Long Live the Lord

Chapter 567

Hearing this, Zhao Fengnian could not help feeling dizzy again. It seems that they are really against the weather!

Will we develop a real rocket to send Yang Feng to the sky side by side with the sun?

After too much stimulation, Zhao Fengnian finally encouraged a few people, and then hurriedly pushed Zhou Bing and Liu Jing and Ruixue away from here and returned to the Lord's mansion.

It's late July, and it's hot. Therefore, there are not many people walking outside the territory. The whole territory shows a lazy state.

But there is no way, this is too hot, can only hide in some shady places for summer.

However, there is still a way to reduce the heat and avoid the temperature in the Lord's house. That is to go to the underground base, which is in the middle of the mountain. It is naturally cool.

In addition, Zhao Fengnian also had a sharp tool to avoid summer heat, which was the cold iron dagger.

A bucket of water as long as the cold iron dagger is placed in it, it will become a bucket of cold water after a while, which can be said to be very environmentally friendly and convenient.

In fact, even without these, Zhao Fengnian could make ice from nitrate.

But now the use of nitrate is very large, but the output is not high, and it can not be wasted to the extent that it can be used to make ice.

"Ah It seems that the territory needs to dig some ice cellars to store some ice in winter! "

While enjoying himself, Zhao Fengnian did not forget his own leaders.

"OK, I'm going to tell Uncle Li about it."

Ruixue now in addition to taking care of Zhou Bing, also began to do Zhao Fengnian's secretary again.

It can be said that Zhao Fengnian is now back to his former days of leisure and free from war oppression.

Time is leisurely, and it often passes quickly. In a flash, it comes to November.

This year, the territory ushered in another bumper harvest, which solved the embarrassing situation that the territory's grain was mainly imported.

In addition, all kinds of infrastructure construction of the territory has been completed in the three months.

The territory has made great progress in all aspects, and has the strength and details of provincial territory.

In the past three months, Yong'an and Yongtai provinces did not come to find their own troubles, which made Zhao Fengnian very puzzled.

But then Zhao knew why.

Through Li Sheng's letter, Zhao Fengnian learned that Yong'an province is now in a critical period of rights replacement.

Yongtai province is also paying close attention to the situation in Yong'an province and wants to take advantage of this opportunity.

Speaking of the alternation of power in Yong'an Province, Zhao Fengnian also learned that one of his old acquaintances, Li Yang's Li family, also participated in it.

This is also the inside story of Li Sheng, a high-ranking talent. Otherwise, Zhao Fengnian might not know the news until a long time later.

The fight between the Li family and the Lord's house in Yong'an province is coming to an end.

Once the winner or loser is determined, the next target is likely to be yongfengling no matter which side.

Because among the surrounding annexable forces, only yongfengling is relatively weak.

Therefore, Zhao Fengnian's main goal in the near future is to actively prepare for the war, expand his troops and prepare for the rainy days.

In recent months, Zhao Fengnian has been communicating with Li Sheng, and even sent Li Sheng two spirit animal pigeons as communication tools.

Since Li Sheng went back, he still behaved the same way as before. He was loafing around and doing nothing.

However, he is gathering his strength and drawing on the available people in order to change his territory and fulfill his dream one day.

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