Long Live the Lord

Chapter 611

With the beginning of the village's resistance, it seemed like a signal.

Such madmen can be found everywhere on the road of the free army's advance.

Men and women, old and young, to see the free army is like seeing the biggest enemy in this life. They rush forward bravely and fearlessly.

Finally, Li Sheng orders to stop the attack and stay in place to find out the reason.

Through understanding, Li Sheng learned that this was the work of an organization called the Holy See.

He had never heard of the Holy See, but he knew something about the life of the black robed man in yongfengling.

Among those who escaped from the night attack by the black robed army at Mingguang military station, there were also those who needed to be reformed through labor.

From their words, Li Sheng learned the horror and horror of the black robed men and their legions.

On the way, Li Sheng wrote to Zhao Fengnian asking for relevant information. Naturally, Zhao Fengnian was not stingy and passed on all the known information about the black robed man to Li Sheng.

Li Sheng was shocked to see that there was such a terrible organization in the world.

It can affect people's mind, but also devour the soul.

Knowing what the enemy he was facing, Li Sheng was always looking for opportunities.

I want to see if we can control the black robed missionaries as Zhao Fengnian said.

However, Li Sheng never caught the opportunity, because it was difficult to find the Vatican missionaries hiding in the crowd.

And now the civilians on the front line are all gathered in the castle and the city. Unless the castle and city are destroyed, there is no chance to catch the Holy See missionaries.

However, it is not easy to lay down the city that the army and the people are guarding. There are too many things to consider.

Even the siege equipment, Li Sheng is now seriously inadequate, waiting for a little bit of transport from the rear.

"Goo Goo Goo!"

Just when Li Sheng was sad, he suddenly flew into a spirit animal pigeon from the door and made a cooing sound in his mouth.

Li Sheng was awakened by the sound of the animal dove, but he did not show any anger or impatience.

But full of surprise to stand up, the spirit beast pigeon in the hand, take out the paper tied on the claws of the spirit beast pigeon.

The reason why Li Sheng is so happy is that there is only one place that can do this, that is yongfengling.

The place where he was reborn, and the source of his worship of thought and theory.

With excitement, Li Sheng opened the note, in which further information about the Vatican was the first.

The information was interrogated from the missionaries by some means and shared with Li Sheng.

When Li Shengyi heard of some means, he remembered the fast and painful means he had tried.

Li Sheng can say that his memory is fresh and unforgettable all his life.

Thinking of this, Li Sheng suddenly sympathized with the prisoners of the Vatican.

Through interrogation, we know that the upper and lower levels of the holy see are very strict. So the missionaries didn't know something confidential.

However, some of the information they know is also very valuable.

For example, in the system of the Holy See, from low to high, there are servants, believers, mad believers, warriors, missionaries, deacons, high priests, bishops and archbishops.

Among them, the God servant ranks the lowest and is a puppet controlled by some means.

Believers are ordinary people who believe in God. Only believers can be transformed into crazy believers, and only crazy believers can be transformed into God fighters.

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