Long Live the Lord

Chapter 577

Li Nan, who attacked from another direction, had a smooth and unimpeded army.

It took only five days to drive straight in and received most of the south.

There was no resistance in the middle except for a few sporadic horse bandits.

But in a day later, Li Nan army finally met a hard bone, which was the eagle territory.

Cangying territory is close to the grassland and next to the south line of Yongfeng mountain. It is the only one in chaos that has not attacked Yongfeng mountain.

Because the eagle collar seems to be not interested in land and population, but in yongfengling produce a variety of goods have a strong interest.

Therefore, the eagle collar has always had a good trade relationship with yongfengling.

In addition to the purchase of Tianxiang chamber of Commerce, the largest demander of yongfengling products is the grassland power from the Cangying territory.

Li Nan thought that the eagle collar was only a small territory that could not be small. Once the army arrived, they would surrender and fall into Yongtai province.

But the fact is totally unexpected to Li Nan.

When the eagle led found Li Nan army, he quickly moved up.

Began to shrink strength, soldiers and leaders outside all shrank into the Eagle City.

The gate is closed, fully guarded, and a stand by the whole situation.

Li Nan naturally despised this. After the army pulled to the nearby Cangying City, he ordered a first wave of attacks.

As a result, Li Nan's soldiers had not yet walked to the wall, and were caught by the numerous arrows shot on the wall.

Leaving more than a thousand bodies, they were helpless to lose.

Li Nan is not a reckless generation. If he cannot attack, he will camp nearby and start to surround the city.

At the same time, Li Nan also informed the rear people Zhuang to make the attacking instruments, and break the city with one stroke after the preparation.

But the eagle collar is not completely waiting for the enemy to break the city.

When the leader of the eagle leader Mu Han found the army led by Li Nan, he wrote two letters quickly.

Carried by two trained eagles, one flew to the grassland, and the other to Yongfeng Lingdi, behind the eagle collar.

Soon, Zhao Fengnian received this rescue letter. He was surprised to see that Zhao Fengnian was very surprised. How could other forces intervene?

Thinking of this Zhao Fengnian, he looked up and asked tao'an, "find out that the sudden emergence of the army is that side of the force?"

Tao'an nodded, "found out, through the exploration, found that this army is from the army of Yongtai province."

"as like as two peas, they received land and Castle all the way, just like Yongtai army before. It is estimated that we will close more land before we can win and win the Yongan province. "

Zhao Fengnian nodded after listening to it. Yongtai province and his own have little hatred. Their purpose is also obvious, that is, plunder the territory.

And it seems that they are not anxious to win and win, is to sit in the mountains to see the tiger fighting.

But if they really let them attack the eagle collar, directly to the south of Yongfeng ridge defense.

Then the territory will be three sides to meet the enemy, but there are some skills of separation.

Zhao Fengnian looked at the letter of the Cangying leader for help and thought for a moment and said, "send a team to send some grenades to the Cangying leader secretly, and I believe it will help them. We are now both enemies, and only so many can help them. The rest depends on their own. "

Then Zhao Fengnian wrote a letter in person and put it on the eagle who sent it.

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