Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2711: So luxurious? !!

Yu always didn\'t know what was going on in the hooligan. When he brushed his hand, he just heard Boss Zheng talking about gossip.

Boss Zheng is usually serious and personal. He even said such gossip, and he asked with great interest.

Gu Xiaoran has no interest in gossip for the time being, he ponders some cases he has encountered. Seeing Yun Geer righteously angrily, he said that the professor who had enrolled nurses and students face to face with enema, knew that they could not be disturbed, or it might be that Lei might be on his head.

He looked around and saw Lao He sitting idle next to the anesthesiologist, with three open syringes full of rescue medication in front of his hands, and Gu Xiaoran gathered together.

"Mr. He."

Gu Xiaoran walked behind Lao He and shouted respectfully. Into the ear was Lao He humming the song in a low voice, listening carefully, he humming turned out to be a good luck.

"Xiao Ran, what\'s wrong?" Lao He asked with a smile.

"What would you do if you encountered this in your anesthesia?" Gu Xiaoran humbly asked for advice.

"If blood pressure drops, immediately establish a venous channel, and quickly instill intravenous balance salts, plasma replacement, low-molecular dextran, etc. to expand blood volume and maintain effective circulating blood volume." Lao He glanced at the ECG monitoring and began to follow up Xiao Ran talked.

"What if there is a problem with the heart rate?" Gu Xiaoran asked.

"If the blood pressure is normal and the heart rate is slowed down, you can give the patient atropine 0.5 ~ 1mg intravenously; if the blood pressure is reduced and the systolic blood pressure is less than 80mmHg, give the patient a dopamine 5 ~ 20mg intravenous injection. If it does not relieve, repeat the administration.

"Oh." Gu Xiaoran silently wrote down what Lao He said.

"Xiao Ran, you are very good at learning. Yes, yes, young people just learn more." Lao He said with a smile.

"Our place is small, and usually no one studies. We still have to come out and meet the world." Gu Xiaoran laughed. "When I came out, I was most afraid of meeting a serious old professor."

"Well, testing your basic knowledge every day can scold you and cry 80 times." Lao He said: "Staff Zheng, you are lucky. Passing on skills, but rarely swearing."

Gu Xiaoran took the words of Lao He deeply.

The reason why no one came to study in their hospital was because the last person to go to school encountered a bad-tempered teacher. Every morning, as long as you don\'t ask questions, returning to the office is a curse.

It is said that Yan is a teacher, but being too strict is always a bit bad. So Gu Xiaoran was a bit worried when he came out, but he found his luck in Didu.

After going through the "devil" experience of Sister Yue\'s examination of the medical history, when I came to the 912 headquarters, I was still out of my head.

"Immediately inject epinephrine, chest compressions, and electrical defibrillation in patients with cardiac arrest. At the same time, eliminate other causes of vagus nerve reflex as soon as possible." Lao He continued: "In patients with cardiac arrest, the effect of adrenaline is still Good. Once I went to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University with Boss Zheng for an operation. I set up a row of adrenaline, and now I still think about it. "

"What to do?" Gu Xiaoran asked.

"Heartbeat is gone, there is no way to say too much. Normally it takes 5 minutes for the adrenaline to be administered intravenously." Lao He said, "But this thing is really useful. Now as long as you go on stage with boss Zheng, don\'t put a row of adrenals. Su, I don\'t know. "

"Lao He, what do you say secretly?"

"Brother Yun, isn\'t this a difficult operation for Boss Zheng?" Lao He laughed. "A lot of people dare not take over the operation. By the way, when is the next operation for the little stone\'s child?"

"It\'s early, how can it take another three weeks or so." Su Yun said, "I will go to Europe these days."

"Europe?" Yu asked in surprise.

Although 912 is the top third-class hospital in the country, it is not possible for patients to be drawn to Europe casually.

"You may not have heard of a new algorithm called CT. It is called DeepMACT. It is said that you can see the distribution of tumor cells throughout the body. I think the information is quite reliable. The boss contacted a large private laboratory. The customized turn is for his targeted drugs. "Su Yundao.

"..." Yu Zongran, has the treatment been so luxurious? !!

However, he understood that it should be a scientific research, regardless of cost.

"Brother Yun, did you use targeted drugs instead of surgery?" Lao He asked.

"No." Su Yundao, "So many solid tumors should still be cut, and the staging is too late. I hope the small stones can survive that day and survive the surgery."

Lao He recalled Xiao Shi\'s body and sighed softly.

Targeted drug treatments are hard to bear for small stones, let alone other surgeries.

If surgery is still to be performed, it must be a huge operation, such as combined pancreaticoduodenectomy and so on. Just a little stone\'s body? May be alas. But Lao He didn\'t say this, there was no need to be annoying.

Yu always restarted taking the nails in the urethra. This time, the patient had no sudden condition and the operation went smoothly. In the end, the nail that blocked the urethra was not taken forward, but was removed directly.

On the whole, except for the accident, the operation was smooth and unpredictable.

Mr. Yu sent the patients back, and Zheng Ren also changed his clothes. Seeing surgery this time, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com not only got gossip, but also more clinical experience.

If the next time, you don\'t have to feel wrong before the operation, but you can\'t find out where the problem is.

"Boss, Fu Guier is ready." Su Yun said, "You can go to Europe at any time."

"Um." Zheng Ren nodded. "Is the laboratory large? Are all medical equipment available?"

"Backed by a top-level private hospital, usually the kind of private hospital where wealthy children are rarely invited to undergo surgery. But that was once the level of wealthy children was not enough. Now, there is a close connection." Su Yundao.

"Speak with Kerry, apply for air routes, and arrange for work at home ..."

"Boss, do you want to be so annoying!" Su Yundao, "There are Changyue, Lao Gao, and Xiao Ran in the family. No problem. The earth doesn\'t change without you, so there are so many things to think about. "

"Hey." Zheng Ren was not angry, but nodded with a smile.

Everything in the medical team is on track, Gao Shaojie\'s level has reached the level of Professor Rudolph Wagner, and there is no need to worry.

Then get ready to go. Zheng Ren thinks back to the small stone and thinks that his body should be able to withstand the pressure of long-distance flight after another 2-3 days. But just in case, Zheng Ren spared no expense in asking Christian\'s plane to pick up Little Rock.