Long Live the Lord

Chapter 630

Now Zhou Bing's face is paler than before, and her hair has completely turned into a crystal white like frost.

At this time, Zhou Bing is just like a statue of a goddess of ice and snow. It is so beautiful that it has no vitality.

"Yang Mr. Yang! Binger, she... " Zhao Fengnian, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly asked Yang Feng with the same frown.

Now Zhou Bing's appearance seems to be more serious than before. Is it not that promotion has no effect on Zhou Bing's body?

Will it speed up the spread of cold in her body?

"Don't worry. I've just explored it. This baby has been promoted successfully. But her condition is a little special. The cold air in her body before is somehow integrated into her spiritual power. "

Yang Feng said the results of his investigation. When he said this, Yang Feng's tone was also full of doubts.

"Wait. When the girl wakes up, we will know whether the change is good or bad." , as if it is self comfort in general, Yang Feng said helplessly.

Zhao Fengnian had calmed down at this time. It was useless to worry about this situation. Now all they can do is wait.

Time in waiting is often very slow, now Zhao Fengnian is this feeling.

Zhao Fengnian, who had been waiting for half an hour, seemed to have spent several centuries.

When Zhao Fengnian thought he would continue to wait, Zhou Bing's long eyelashes suddenly vibrated slightly.

The tremor seemed to break the stagnant time, and the passage of time returned to normal.

"Binger, are you awake? How do you feel? "

Zhao Fengnian saw Zhou Bing's eyelashes tremble, and knew that she was going to wake up. He quickly stepped forward and wanted to hold Zhou Bing.

However, at this time, the ice crystal floating around Zhou Bing suddenly trembled and attacked Zhao Fengnian, who was approaching.

"Be careful!"

Yang Feng, who has been observing Zhou Bing's situation, naturally discovered this point, and roared anxiously.

After that, Zhao Fengnian was dragged back by a wave.

At the moment of Zhao Fengnian's retreat, countless ice crystals appeared in the place where Zhao Fengnian stood before.

Because of no target, the ice crystals hit each other, "bang!"

The ice crystals collide with each other and produce a crisp sound, which then turns into a mass of fog, blocking the sight of Zhao Fengnian and Yang Feng.

Zhao Fengnian saw this long breath, at the same time in the heart of good danger.

If Yang Feng did not pull him apart in time, it is estimated that he has been beaten into a sieve by ice crystal.

This ice crystal attack is really terrible! But why did Zhou Bing attack himself?

What's wrong? Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian quickly fixed his eyes on it.

However, the sight in front of me was blocked by fog, and I couldn't see the shape of Zhou ice inside.

Also in Zhao Fengnian secretly anxious time, the fog dispersed, behind the fog Zhou Bing has sat up.

Now Zhou Bing's pupils have turned into ice blue. His eyes are dull, as if he is thinking of something.

Looking at Zhou Bing's present appearance, Zhao Fengnian can't help but feel cold all over his body.

Is it not Zhou Bing will not be amnesia!

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian was anxious and called out: "bing'er!"

After hearing the voice of someone talking, Zhou Bing turned her head and reflected Zhao Fengnian's eyes with no emotional fluctuation.

Looking at Zhou Bing's eyes, Zhao Fengnian seems to have fallen into an ice cave and shivered involuntarily. His whole life seems to be frozen at this moment.

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