Long Live the Lord

Chapter 586

Although Li Nan is looking at the battlefield in his eyes now, he is floating to the plan of how to control this army and dominate the side.

But these generals and men are very powerful, and less than half of them are the confidants cultivated by Li Nan himself.

How can we get rid of these people quietly?

It's very difficult to kill a warrior without a sound, unless there is too much difference in realm.

This time, there was no master of spirit control realm, but even if he had, Li Nan didn't dare to use it now.

After thinking about it, Li Nan finally thought of a good way, but also at this time, suddenly a loud noise will wake Li Nan.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Later, Li Nan saw that the ladder was torn apart by the explosion, and the crowd below was also blown to and fro, and the howling was heard incessantly.

"This What is this Come on, call it a day , Li Nan lost his mind for a short time, then quickly roared.

There are still two weapons to be destroyed under the wall of the city.

These soldiers are the most important and real strength in Li Nan's hands. How can they be lost here.

The soldiers who were bombed stupidly under the wall heard the retreat signal, they all responded and quickly retreated.

But at this time, from the direction of the grassland suddenly came the sound of a huge horn.


Then Li Nan saw a group of small black spots in the distance.

The black sky, like locusts, blocks out the sun and is approaching the direction of the eagle leader at a very fast speed.

"Ranger! How could they be here? Is the grassland going to attack the Empire? "

Li Nan side of the middle-aged general is also aware of the abnormal, startled, exclaimed.

"Rangers? Run, run, run to the castle nearby , Li Nan also responded and yelled.

Then he ran to the rear of the camp quickly with several confidants.

Now Li Nan doesn't want to capture the Eagle City, nor does he think of Yin death. These generals stand on their own as kings.

Now he has an idea, that is to run, the faster the better.

Cavalry is very fast, not to mention the elite cavalry, grassland cavalry.

This group of cavalry is from the endless grassland day and night, full speed to rescue the eagle king and his 300000 cavalry.

Looking at the fleeing soldiers in the distance and a large barracks, the eagle king roared: "kill me! Let them feel the greetings from the endless grassland

"Roar, roar!..." In response to the eagle king, there was a strange cry.

After that, these grassland cavalry drove their horses to the direction of Yongtai army.

Standing on the wall, Mu Han and the black faced strong man look at the cavalry who is approaching quickly in the distance.

There are also soldiers of the Yongtai army who are desperate to escape and hate their mother's birth of less than two legs. They breathe a long sigh of relief.

The battle was not easy, and the eagle leader lost many soldiers.

Finally, thanks to the weapons supported by yongfengling, they were able to repel the siegers.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the city of goshawk has been broken and can't be saved.

The impact of the cavalry acceleration is very destructive. Soon, 300000 cavalry will cut the Yongtai camp into several pieces, killing them in a mess.

Seeing that they could not run away, some Yongtai soldiers threw down their weapons and surrendered one after another. Li Nan failed to escape and was caught by a stumbling rope.

He fell off his horse and was suddenly bruised.

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