Long Live the Lord

Chapter 616

There are many lobbies in Yongfeng restaurant. Because I was informed in advance today, the territory would like to meet an important person here.

Therefore, the main lobby of Yongfeng restaurant was forbidden to enter in the early morning, and other guests could only enter the restaurant through the side door.

Although I have some emotions, I am not in the mood when I hear that the leader is coming to meet him in person.

Zhao Fengnian's position in the territory has now risen to the level of worship, whether civilians, rich people, or adventurers.

When the goshawk king and other tribal kings enter the hall and look at the magnificent decoration in the hall, they are once again trapped in curiosity and intoxication.

Although they have different aesthetic views, especially the grassland people, like some simple and practical things.

However, the layout in the lobby gives people a feeling of being tall, showing luxury and taste.

Yes, grassland people, who always regard these as useless decorations, feel high-end, grand and high-grade in the lobby of Yongfeng restaurant.

In the exclamation along the way, Zhao Fengnian led the people to the luxury suite on the top floor of the restaurant.

This suite is built to the highest standard to cope with some high standard hospitality.

Generally speaking, this floor is not open to outsiders. Only Yang Zixuan came to yongfengling last time, and Yang Feng once lived here.

On this floor, not only accommodation is provided, but also a small reception hall and conference room.

In addition, there are chess and card rooms, large bathrooms and other places for leisure and entertainment.

"Well, I'm afraid you're tired from a long journey. I won't disturb you any more and have a good rest. If you want to visit the city, you can find Tao an. There will be a dinner in the afternoon. I hope you can come. "

On the way, Zhao Fengnian and Cangying Wang introduced each other's personnel and arranged a place for rest. Zhao Fengnian left.

Today is just a reception ceremony. The eagle king will come to yongfengling once and will not leave in one day.

Naturally, he needs to pay a good visit to the territory and investigate for a few days. There is still time to discuss specific matters.

The eagle king is very satisfied with Zhao Fengnian. Although he is young, his bearing and demeanor are extraordinary.

And the eagle king can see that Zhao Fengnian's personality is somewhat similar to that of grassland people.

They don't like things that are too complicated and too hypocritical. They always go straight to the theme and seldom make detours.

This is quite different from the imperial aristocracy that the eagle king knew.

After Zhao Fengnian left, the eagle king felt this and that curiously in his room, and finally sighed: "this place is really It's like a dream life! "

Because I really don't know what kind of adjective to use, the eagle king can only be described as a dream.

Mu Han has been accompanied by the eagle king, heard the eagle king's exclamation and praise: "yes! This room is as warm as spring. I know, I can do it anywhere. But how did they do it at such a high place, and there was no fire at all? "

"There is also the uninterrupted hot water day and night, the bath water that can adjust the temperature, and even be directly convenient at such a high place..."

If you haven't been to yongfengling, you will never know what you can enjoy.

No wonder those who have been to yongfengling are not willing to go back. If they want to talk about where yongfengling is, they can't say it. They just say that you will know when you go.

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