Long Live the Lord

Chapter 632

In a flash, half a month has passed.

After half a month of trying, Zhou Bing has now been able to control his own strength.

However, when the mood fluctuates greatly, sometimes it will be out of control.

So when Zhao Fengnian accompanied Zhou Bing, he avoided intimate contact with Zhou Bing.

Although some of the inevitable itching unbearable, but no way, he did not want to be excited, he suddenly turned into a big ice.

In fact, now that Zhao Fengnian has been very satisfied, Zhou Bing can return to normal is the most important.

After experiencing the loss, Zhao Fengnian cherished this hard won gain.

Also today, yongfengling ushered in the biggest festival of the year, the Spring Festival.

The whole territory was decorated with lights and decorations on this day, and entered the carnival mode.

Although the territory faced several crises in this year, the territory achieved more fruitful results than the previous year.

The population of the territory has increased to more than 700000; the territory has been expanded and all kinds of infrastructure construction have been completed.

In addition, great progress has been made in other fields, including workshops, agriculture, commerce, colleges, urban defense and military forces.

At present, except for the gap between the population and the number of soldiers between the territory and the real high-ranking official territory, all other aspects of the territory are beyond the level of the general provincial-level territory.

Although the population is small and the soldiers are few, the real combat effectiveness of yongfengling is not lost to any provincial territory.

Looking at the work summary of the territory for a year, Zhao Fengnian nodded with satisfaction.

Yongfengling in his hands has grown into a giant, with self-protection ability, in the empire is also a place.

"Good. We've got a lot this year. Next year's development is to turn the whole chaotic place into an iron plate. Digest and absorb the resources and increase the construction of people's livelihood. "

Zhao Fengnian put down the report and said to a group of managers.

"Well, the specific work will be discussed after the new year. Tonight is a new year's Eve. Let's not talk about too many work problems. Let's go to the banquet hall to celebrate."

Then Zhao Fengnian left first and moved to the banquet hall.

The other executives followed, took a seat in the ballroom and looked up at the stage under the curtain.

Today is a party organized by Yongfeng song and dance troupe. It will start together with the banquet.

Now, the entertainment facilities of yongfengling are not only mahjong and poker. Inspired by Yongfeng song and dance troupe, a number of new small song and dance troupes have gradually emerged in the territory.

These troupes perform in some venues and charge tickets as a reward.

It makes the leisure life of yongfengling leaders very rich, and also makes all the yongfengling leaders very keen to watch this type of performance.

Yongfeng song and dance troupe is the ancestor of all song and dance troupes in the territory, belonging to the star level song and dance troupe.

It is said that Yongfeng song and Dance Troupe will join dozens of small song and dance troupes in this year's party to move the good works to the stage for everyone to enjoy.

At the same time, different singing and dancing performances have been organized in various parts of the territory, which have been integrated into the life of yongfengling people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wish the territory better and better! Cheers

Zhao Fengnian looked at all the people seated one by one, and raised his glass.

"I wish the territory better and better, and I wish the LORD a long life!" They also raised their glasses and cheered loudly.

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