Long Live the Lord

Chapter 572

In the northern defense line, Zhou Bing looked at the command from the spirit animal pigeon, nodded, and then ordered to go down.

Outside the northern defense line, the former site of Lanhe City, Li Yang is laughing in the Lord's mansion.

On the opposite side of him is the Holy See high priest in black.

"Hahaha, Lord yikong, why are you still coming to the front? It's said that Lord yikong is busy building a church in Yongning city recently? "

He squeezed out a smile and said, "since we are a cooperative relationship, we are naturally obliged to help when your army goes out to fight. What's more, the yongfengling you are going to attack has some origins with me. "

After helping the Li family to take over Yongan Province, Peter left Yong'an province and returned to Yongning province to continue to complete his plan.

Yong'an Province, on the other hand, was given full control of air force.

These days, the plan is very smooth, and a large number of shallow believers have been accepted.

Missionaries also secretly controlled a group of believers and became God servants.

However, after hearing that Yongan and Yongtai jointly attacked yongfengling, yikong could not sit still.

This yongfengling is a nightmare in his heart.

If you can't witness the death of yongfengling and Zhao Fengnian, it's a great pity for yikong.

So he came uninvited and came to the front line.

Li Yang listened to the empty words, but he was stunned for a moment. He asked tentatively: "how? Lord yikong, is there your old friend in yongfengling? Would you like to inform me in advance

Hearing this, yikong shook his head, "no, you don't have to keep your hands. It's the last Zhao Fengnian. If you can capture Zhao Fengnian alive, can you give it to me? No, no, no, no, I'll torture him to death. It's cheap for him to let him die too happily

When Li Yang heard yikong say that he hoped to hand Zhao Fengnian over to him, his face became gloomy.

With empty nature also found Li Yang's face, guess this Li Yang also and Zhao Fengnian have a grudge?

Then he said the main reason for wanting Zhao Fengnian.

Hearing what yikong said, Li Yang regained his normal complexion.

Looking at the empty eyes also become intimate, can reach a consensus of the people will always be good friends.

"Don't worry, that little boy will never let him die so easily. He must be tortured and tortured. When the time comes, how about yikong? Ha ha... "

Zhao Fengguang's eyes will be more happy when he thinks of Li Fengguang's torment.

At the moment, yikong was also looking at this Li Yang, and showed a sincere smile: "so good, so good. By the way, it is said that yongfengling will control the spirit beasts and birds to carry out large-scale attacks. Do you have any countermeasures? "

Li Yang listened to the empty words, his face changed. He really didn't know about the attack of the spirit beast and bird.

According to the information from the LAN family in the past, yongfengling is nothing more than a kind of long-range attack weapon, and its armor is more advanced.

However, there has been no intelligence mention of the spirit, beast and bird.

Thinking of this, Li Yang hurriedly asked, "Mr. air? The spirit beast and bird... "

Air nature will not hide this matter, the spirit of the birds will attack the intelligence told Li Yang.

After hearing the news, Sergeant Li Yang said goodbye in a hurry.

And an urgent meeting was held to study how to restrain yongfengling.

However, Li Yang did not kindly inform Yongtai province of this matter. For him, it is a good thing that yongfengling consumes a little of Yongtai province's troops. It is not possible that the biggest winner after the war will be himself.

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