Long Live the Lord

Chapter 558

Then they went into the mine and got on a rail car, which was pulled by horses, so it was extremely stable and fast.

Along the way through Wang Meng's introduction, Zhao Fengnian learned that there are nearly 300000 people living in heilongcheng, together with the mining and animal husbandry areas nearby.

It accounts for nearly half of the territory's population. Such a large number of people are scattered in various posts and engaged in production work, providing an endless stream of raw materials for the construction and development of the territory.

In addition, due to the export of coal mining industry, the business atmosphere of Heilong city is also very good, and the whole city shows different prosperity from the chaotic times.

"You mean that the output of coal mines is still lagging behind."

When Zhao Fengnian heard that in addition to the territory's own use, the remaining coal was in short supply, and asked in surprise.

Before now, the demand for coal in Yongfeng is not large.

Therefore, the external sales volume should be greatly reduced, but the fact is that the external demand for coal is much larger than the internal demand!

"Yes, Lord, you don't know. Now Tianxiang chamber of Commerce has added coal mines to the list of purchasing. In addition, a large number of merchants came from cangyingling. They all came from various tribes in the endless grassland, and they also needed large quantities of coal. "

Wang Meng detailed analysis, reply.

When Zhao Fengnian heard this, he became curious. Before the eagle leader, he guessed that they should be related to the endless grassland tribe.

Now it seems that the backstage of the goshawk leader seems to be more tough than expected.

Actually, it was able to let merchants from all over the grassland gather in cangyingling, and then go to yongfengling to purchase goods.

"Oh? The goshawks are interesting. Forget it. Let them alone, as long as they don't provoke us. "

After thinking about it, Zhao Fengnian decided not to want the eagle to lead.

Endless grassland is vast, boundless and sparsely populated.

Tribes like to fight with each other, so they will not attack the territory on this side of the Empire unless there is a natural or man-made disaster and the animals are killed.

This is also the reason why there is no garrison to defend the border and no grassland forces can seize the opportunity to attack and occupy the land of chaos.

Then Zhao Fengnian and Wang Meng talked about other aspects of black dragon city and planning.

Time passed quickly. Twenty minutes later, the people finally arrived at the mining area specially set up for the labor reform personnel.

There is a very large building complex in this area, surrounded by walls.

There are sentry towers at intervals, in which people poke out their heads to observe the situation around them from time to time.

Seeing a car coming, the soldiers on the sentry tower quickly whistled to inform the soldiers guarding the door below.

Through the reminder, the soldiers also saw the rail car coming from the distance, and quickly came out to prepare the inquiry.

However, when the soldier saw Zhao Fengnian and Wang Meng in the car, he was so excited that he knelt down and his body was shaking slightly.

Then the car stopped, Zhao Fengnian got out of the car and helped up the soldier himself. At the same time, he said, "it's hard."

Then they entered the transformation area in the excited eyes of a group of soldiers.

What can be reformed are generally leaders who have made some small mistakes and can be forgiven.

As for those who commit adultery and plunder, they will not have this opportunity.

Therefore, there are not many people who accept transformation here. Most of them will be released after serving their sentences.

Although Li Sheng set up a bureau to deceive Yan Ning, he did not cause actual harm, and he did not find any other charges in Mingguang army.

Therefore, they were exempted from death penalty and sent to the reconstruction area according to the rules.

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