Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2720: Grab the last ... blade

"I\'m fine." Director Miao said.

"Director, can you help me see it?" Director Liu whispered, "The patient\'s condition is now stable, but I\'m still worried ..."

"Okay." Director Miao agreed without hesitation, as if he was still the director of 912 Urology.

After hearing Director Miao\'s agreement, Director Liu had a bottom in his heart.

Hang up the video, Director Liu watched the patient lying on the operating table stably, exhaling for a long time.

I just scared people in those few minutes.

In his subconscious, Director Liu called and called Director Miao. This is just an impression, an idea, and a consciousness that has remained in his heart for many years.

I have to find Director Miao if I am not sure about it. Although the idea gradually faded as Director Miao retired, but at the moment when it was not possible, Director Liu still seemed to grasp the last ...

Is it straw or blade? Director Liu froze for a moment.

现实 After the rescue, the reality is back. What if Director Miao took the opportunity to kill a carbine? This problem appeared in the mind of Director Liu, and it cannot be erased once he remembered it.

At that time, Director Miao left the familiar department because of a jump. This was an accident that no one had expected.

When Liu Qunlong was headless, Director Liu seized the opportunity. He did not fall into the boundless pain, but occupied the position of acting director through various channels for the first time.

Originally, he regarded Director Miao as his biggest opponent. Director Liu was only acting director at the time. He knew that as soon as Director Miao returned from illness, this director\'s dream would be broken.

But as the day goes with others, Director Miao was disheartened and unexpectedly chose to retire directly.

However, Director Liu\'s position was not stable. He was timid just now. The patient suddenly appeared to be dying, and Director Liu subconsciously grabbed the last blade—the blade.

Now think about it, the patient should be fine, but what about himself?

主任 Director Liu is a little confused.

It is said that Director Miao has retired, but once he is re-employed, will the leading professors who are so enthusiastic about suppressing the sea under their own control will be surrounded by Director Miao and oppose themselves?

These intriguing thoughts flashed through Director Liu\'s mind.

I could not think of so much, Director Liu was sitting on a stool in the corner of the operating room confused. For a moment, I was unable to think of other things in the emergency department, and then returned to the reality of fraud, Director Liu felt that his mind was a little confused.

虽然 Although the patient\'s condition is stable, he only knows something about gas embolism. What kind of complications will happen afterwards is not clear to Director Liu.

Forget it, just wait for Director Miao to come back and talk about it.

Director Liu is a little bored. In fact, being a group professor is also very good, at least there is no pressure. Running a flying knife on the weekend and earning some hard work is also better than being scared in Corey.

"Director Liu, what shall we do next?" Lao He looked at the patient lying on the operating table and looked at Director Liu again.

"Wait a while, and wait until Director Miao comes," said Director Liu.

Lao He smiled. Someone is suitable for the director, and some are not. The director Liu is not suitable. The skin is not thick enough and the heart is not black enough, it is a kind of good person in the traditional sense.

I forget, it has nothing to do with myself. Anyway, at the critical moment, Boss Zheng thought of himself, and Brother Yun called him, which once again proved his position in the medical team.

Neng\'an stayed quietly beside Boss Zheng as a specialized anesthesiologist. Lao He found a USB disk from his pocket and inserted it into the USB port.

I also belong to the kind of person who is not a leader by nature, or study the business and follow the boss Zheng.

Xun Laohe thought clearly that Director Xu gave himself a deputy director, and he went on. But nothing can be done, and the name of a deputy director is enough.

With the sound of good luck, Lao He gradually became happy.

In the beginning, he also had some resistance to this good fortune. It was enough to listen to it once or twice. He had to listen to every operation and would soon get bored.

But after the incident of red wedding dress, how old Lao He listened to good luck and how to feel good, it is just bgm specialized in surgery, there is no more suitable music.

Until now, I do n’t feel like listening to the stage for surgery if I do n’t listen to this song. Even if he doesn\'t stand with boss Zheng, Lao He is accustomed to looping for good luck.

Sitting in front of the operating table, Lao He looked at the anesthesiologist and looked at the patient\'s ECG monitoring and ventilator. Then he said, "Minor repair, stop pure oxygen, and the concentration drops."

"Oh!" The anesthesiologist immediately did according to Lao He.

"Lao He, do you think there should be no cerebral hypoxia?" The anesthesiologist asked.

应该 "Should not, you have been rescued if there is a problem? I glanced at the rescue medication and considered that there would be no problem." Lao He said with a smile.

"There is a gas embolism in the left ventricle, will it cause a cerebral infarction?" The anesthesiologist asked a sharp question timidly again.

问题 This problem is like a hammer, hitting Director Liu\'s mind.

"Should not. I just took a brief look at the patient\'s reflexes. UU reading embolism has not yet run to the brain. Wait a while, Director Miao and Boss Zheng will come to know." Laohe said After his own thoughts, he refused to be involved.

"It scared me." The anesthesiologist gasped on the round stool beside the operating table. "Fortunately, Director Liu decided quickly and called Director Miao as soon as possible."

Wu Laohe looked at the anesthesiologist and knew that he was also a bit embarrassed. Can such words be said in the presence of Director Liu?

I glanced at Director Liu again, seeing that he was sitting absently in the corner of the room, and didn\'t know what he was thinking, he smiled and switched the subject.

"Do you know why I am willing to listen to this good luck?"

"Ah?" The anesthesiologist staggered for a moment, and Lao He\'s topic changed bluntly. He didn\'t understand it for a moment.

"When boss Zheng was performing a special bgm operation, although I think that boss Zheng did not listen to the song at all, but boss Zheng never made mistakes during the operation. Listening to this song is really awesome!" Laohe laughed, "Recommended!"

"Uh ..." The anesthetist froze a moment, and he listened carefully to the sound of good luck and cheerful music. This is indeed the case. Regardless of the operation, whether it is the patient, the patient\'s family, the doctor, or the nurse, begging for a good lip service.

Lu Guang is a good lip gloss, and good luck comes directly to the selection.

"I will put it next time, Lao He, I will copy your USB flash drive back later," said the anesthesiologist.

"Go online to download it, this is my exclusive to Mr. Zheng." Lao He said.

After a few chats, the atmosphere in the operating room gradually relaxed.