Long Live the Lord

Chapter 661

For a long time, the bony collaterals of human body are forbidden areas of psychic power. No matter how the compression is controlled, it is impossible to transfer the spiritual power to the bony collaterals.

But now the world spirit power seems to ignore any obstacles in general, crazy into Zhao Fengnian's bones and collaterals, a kind of acid and numb feeling all over Zhao Fengnian's body.

From the outside, it seems that Zhao Fengnian's body at this time seems to be growing rapidly, originally only about 1.7 meters of body slowly increased.

Temperament and appearance also had some changes, more perfect.

"It's done!" Looking at this scene, Wu Cai said excitedly.

"Well, the child is superior in talent and mind. Maybe he will lead an era in the future! As witnesses of the times, we are very lucky. " Yang Feng also looked at Zhao Fengnian in his eyes and sighed.

"Yes, Mr. Yang. When I saw him, I felt that his achievements would be limitless, but I didn't expect that he would develop so fast."

"Well, it's the age of young people. I'm old."

"Yes, we are all old..."

"How old are you? How old are you in front of me? What should I do if you are old? "

Yang Feng's character is casual, and no matter who is in front of him, he will open up a disagreement.

Wu Cai blushed and said with an embarrassed dry smile, "ha ha Mr. Yang is right. I'm still young! "

As they spoke, Zhao Fengnian's consciousness gradually returned to normal, and the aura pouring into his body also returned to normal speed.

In perception, the spiritual power crystals in Zhao Fengnian's body grew up after being infused with the spirit of heaven and earth.

Then Zhao Fengnian wanted to mobilize his consciousness to produce fluctuations to see if he could continue to affect the aura of heaven and earth.

But this time, although the spiritual power crystal in the body vibrated just as it did, it did not arouse the resonance of the spirit of heaven and earth.

Zhao Fengnian knew that he was greedy, so he gave up trying.

It's about controlling one's own spiritual power and experiencing what's different about the realm of spiritual control.

With the fluctuation of Zhao Fengnian's consciousness, the spiritual power crystals in his body began to release one after another of spiritual power silk threads, which rapidly spread to Zhao Fengnian's whole body within 10 meters.

Is that the limit? How do you feel the distance is a little short!

What's more, the spiritual silk thread is too thin to control multiple objects?

"Are you awake? When you wake up, listen to me. After you enter the realm of mind control, you have two choices. A continuous exercise, enhance their own intensity of consciousness, so that the scope of control and intensity continue to increase

In Zhao Fengnian doubt, Yang Feng's voice sounded.

Yang Feng, as a strong person in the perfect realm, is sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth.

When Zhao Fengnian will Lingli out of the body that moment, Yang Feng has already known.

Zhao Fengnian nodded after hearing Yang Feng's words. It turned out that the ability to control spirit realm also needs to be trained.

But what is the other way to practice? Zhao Fengnian's heart is curious, just want to ask, Yang Feng's voice continues to ring.

"The other way is to control the spiritual silk thread to weave the spiritual power net on the surface of one's own flesh and blood. The thicker and closer the weaving is, the stronger the defense and attack power and speed will be."

"However, this cultivation method is very fragile in the early stage. If the Lingli net is too thin, it will not have a great effect at all. Moreover, to maintain the Lingli net, we need to constantly consume spiritual power."

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