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v3 Chapter 2632: The way forward

Su Yun suddenly saw a picture while searching for relevant information, and he frowned immediately.

"Boss, every time I watch someone eat a bat, I feel that this kind of death can\'t be described by words." Su Yun frowned, saying with a disgust.

"Well, have you ever seen the wilderness?"

"Have seen it." Su Yun said, "You say the one from Bell Griers, and that\'s what I\'m about to say. Pei Ye dare to eat anything, survive in the wilderness, many things are directly imported. But that\'s Britain The special forces have studied for countless years before they have accumulated experience. Dead zebra meat, elephant manure squeezed juice ... it was disgusting to watch. "

"Well, he ate the bat episode. I saw it baked for 5 hours, and his hands were shaking when eating." Zheng Rendao said.

"The sashimi sashimi ... still boil soup ... sigh." Su Yun sighed. "This thing looks cold and evil. To say that Mr. Yuan has made us not hungry, why should we eat these things?"

"Bats themselves carry a large number of viruses, and they do not respond to the viruses, or they may be a weapon to defend themselves. It is estimated that without these viruses, bats would have been extinct long ago, and there is no need to wait for white nose syndrome." Zheng Rendao.

"Some people have done research on the immune system against viruses in bats, and they want to find new ways to treat the virus. Then they found that ... bats do not respond to the virus at all." Zheng Ren sighed, "So bats are very powerful, In some ways, it\'s the most awesome mammal, so be awed. "

"Speaking of which, what is the longevity you said?" Su Yun asked.

"A bat is the only mammal that is not restricted by terrain ..." Zheng Ren said.

"You just say it will not fly, you don\'t need to say anything like reporting." Su Yun interrupted his boss\'s words with contempt.

"I\'m afraid you will raise the bar." Zheng Ren said lightly.

"Serious matters." Su Yun switched the subject.

"I just said that genes related to DNA damage repair in bats are very unusual. It can be said that the ability to repair DNA damage is very high.

In other words, the metabolic rate caused by flight is increased, and DNA damage is more likely to occur. In the long-term evolution, bats have resisted by improving the ability to repair DNA damage. "

"The background expression level of heat shock proteins in bat cells is very high, and genes related to the type I interferon pathway will also provide new ideas for future clinical drug research."

"There are also studies that say that bats lack the gene of the PYHIN family, so inflammation rarely occurs, so tumors associated with inflammation and abnormal proliferative cells rarely appear."

Zheng Ren talked about some fragments intermittently. He said, while summing up and reflecting on himself, and then perfected his words.

"That is to say, white nose syndrome, bats infected with fungi, is a side effect of their ability to resist tumors?" Su Yun asked.

"Possibly, this is also the purpose of Christian\'s research." Zheng Rendao, "But saving the bat, the pre-treatment results can cure cancer first, which is really a very unexpected gain. And Kerry\'s research ... If you can pass the bat It would be far-reaching to study genetics to overcome tumors. "

"Boss, pay attention to your wording." Su Yundao, "It is a big thing for us humans to be able to treat cancer."

"Who knows, there may be a series of side effects when a Pandora\'s Box is opened." Zheng Ren said, "The ghost knows what it will look like in the end."

"The bat chose to fly, so its metabolic rate will increase, so that the level of oxidative stress will also increase. In order to combat these results brought by flight, the bat has evolved to adapt to high levels of DNA damage repair."

"It\'s not that bats chose to fly, but that only mammals that can fly are the bats." Zheng Rendao said, "Sometimes we think that natural choices are full of bizarre fate. Creatures that could rule the earth, but because of fungi And perish. "

"I never thought that bats could rule the earth, so you would think so. But when you were a kid, you said that bats are flying mice, and they are the largest two types of mammals. Boss, if you grow like that, you can count them. How many? "Su Yun\'s questions are always very curious.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, we are saying that bats can\'t resist fungi." Zheng Ren said, "If the Christian research results, I am afraid that bats will have no natural enemies for a while."

"Why don\'t you save the world and save humanity?"

"Just like what we do, Christian is to save bats, we are to save small stones and treat cancer. After going through this barrier, there will definitely be another mountain." Zheng Rendao, "So perfect The body does not exist ... "

"What stinks, what dare not say." Su Yun scorned, "the last evolution must be the spiritual body."

"There are many problems with the spiritual body."

"It ’s getting farther and farther!" Su Yun immediately stopped Zheng Ren, "Boss, you said that bats have stronger background levels of innate immune response systems, so they rarely or never get sick when they carry the virus. This Can it be used to develop drugs to treat the virus? "

"No money." Zheng Rendao, "This research is not something we can do. A large laboratory was thrown into it. I didn\'t know how much money to throw in for more than ten or twenty years, and there was not necessarily any result."

Su Yun shrugged.

"If once and for all the human immunity to the virus is resolved, who knows what will come next."

"You are too pessimistic. Take one step at a time, look at your eyebrows and look at them ~ ~ I remember you said this, why did you split yourself?" Su Yun said scornfully.

"So, think about small stones first." Zheng Rendao, "The bat is the second largest mammal after rodents, accounting for 20% of mammals in the world, more than 1,300 species. And it is extremely widespread, North and South Pole There are bats everywhere in the world. And bats have a long history, dating back almost 50 million years. "

"Christian\'s research is very careful and very cautious. We don\'t have this condition, and I\'m not very interested in this research. In fact, sometimes I suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with choosing basic research, but I was more interested in surgery.

After Zheng Ren said it, he sighed long and didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Leave, go to Changyue and Yiren for dinner." Su Yun said, "You are not happy with Christian, you have no meal at night."

"He was not unhappy, but was panicked and frightened after being seen through." Zheng Ren said, "Tomorrow he will come with a smile and sincerity, you can rest assured."

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