Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2624: Sense of ceremony

Doctor Nie is sorting out the patient\'s information. She now judges that the patient\'s condition is much heavier than expected, and there is no need for treatment.

Research progress seems to have been delayed a little bit, and Dr. Ni is a little upset.

When I looked at the patient\'s image data before, I felt that the bronchial stent could be inserted by interventional methods, but the patient\'s condition progressed too quickly, and the airway was blocked in just a few days.

No problem, there are many similar patients. The shortage is not related patients, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of cancer patients around the world, Nico does not think that no suitable patients can be found. But it\'s not just the world that\'s delaying, it\'s the money!

Information is being sorted out and the door is pushed open.

Nicole was very upset. She said coldly without looking back, "Go out, this is where the doctor works."

But in an instant, the corner of her eyes saw the members of the medical team around her all standing up at the same time.

"Doctor Ni," said Johannes Mandy.

Doctor Nie froze. How could it be Johannes Mandy? !! What is he doing here!

Stand up immediately and smile back. "Mr. Mandy, hello."

"This is Dr. Zheng and his medical team who just won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Dr. Zheng said that your patients still have therapeutic value." Johannes Mandy said.

"There is still the value of treatment ?!" Nico was surprised. "The patient\'s airway is almost occluded and it is impossible to undergo interventional surgery. It is not only surgery, even bronchoscopy stimulation!

She was full of surprise and puzzlement.

Interventional surgery has just been attempted by the patient, and the patient was unable to bear it when the bronchoscope had just passed through the glottis and began to be restless.

Such patients have not been able to intubate, so Dr. Ni used his own experience to judge that there is no value in treatment.

The matter has been reported via email with Johannes Mandy, and he has also agreed to give up treatment. This is an accident, after all, volunteers will get a lot of compensation.

No, Dr. Zheng, who just won the Nobel Prize in TIPS surgery, said that treatment can still be performed? !!

For a moment, countless thoughts appeared in Dr. Ni\'s mind.

"I\'ll take a look at the information." Zheng Ren came in and said, "Trouble."

Doctor Ni looked at the young doctor who was standing in front of her. It really looks a lot like the photo, it should be that he is right.

It really is so young and full of energy. Looking at him, saying that the Nobel Prize winner is really incredible. To say that his doctoral students are still similar, Dr. Ni thought to himself.

"Thank you, I want to take a look at the patient\'s information." Seeing the doctor\'s inactivity before him, the smile on Zheng Ren\'s face disappeared and he said solemnly.

Her voice didn\'t increase intentionally, but Dr. Ni suddenly “woke up”, and she felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Does this young doctor really think he can do everything?

Nico doesn\'t think so that he can successfully perform surgery on the patient. I just tried it myself, the patient couldn\'t even go under the bronchoscope, the glottic stimulation could not stand, and after a try, he did another image examination and found that the middle part of the patient\'s airway was basically blocked.

The patient has only about 3-5 days of life, and he will eventually die of suffocation. It\'s like a drowning person, except that this process takes hundreds of times longer, and the pain is correspondingly hundreds of times larger.

But that was a condition, and there was nothing I could do. As for the Nobel Prize winner ... he can\'t do anything about it.

Although Dr. Ni thought so in her heart, she said nothing, but took a few steps back and let the computer open.

Zheng Ren noticed Dr. Ni\'s resistance. Although she didn\'t say anything positive, this silent non-cooperation showed her true heart.

But it doesn\'t matter. Zheng Ren sat directly on the chair and clicked with his right mouse to open the patient\'s data.

The last CT film showed that the patient\'s condition was very serious. Even if the patient can withstand the surgery, the guide wire may not be able to enter.

If the esophageal tumor is definitely a radiography of the upper digestive tract, to see if there are gaps.

But this is an airway tumor and there is no way to do a corresponding examination. As long as the patient is alive, there is still a chance that the airway is not blocked.

"Mr. Johannes Mandy, I can do surgery for the patient." Zheng Ren asked while looking at the latest test report and image data.

"If Dr. Zheng finds it necessary, everything will be as you wish." Johannes Mandy replied softly.

Then, he glanced at Dr. Ni and her medical team.

Dr. Ni\'s expression had already clearly told herself her judgment of the condition-there was no possibility of surgery.

"Rudolph, do you think there is an opportunity for surgery?" Nico asked, looking at the professor slightly disdainfully.

Professor Rudolf Wagner frowned at the image, and if he did, he would certainly not think that treatment was possible. But now his boss is sitting in front of the computer and watching the video. He said he could or shouldn\'t.

And the boss just explained the process of preparing for the surgery, and the professor agreed with it.

He stared at Dr. Nico\'s eyes and said, "Nico, I think the boss will do it."

Doctor Ni did not continue to speak, but sat indifferently in another chair, silently watching everything in front of her.

Can this patient undergo surgery? It\'s just a century joke!

The doctor who manually operated the bronchoscope still remembers the suffocation of the patient at that time, plus the image data reviewed later, everything shows that this patient has no value to continue treatment.

Can\'t do it by himself, Rudolph can\'t, even Dr. Zheng who just won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for interventional surgery!

Medicine belongs to the natural sciences. uukanshu. Com follows the laws of nature, not just taking it for granted.

She looked at the young face silently, and there was a faint glimmer of luster.

"Su Yun, call Xiao Feng." Zheng Ren said.

"Okay." Su Yun glanced at Johannes Mandy. "The medical team, in our patient\'s ward, trouble sending someone to pick him up in the operating room."

"Dr. Su, we have everything you need here," Johannes Mandy emphasized.

"No, you don\'t know the boss\'s habits. You know that every outstanding person will have some of his own habit." Su Yun smiled.

Is this the sense of ritual in the legend? Johannes Mandy was puzzled, but he remembered Lord Kerry\'s words and immediately asked the small stone ward to pick up the person Su Yun mentioned.

"I take a look at the patient and get ready for surgery." Zheng Ren stood up and said after watching the film.
