Long Live the Lord

Chapter 596

In the air speculation, that is the area underground seems to have mechanisms, is a touch can explode things!

Thinking of this, I am annoyed by the air. How can there always be these strange things in yongfengling?

And every means is so weird and effective.

If at this rate, it is estimated that when we reach the defense line, there will be no less than a few chariots left.

"It looks like it's only a human trip!" , muttering to yourself in the air.

Then, he saw a large number of soldiers suddenly pouring out of the remaining chariots. The soldiers' eyes were shining, and they showed a fanatical light, and rushed quickly towards the open space in front of the chariot.

"Boom, boom!"

A series of explosions were the sound of the soldiers stepping on the mines.

Soldiers were swallowed by the fire, and the explosion was fragmented.

But the soldiers behind seemed to be unaware of this, and continued to rush forward quickly.

For a time, the position of km away from the front of Yongfeng army defense line continued to burst out.

The bombed soldiers, like the blooming flesh and blood flowers, competed in the land.

"Grass! Are they crazy! " Zhao Fengnian looked at this scene, and even burst out a rude remark.

"Believers by the way! That's what happened to the believers who attacked the free gods! ".

Zhou Bing has been at zhaofengnian's side, as if thinking of what, exclaimed.

Zhou Bing experienced the battle of attacking the free God in person. So when he saw the appearance of the soldiers of Yongan army, he immediately remembered the crazy, irrational and uncontrolled believers.

Zhao Fengnian listened to Zhou Bing and responded.

No wonder Zhao Fengnian had a similar feeling at the beginning. They were the same as the believers of the Holy See.

Or that's where the holy see is troubling.

Looking at the soldiers who had rushed to the Yongan army less than 500 meters ago, Zhao Fengnian ordered: "come on! The crossbow attack, they can't continue to destroy the minefield! "

At this time, Zhou Bing also reacted from shock and hurriedly sent down the order.

"Bang!" A series of crossbow blows were heard. Then there were numerous large crossbows and arrows, straight to the soldiers of the Yong'an army.

The crossbow is very fast, just in a blink, it rushes to the front of the soldiers of Yongan army. It is like penetrating a piece of paper, and directly penetrates the soldier's body.

Due to the huge impact of crossbow, all the soldiers who were penetrated stopped their forward steps, and then they flew back.

But after all, there is still a gap between crossbow attacks, which makes some soldiers escape a robbery and continue to run to the minefield.

"Bang, bang!"

For a while, the sound of the crossbow and the explosion of the mines were heard throughout the battlefield.

Gradually, the minefield has been cleaned up, and the whole armour chariot is only less than 1000 mobile, is approaching the yongfengling line of defense quickly.

Yongfengling soldiers on the line of defense waited for a moment to take out the crossbow, put the bowstring on, and wait for the chariot to reach the last obstacle before attacking.

The last obstacle of the defense line is a low wall, which is made of reinforced concrete, with an opening every other distance. It can be passed by people and carriages in non wartime, and now it is blocked by some temporary roadblocks.

But even if the Yong'an army was destroyed, the huge chariot could not pass smoothly.

So yongfengling soldiers only need to guard against enemy infantry.

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