Long Live the Lord

Chapter 620

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to yongfengling. Have a good time in yongfengling."

At this time, Zhao Fengnian's voice sounded, and Zhao Fengnian stood up, holding a specially prepared large wine cup, and toasted the crowd.

This wine cup is specially prepared for grassland people to visit. It looks very grand and straightforward.

When Zhao Fengnian drank such a large glass of liquor, the crowd cheered.

All of them were carrying wine cups, which were drunk by Zhao Fengnian.

After a cup of white wine, the atmosphere in the field is also lively.

First, a sweeping meal. After eating most of the dishes on the table, they began to toast each other, and the laughter and cheering continued.

"Sure enough, this dish is still delicious in yongfengling, and the wine is strong enough."

The eagle king tasted the dishes and high liquor, and sighed heartily.

"Hehe, since the eagle king likes it, he can send someone to study with chef Zheng, so that you can taste the delicious food here when you return to the grassland."

Zhao Fengnian heard from the eagle king that he did not know that he was asking for the recipe and wine for the dishes.

On hearing this, the eagle king raised his glass and said, "thank you very much, Lord Yongfeng. Here, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

"Ha ha, you're welcome. My friends should, should be." Zhao Fengnian also raised his glass.

As for liquor, Zhao Fengnian did not mention it, nor did the eagle king.

This is not something that can be said clearly at the table.

Although Tianxiang chamber of Commerce on the other side of the endless grassland has less influence, it can sell liquor there, and yongfengling is not a breach of contract.

But this liquor sales right is not easy to say put down, still need some process.

Since Zhao Fengnian did not refuse, it is not too late to formally propose the cooperation intention tomorrow.

With the increase of toasting frequency, the atmosphere gradually reached the peak.

At this time, some slightly drunk grassland men even volunteered to jump on the empty stage to perform the grassland dance and songs.

The audience clapped their hands and laughed.

With laughter, the banquet came to an end. Zhao Fengnian asked the soldiers to carry several drunken and unconscious grassland kings and follow the eagle king to leave.

Zhao Fengnian returned to his room and fell asleep.

Today this wine Zhao Fengnian did not drink less, can persist to now is already in the control.

And back to the restaurant, the eagle king also showed a drunken, lying on the elastic bed, not long before he also went to sleep.

The next day, the eagle king got up early and called on Mu Han and Tao an, who had been waiting at the gate, to visit the workshop area outside Yongfeng city.

Yongfengling new planning workshop area is very large, covering an area almost the same as Yongfeng city.

Row by row of factory buildings are built in it, clean and tidy, and the tiles reflect the brilliance in the sun.

The new workshop area is surrounded by newly built castles and villages, which provide accommodation for the staff around the huge workshop area.

Of course, most of the workers in the workshop area live in Yongfeng City, although the journey is a little far away, it takes half an hour.

However, many people still feel that the life in the city is colorful and stay in the city.

Due to the large increase of population in the territory, the demand for deep-processing goods in the territory is increasing.

As a result, the work in the workshop area is now diversified.

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