Long Live the Lord

Chapter 654

At the same time, these cavalry also turned their heads to Zhao Fengnian on the gate tower.

And the horse seems to have no control in general, there is no confusion at all, still along a straight line, with a neat pace forward.

"The soldiers are working hard!"

"Serve the people!"

With the heavy riding army's big drink, the whole parade ceremony was successfully completed.

Outside the city, Zhao Fengnian and others went down the wall and drove back to the Lord's house.

The parade was a success, showing the morale and strength of the yongfengling army. Successful let Yongfeng people know what kind of Iron Army there is in the territory, in the unknown to protect them behind.

It also shakes the determination of those who wanted to find a chance to start a war and attack the Fengtai Free Alliance.

In the face of such a united people and a powerful army, no one dares to despise this small and remote territory.

Zhao Fengnian didn't pay so much attention when he went back. He took advantage of all the citizens in the city to enjoy the parade.

Zhao Fengnian took Zhou bingsan into the same carriage, and the others also found familiar people to sit on the carriage, and sped away in the direction of the Lord's mansion.

Just as Zhao Fengnian's motorcade left, Fanming poked his head out of a carriage beside the road.

Looking at the direction of the team leaving, his eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

Then Fanming retracted his head into the carriage and opened the portrait he was carrying with him.

Fan mingzai carefully compared with the woman who had just seen by Zhao Fengnian. He found that the princess Du Ruixue in this portrait was the girl who got on the bus with Zhao Fengnian.

And it seems that the relationship between the two people is very shallow. It's really hard to find a place to go. It's easy to get here!

After confirming the news, Fanming did not hesitate to drive back to the Inn and send the message back to the imperial capital.

Zhao Fengnian didn't know that Ruixue was the only daughter of the emperor and the only princess of the Empire, Du Ruixue.

Zhao Fengnian, who had been busy for most of the day, did not rest after returning to the Lord's house. Instead, he held a summary meeting with the high-level officials of the territory and Li Sheng.

The main purpose of the meeting was to make a plan on the development and defense deployment, livelihood and other aspects of Thailand.

As a sovereign state, Zhao Fengnian has the obligation to lead the subordinate countries to advance and progress together.

Soon, the specific development resolution has been decided by vote.

First of all, yongfengling provides a large number of refined iron weapons and armor in Yong Thai military.

In addition, crossbows, crossbows, grenades, and even Rockets will be provided to Thailand in limited quantities.

Of course, these all need to be exchanged with various resources in equal value, but as a dependent country, the price will not be too high.

Then, in terms of people's livelihood, the idle population in Yongtai can be moved to Yongfeng, and yongfengling will provide a large number of jobs.

In addition, some workshops and shops in the territory will be selected and built in suitable places throughout Thailand.

Promote the domestic economic level of Yongtai, and indirectly improve the living standard of the people in Yongtai.

At the same time, we set up a branch of adventure Association in Yongtai to facilitate more people to release and receive tasks.

Then came the issue of pension insurance, which Zhao Fengnian also gave a clear answer.

That is to say, the treatment of the residents in the two places is the same, and there is no unfair and unequal situation.

The funds are shared by both sides, but Yongtai has no money to borrow from Yongfeng.

After that, many problems were refined and solved one by one at the meeting.

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