Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2809: The past is like smoke (below)

"Dare pet hospitals be more worry-free than doing medical treatments, you say that\'s all about it!"

"Uh ..." Zheng Ren sighed.

"Dute is stupid, killing and cheating insurance, thinking insurance companies are stupid ?!" Su Yun began to curse, "What is an insurance company, that is capital, that is a predator who wants to make money! They have actuaries There are professional lawyers who specialize in dealing with various scams. What will these idiots do? !!! The killing methods learned by watching TV dramas? "

"You are talking about foreign insurance. It doesn\'t seem to have evolved to this point in China."

"That\'s right. As soon as the domestic insurance industry develops, the economy will start to take off, social security, and few people who have distorted ideas." Su Yundao, "Open the market immediately, foreign insurance companies ..."

"Not to mention this, the situation will not be the same twice." Zheng Ren asked.

"How could it be? It must be exactly the same, but the probability is too small. I didn\'t expect it. After all, I don\'t have much surgery with me now." Su Yun seriously reviewed, "Since you said Pu\'er tea, I probably understand What is the situation. "


"Stupid, you have to make tea just after the operation in the hospital. You have seen a few people with such a big heart." Su Yundao, "The patient has a lot of ascites, and his appetite is not good. We do n’t give much medicine after surgery. , Energy intake will only be in balance. Making tea at such a high cost is definitely a problem. "

"Next is what problems can Pu\'er tea cause. Have you tried Pu\'er? A lot of them." Su Yun asked.

"Forgot." Zheng Ren answered honestly.

"I must have never drunk it." Su Yun scorned, "Boss, traditional culture will enhance your compulsion. You think that in the future, foreign professors will come to study in the country. No coffee or anything is allowed to drink and not learn. Chinese, let them go without tea ceremony, this is the most basic threshold. "

"Don\'t make trouble, I probably know what you mean."

"Walking along this line, the family of the patient poured urine twice without the use of diuretics. There is a high probability that it is not urine, but the glucose that he extracted while taking advantage of the black." Su Yundao.

"Why pull it out? Isn\'t it almost bad to wait for it?" Zheng Ren asked.

"A bottle of sugar passed one night after the sugar point, and he was worried that the concentration would not be enough. He said that his mind was also thin enough to not inject himself, so he created a chance of hypoglycemia and allowed the doctor to hang a bottle of sugar. After that, he went to sleep. The next morning when the patient got cold, there was no chance for rescue. "

"It was also one of his plans to request a ward change before. It is estimated that patients who have fallen asleep early are waiting for the opportunity to move."

"After that, I started to make trouble, anyway, I was a little bit more. I guess he may also see that you are going to get the Nobel Prize, and it is certainly generous to do things."

"I don\'t understand, why is the commercial insurance covered by him? Medically dead, insurance will not be reimbursed." Zheng Ren asked puzzled.

"It was a fool of him, thinking that insurance companies are just as willing to push things down as hospitals. There are a large number of lawyers, and he will be dragged to death simply by lawsuit." Su Yundao, "and this medical \'accident\' insurance company should not be counted It was an accidental death. "

"How does light research kill silently ..." As soon as this said, Zheng Ren felt the cold wind around him.

Speculation, what a surprise! Although it was clear before, the coldness of Su Yun was even worse after Su Yun stung again.

"It\'s almost the same. There are more idiots to kill and cheat the police. There are hands and feet, and it\'s not enough to make good money? Do you see why Da Huang Ya Du Te began to use science to explain fraud? That\'s ... Ye Te is not a good person. "Su Yun sighed.

"In the past, there was a column in Huashitai, and it was about killing and cheating." Nothing happened. Su Yun began to gossip. "There is a family with two daughters, both are married. Once in a car accident, the eldest daughter Died. Soon another car accident, the second daughter was paralyzed. "

"The little daughter has always been taking care of her husband, but one day when she was nap, she rolled down from the bed and hit her head on the nail of the candlestick under the bed, and she became a vegetative!"

"..." Zheng Ren was speechless.

For ordinary gossip, it can only be said that the family is unlucky. But in combination with what Su Yun said before, all this has become a premeditated silly murder and deception.

"The second son-in-law said that there was no reason for her mother-in-law to take care of herself, so it was inconvenient, so she returned to her hometown. Then an insurance company came to investigate her situation, and the mother-in-law knew that her eldest daughter had bought personal accident insurance before she died! It was her second son-in-law! He bought it for her little daughter! "

"The thing is because of murder and deceiving insurance. This fool only initially planned to kill his aunt. But then I knew that I was not eligible to be a beneficiary as my brother-in-law. Do you talk about the insurance company\'s reliability? Why don\'t you say it when you buy insurance!"

Su Yun was talking, the topic went directly to the insurance company ~ ~ Don\'t talk nonsense, serious business. "Zheng Rendao.

"If you can\'t get the money, you have to kill your wife." Su Yun said, "The wife\'s life was hard ... not to mention, maybe it\'s not good, anyway, she didn\'t die, she just became a vegetable."

"Later, the police intervened and went to his hometown to investigate, and immediately discovered that the goods were not paralyzed at all." Su Yundao, "There is no need to say anything later."

"Why didn\'t the insurance company call the police at first?"

"Because he was paralyzed, I guess it was the salesman who relied on a payment, or he was suspected of fraud at the beginning, deceiving policies and performance, and did not report it. In the end, the young daughter of the family also became a vegetative."

"Why did you call the police later?"

"The insurance company definitely doesn\'t want to pay, especially for such a large accident insurance. Normal death can pick up numerous flaws, let alone say that he kills people." Su Yun said contemptuously, "Today we encounter This is also such a fool. "

Zheng Ren knew that Su Yun had a bad mood today, screaming silly, venting his anger.

Just be relaxed, Zheng Ren smiled, and said, "Okay, today you have made a contribution."

"I really want to put them to death." Su Yun sighed. "Killing husbands, wives and deceiving security is normal, killing children and deceiving security is the most abhorrent!"

Zheng Ren silently, this kind of thing is really hard to say.

But he was born with flesh and blood, and it was amazing to be able to get rid of his hands.

"If I want to swindle insurance, I must first go to an insurance company for two years. The problem is internal, have you heard this?" Su Yun asked.

"..." Zheng Ren felt a little cold, and immediately stopped Su Yun, "Don\'t pull so much, study your nanobots well."

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