Long Live the Lord

Chapter 652

Zhao Fengnian walked up the city wall and nodded to all the people on the wall of the city. Then he pointed to Zhou BingDao: "it's time to start!"

Zhou Bing was ordered to raise a flag and wave it in the air.

After receiving the order, the soldiers of yongfengling, who were arrayed orderly in the distance, walked slowly towards the city wall.

There are more than ten square arrays in total. Each square array is neat and uniform horizontally and vertically. It looks like a whole from a distance.

"Lord Yongfeng, the soldiers of yongfengling have strong discipline. Judging from the formation, they must be a strong army. It's really envious that our grassland Sergeants are far behind in this respect. "

"Well, although our Yongtai army has strict discipline, it does not have the momentum. I hope the Lord of the state can teach more training experience in the future."

At this time, Li Sheng and Mu Han sincerely praise the other side of Zhao Fengnian.

And the rest of the city wall felt the same way.

Although it is just a line forward, but from the momentum and formation, it makes people see.

The quality of an army lies in its discipline and momentum. Yongfengling soldiers have done a good job in this respect.

Some of the leaders of yongfengling square array saw their country's military array for the first time. For a time, they kept exclamation.

"You see, these are our soldiers. They are so handsome that my daughter will marry them when she gets married."

"Yes! Yeah! My son has been a soldier, and now those who propose marriage are going to break through the threshold! "

"I want to be a soldier too! A man should serve his country and devote his strength to his territory. "

"Go and go. You are only a few years old. First of all, you should learn the basic knowledge well. Now, conscripts give priority to those who are literate."

For a time, the leading people's comments and admiration continued.

In the eyes of people's admiration and appreciation, the first infantry square has already walked to the front of the gate tower.

"Wow At the same time, the infantry raised the crossbow on the side of their bodies and held them on their shoulders.

There is no unnecessary movement.

At the same time, these soldiers quickly turned their heads to the gate tower, but their steps were not disordered at all, and the square array was still moving forward in a neat and uniform manner.

"The soldiers are working hard!" At this time, Zhao Fengnian's voice sounded.

"Serve the people!" The soldiers answered in unison.

In fact, Zhao Fengnian also proposed this link, because it is too monotonous to walk through the gate so dry.

We can't see the momentum of the army, and we can't give the people watching the parade a sense of impact.

Therefore, Zhao Fengnian thought of the classic dialogue of Yu Huxiao from the previous family.

This dialogue is simple and clear, which can best reflect the spirit of soldiers' selfless dedication.

And that's what it is, and it works very well.

Watching the personnel listen to all is boiling with blood, the heart of these soldiers and more admiration and moved.

As the first square array passed, the second sword and shield infantry array came. All the soldiers in this square array were carrying knives and shields.

When they came to the gate of the city, they held the shield in front of them on their left hand, and struck them with their swords in their right hand.

This time, the momentum was bigger than that of the first infantry array. The alloy knives and shields glittered in the sun, and the sound of gold and iron chimed in unison.

Both visual and auditory, they are impacting on the mind of the people watching the parade.

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