Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2679: Ask the Emperor's Teacher

Director Zhang, you also know things, tell me what you think. Xiang Heping finally relaxed and said helplessly: "My own father, there is no need to pick up good words, and there is no taboo. "

"Old item ..."

"Director Zhang, to be honest, I think of a way. You can tell me whether it should be conservative or surgery, just to be honest." Xiang Heping said stiffly.

"I estimate that there is no problem with the high probability, at least there will be no complications such as paralysis." Director Zhang of Orthopedics said: "Reexamine a chest CT 2 weeks after surgery. I consider that the soft tissue of the posterior margin of the 12 spinous processes of the chest may be swollen. Complications, but without compromising function. "

"What would you do if you had surgery?" Xiang Heping asked.

Speaking of surgery, Director Zhang of Orthopedics coughed twice, and after a little thought, the entire surgical process had come to mind.

After all, if the operation is performed, it is only a very small operation, and it is not a huge operation that is difficult to perform in the whole cervical spine replacement.

"If you do surgery, cut open, separate layer by layer, reveal the lumbar 1 lamina, drill and drill, and bite off the right half of the lumbar lamina. There should be clear cerebrospinal fluid flowing out, and then you can see the catheter. The catheter is pulled out of the epidural, the postoperative time is relatively short, and theoretically there will be no adhesion or mechanization. "

"Then it is to repair the dura mater, repair the bone window, and stop the surrounding hemorrhage. It is enough to close it layer by layer."

Xiang Heping buzzed at the thought of biting the right half of the lamina of waist 1.

He has seen orthopedic surgery for vertebral body surgery. The blood flow on that side is extremely rich. One of the accidents after the operation was that the hematoma remained and caused the lower limbs ...

Thinking of this, Xiang Heping no longer dare to think again.

With his legs getting softer, Xiang Heping leaned against the wall of the operating room and squatted slowly.

This matter is not the same as a general medical accident. If the medical accident occurs, you should understand it stubbornly and the patient\'s family, even if the cost of the surgery is borne by yourself, please ask the professor of the Imperial Capital to perform this orthopedic surgery, postoperative nutritional expenses, and mental health. Loss fees are counted, plus compensation ...

As long as the problem can be solved with money, it\'s okay to say, but this time it is his own grandfather, Xiang Heping\'s mind is so dizzy that he can\'t move at all.

Director Zhang of Orthopedics sighed when he saw the appearance of Xiang Heping.

He and Director Ou looked at each other and asked, "Director Ou, what good suggestions do you have?"

"Uh ..." Director Ou groaned for a moment, then thought and asked, "To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation."

"I\'m not quite sure what to do, Director Xiang is also an old anesthesiologist ..."

The rest of the words were uncomplicated, and Director Ou was a little slippery.

"If I can\'t solve the problem during the operation, Director Xiang also knows that it seems to have brought you over from home." Director Ou continued.

It was a surgery 2 years ago. It was extremely severe intestinal obstruction. When I opened it, I was dumbfounded and couldn\'t do it at all. At this time, either close the abdomen directly and transfer to a superior hospital. However, Director Ou stepped down to explain to the patient\'s family, and he did not recognize it. He had no choice but to ask a professor from the Imperial City to help rescue the Taiwan.

After 9 hours, the operation was finally completed.

At that time, because he was worried about anesthesia problems, he called Xiang Heping from home to watch the operation in the middle of the night.

The small county town has the advantages of the county town.

"You mean ..." Xiang Heping asked in astringent voice.

"Let\'s guess here is useless, after all, interlacing is like separating mountains. Do you know which professor in the capital is old? Ask him to see if there is a good way." Director Ou suggested.

"Good way ... what can be done." Xiang Heping squatted on the ground in depression, said sadly and depressed.

"Can\'t think of it that way, the standards of the Emperor Capital are still very high. Besides, the amount of surgery on the other side is very large, and there are many accidents. Older, you can ask if you can just say a word, what can I do?" Advise.

It ’s okay to ask, but who? Xiang Heping also felt that Director Ou\'s proposal was correct. He reached out his phone and hesitated.

Anesthesia is not the same as surgery.

Surgery requires a large hand to fly a knife, and the doctors have close contact with each other, plus the cost of running a flying knife, the relationship is still very good. I have heard of surgical flying knives, but anaesthesia rarely has anything like asking someone to do it.

Relationships ... I know them all, but they know others, they may not know themselves.

Xiang Heping hesitated, edited a WeChat, and sent it to all the directors of the Department of Anesthesia Anesthesia.



"Boss Zheng, if you have time, please give me pointers for my minimally invasive surgery." Professor Yang raised his glass and said happily.

The patient seemed to be predicted by Boss Zheng. He woke up after the operation and left the bed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Professor Yang was still worried, for fear of any side effects after surgery.

Later I found out that I was too nervous, but there was no good way. There was something wrong during the operation. Can the surgeon not be nervous.

The next day, I was stressed for a day, and the CT was reviewed on the third day, and it was found that the pancreatic pseudocyst was completely drained. Just wait for recovery to find the time to remove the stent.

This matter has come to an end, but the impact on Professor Yang will not pass for a while.

Learn with Boss Zheng, this is the last word that comes from thousands of words.

"Brother Yang, you\'re welcome." Zheng Ren said with a smile and raised Yang Baishui in his glass.

"It\'s not polite, it\'s the real thing. You didn\'t even know that I was scared to death at the time. I have to say that my courage was really small enough." Professor Yang said.

"Brother Yang ~ ~ walk one." Su Yun and Professor Yang touched a glass, drank the wine, and asked with a smile: "Did you buy a lottery ticket when you went home that day?"

"..." Professor Yang shook his head.

Come back home? I sat in the hospital that night and didn\'t dare to close my eyes. I still go home, how big my heart is.

"I went back and researched the flat knot that the guide wire put on the bracket, which is really an exquisite work of art." Su Yundao, "I studied with Lao He for a long time, and then I sent my ideas to Mayo."

"..." Professor Yang was speechless and connected with Mayo in this way.

"It\'s a pity not to buy a lottery ticket, Lao He, what do you say ... Well, the message from the little lover?" Su Yun glanced at Lao He and asked him what he seemed to be thinking about while holding his mobile phone.

"Brother Yun, something is wrong. Langshan County Hospital had an appendicitis operation. The epidural catheter was broken during anesthesia." Lao He sighed.

(End of this chapter)