Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2684: crazy

Xiang Heping went out, and the cold wind blew a little. He thought "sanely" for a moment, or called a friend at the branch office, prepared to ambush, and grabbed someone if something was wrong.

Director Zhang of Orthopedics saw Xiang Heping looking for all kinds of things and followed them after taking a look.

But when he went out of the doctor\'s office, Xiang Heping did not go to the treatment room to find medicine, but called someone. Director Zhang heard two sentences, and his back hair was erected.

Xiang Heping Is this crazy? Is he ready to give up because he failed an anesthesia?

He really wants to die, but also pulls the entire county hospital to die! This bastard. Director Zhang looked at Xiang Heping like a thriller and saw that he quickly grabbed the goods after hanging up.

"Old item." Director Zhang said hastily.

"Director Zhang, what\'s wrong?" Xiang Heping asked back.

"How do I think you\'re wrong today?" Director Zhang asked: "Emergency call for Boss Zheng, you are not enthusiastic at all, is it a bit shy? If you are so bad, why do you have to be enthusiastic about Boss, others ... ... after all, it\'s here to help you. "

"Ah? Director Zhang, I think they are liars." Xiang Heping said.

"The liar?" Director Zhang was puzzled by this. He didn\'t know how the electrophysiological response induced by Xiang Heping\'s strange brain circuit could make him think that Zheng was a liar.

Didn\'t you watch the TV interview? This is Boss Zheng, definitely. The just preoperative explanation also shows this. For epidural imaging, it may be necessary to inject gas into the epidural space. This type of operation is now rare, but who dares to do it except Mr. Zheng?

To be honest, as the director of orthopedics, Director Zhang has never seen, or even heard of, the doctor\'s "Sao operation" of actively injecting gas into the epidural space.

However, Boss Zheng said that there was a check of ventricle gas imaging in the past, because ... just thinking of this, Director Zhang\'s thinking was interrupted.

"Director Zhang, I\'m not afraid of your jokes. The directors of the anesthesia department of the Imperial Capital and I really have no deep relationship." While preparing things, Xiang Heping said, "I sent a message to more than a dozen directors who have WeChat signals, only 912 Lao He and another director responded to me. "

"Isn\'t that good?" Director Zhang asked in confusion.

"If you think about it, I just consulted. I couldn\'t wait to call the phone. Was it reasonable? Before I said, Boss Zheng came directly with people." Xiang Heping said.

"Lao Zhang, do you think it\'s reasonable? Except that the scammer would be so active ... I\'ll ask you, if you can\'t come under the surgery, and you want to find a professor from the Imperial City to help, do you have to ask grandpa to tell grandma?"

Director Zhang\'s mouth was a bit bitter.

To be honest, not many people are so enthusiastic. why? Helping an elderly person must be worried about being blackmailed. Video surveillance has proven to be extortion and there is no penalty. The cost of breaking the law is so low that many people have a bad mind.

The medical situation is quite special. Rescuing Taiwan is good to say that it is to save people, such as fire, but people who come to rescue Taiwan also have to bear certain risks.

After all, the situation of not being able to come to Taiwan must be the one with a particularly complicated condition, and no one can be sure of it.

If you are familiar with it, you know the basics. If you are unfamiliar, you will be afraid ... No, what are you thinking? !!

Director Zhang sighed, and secretly sighed that the human heart was not ancient, and then said positively: "Old item, I think you think too much."

"How?" Xiang Heping asked.

"The scammer can\'t say what he said just now." Director Zhang said earnestly: "Epicardiography, this is no longer known to ordinary people. Don\'t say ordinary people, I am an orthopedic doctor, the first few I went to the annual meeting and heard the professor of Union Medical College talk about a spinal tumor operation, and I knew that there was still such an examination. "

"..." Xiang Heping heard Director Zhang\'s words, and he gave a slight hesitation.

"Boss Zheng just said it might still be necessary to pump into the epidural space. Do you remember this?"

Xiang Heping was trying to catch the scammers at the time.

"I was stupid, pumped up? What if something goes wrong!" Director Zhang then picked up his cell phone and showed Xiang Heping.

What appeared on the phone was a chat between him and a professor of orthopedics at Imperial Capital.

[Mr. Gu, do you have gas in the epidural space? 】

[Cheer up? Isn\'t that nonsense! Who are you talking about? 】

[Boss Zheng came to our hospital to rescue the patient. A case of epidural anesthesia catheter was broken. He wanted to remove the broken catheter by interventional surgery. 】

There was a long silence on the opposite side. Looking at the time mark on the chat record, it should have been 3 minutes before the teacher Gu responded.

[Boss Zheng, what he says you can do. I haven\'t done a similar operation, but there was a ventricle gas angiography check a long time ago. In theory, epidural gas is okay. Just pay attention to the amount. 】

Below is a pile of messages from Teacher Gu asking if the county hospital can record the operation. When he knew he couldn\'t, Teacher Gu also expressed regret and told Director Zhang to finish reading from the beginning and then contact by phone.

"Old item, I didn\'t say you." Director Zhang was stunned when he saw Xiang Heping, and said with a sigh, "Are you looking for a liar?

"Well." Xiang Heping answered a little confused.

"If you think about it, what would you do if Boss Zheng really was? What should we do at Langshan County Hospital?"

"What to do?" Xiang Heping\'s brain turned a lot slower than usual.

"Boss Zheng came to Taiwan eagerly to save Taiwan. People do n’t have to eat or not. You do n’t even have a smile on your face. Not to mention, you have to hurry people to the branch office." .com ~ My body is cold and my teeth collide, as if a pot of cold water was poured down.

What a terrible thing, this peace is really heartbroken.

"If you make a mistake, this is definitely the biggest scandal this year! Why don\'t you want to mingle in the medical circle in the future." Director Zhang said, with a heavy tone, "Don\'t say you, just talk to our wolf mountain county Do n’t want to confuse anyone in the hospital. ”


"You talk, what\'s the matter! Boss Zheng came to rescue Taiwan, and you sent people to the bureau. Laoxiang, are you stunned by anesthesia, the whole person is crazy!" Speaking of Director Zhang at the end Recalling Emperor Gu\'s WeChat, the admiration for Boss Zheng in the line was even more scared, and his tone became harsher.



Note: One year, a family member of a patient firmly believed that a professor was a liar and called the police. This is the real thing.
