Spirit.

According to common sense, Zheng San Pang should not continue to be so fat.

Zhao Fengnian is very curious about what makes Zheng sanpang fatter than before.

Listening to Zhao Fengnian's question, Zheng sanchou laughed awkwardly, "Hey, I found that I can eat and drink more after I become a martial artist. The most important thing is that I can eat and drink no matter how much I eat and drink, so..."

As soon as Zhao Fengnian heard this, he understood that it was Zheng sanpang. Because he became a martial arts man, he would not have any problem with how much he ate, until he could not eat it.

Zheng sanpang himself is fond of delicious food, otherwise he would not be so focused on creating various new dishes, in order to let himself try different delicious dishes.

But before Zheng San Fat although eat also many, but sometimes eat too much will inevitably indigestion, diarrhea and other situations.

So Zheng sanpang has been worried that he does not have a strong stomach.

However, after becoming a martial artist, Zheng sanpang finally achieved his dream, so he ate sea and drink crazily every day.

The ability of digestion and absorption of martial arts is also much stronger than that of normal people, which makes Zheng San fat more and more fat.

"Then you have to control the point, or you will be too fat to walk in the future. How can you create delicious food?"

Zhao Fengnian's words are not alarmist. In Zhao Fengnian's last life, some people couldn't get out of bed.

Finally trapped in the house, viscera can not bear their own weight, die is countless.

So Zhao Fengnian felt it necessary to remind Zheng sanpang.

Hearing what Zhao Fengnian said, Zheng sanchou was stunned, and then his face showed a look of panic.

"Ah! Thank you very much for reminding me, Lord. Otherwise, I would be worse than dead that day! I'm going to practice, I'm going to exercise, and try to digest everything I eat! "

With that, Zheng sanpang walked out with a firm face. Zhao Fengnian was stunned.

Zheng San Pang's way of understanding is really different. Maybe this is the thinking of eating goods.

Shaking his head, Zhao Fengnian gave up the idea of continuing to persuade Zheng sanpang.

After that, Zhao Fengnian sent Wu CAI and Yang Feng away, and went back to his room to study the two ways of spiritual cultivation.

Zhao Fengnian can be said to be full of longing for the realm of spiritual control. Although the previous realm will also improve a lot of strength and speed, it still does not deviate from the category of normal people.

However, after reaching the spirit control realm, you can take things from the air, and you can be invulnerable.

This magical ability can be compared with the special function of Zhao Fengnian's last life.

No one will not be curious and yearning for this supernatural phenomenon, and Zhao Fengnian will not be free from vulgarity.

Tell a few women not to disturb themselves, back in the room Zhao Fengnian began to control the Lingli silk thread.

I saw all kinds of things flying around the house from time to time, and sometimes some large items would wobble and finally fall to the ground.

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