Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2607: Sudden cardiac arrest

But just for a moment, the subject\'s heart rate directly returned to zero, giving Zheng Ren no chance to respond at all.

Zheng Ren immediately put down his device and started heart compression. An anesthesiologist assistant was subsequently purchased to help with the rescue.

Do your own heart compression and instruct the anesthesiologist to give the patient intravenous lidocaine, epinephrine, and atropine.

But it was completely useless, no matter how much medicine was given, no matter how the chest heart compression was performed, the subject\'s heart rate could not be returned.

Even in the end, Zheng Ren made a direct incision, and the chest heart compression was still impossible under direct vision. The patient\'s heart seemed to have lost vitality early, and there was no voluntary contraction.

After being rescued for 20 minutes, Zheng Ren simply gave up. He stood silently next to the experimenter and wondered what happened, so that a healthy young man would instantly lose his heartbeat.

Later, he had some ideas and walked out of the system operating room, ready to click to buy surgical training time.

"Boss Zheng, are you tired?" Gu Xiaoran\'s voice sounded in his ear.

Zheng Ren was helpless, and he sighed.

The patient has not yet come up, nothing has happened, there are still people around, and there is no chance to concentrate on it. Unless you have been squatting in the system operating room and never come out, it is completely unnecessary to see it now.

Even if it is the second before the patient\'s cardiac arrest, I can\'t figure it out myself, and I have no time to go to the system operating room.

"No," Zheng Ren said softly as he left the system space.

"I saw you walking and suddenly you didn\'t go, I thought you were not feeling well." Gu Xiaoran stood beside Zheng Ren and said with concern. His hand was right next to Zheng Ren\'s arm, and he could hold it as soon as his body was shaking.

Zheng Ren glanced at Gu Xiaoran\'s hand and looked at him with a careful look and smiled, "Thank Xiao Ran, I just feel something in my heart, thinking about something."

"Boss, aren\'t you hypoglycemic?" Su Yun was talking to Lao He side by side in front, and he hadn\'t forgotten to listen to the conversation between the boss and Gu Xiaoran.

"No, Su Yunbei and Lao He are in trouble. You come and ask you something." Zheng Ren and Su Yun said.

"Huh?" Su Yun was very puzzled. His boss rarely spoke to himself in this tone.

Is this asking for opinions? What happened?

"I have felt wrong since I saw the patient," Zheng Ren said frankly, "I always feel that there may be something missing, but I think over and over again, I always don\'t know where the problem lies."

"It\'s okay, you." Su Yun looked at his boss doubtfully. The three-layer mask could not stop the scornful expression on his face.

"Serious, no kidding." Zheng Ren said.

"Even if the urethra is torn, the urinary tract will be fine in the next period of time. If you look at the spirit of the patient, it doesn\'t seem to be a sign of urethral infection." Su Yun saw Zheng Ren\'s solemn expression and began to try to analyze.

Lao He didn\'t even know what the patient looked like. He was aggressive and couldn\'t say a word. But after thinking about it, 6 hands. By the time Boss Zheng and Su Yun were talking, he quickly walked to 6 hands.

"Xiao Zhou, when is the patient going?" Lao He hurriedly asked when he entered the room.

"Lao He, what\'s the matter?" Said the emergency anesthesiologist and Lao He with a smile.

"What patient?" Lao He said aggravatedly.

"Uh ... a patient with a foreign body in the urethra, I looked at the film, 9 nails in the urethra." The anesthesiologist saw Lao He was anxious. Although he didn\'t know what happened, he immediately told Lao He what he knew .

"The patient\'s vital signs are stable, there is no pyuria, and there is a little bit of hematuria. It is said that it hurts so much when urinating, so I was suffocated enough."

"Is there anything else?"

"No, the tour has already picked up, and it\'s time to come up," said the anesthesiologist. "The patient can still walk, that is, his legs have to be split, and it doesn\'t look like there is a problem. Do you know?"

"I don\'t know." Lao He recalled the anesthesiologist Xiao Zhou\'s statement that he had no pus, had a little blood, could walk, and his vital signs were stable, not as if he had a problem.

Could it be that Boss Zheng was overly nervous and misjudged? The idea had just surfaced in Lao He\'s mind, and it was immediately extinguished.

No, is Mr. Zheng wrong? It is also possible. He also said that there may be problems, but I don\'t know what is wrong.

Is the weird intuition of the clinician? Lao He was very serious about to take a look at the patient before talking.

"In this operation, you go to the operating table first." The itinerant nurse has led the patient back. She pointed to the operating table and said, "Can you go up yourself? If you are not struggling, I will move a footstool for you."

"No," the patient said shyly, then supported the operating table with both hands in a slightly weird posture, and sat directly on it. He is physically fit and looks tougher than himself. Through observation, Lao He has the most basic judgment on patients.

He took the surgical delivery from the tour and glanced at it. The patient belongs to the emergency department, and the medical records are estimated to have not been written. The only information available is this.

There were no problems with vital signs, and with the action of just “jumping” onto the operating table, Lao He did not think that the patients would have problems.

Boss Zheng must be a bit nervous, Lao He thought to himself.

He walked out of the operating room with a smile, and saw Boss Zheng and Su Yun standing somewhere in the back, whispering something.

"Boss Zheng, Brother Yun, I glanced at the patient ... nothing is happening now." Lao He said with a smile.

"Well, I don\'t think it\'s okay, the boss has to brainstorm." Su Yun shrugged helplessly and spread his hands.

"There is a feeling in my heart that cannot be said. Intuition, it just feels wrong." Zheng Ren shook his head slightly and sighed.

He and Su Yun discussed some possible situations, but no constructive ideas burst out at all. Up to now, Zheng Ren still didn\'t know why the patient had cardiac arrest during the operation. UU reading books www.

Come in and stop, just stop? No one would accept it.

What a special thing, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

No way, he had to come to the operating room and see the anesthesiologist numb the patient. ECG monitoring has been connected, all vital signs are intact, and normal can no longer be normal.

"General Manager, how is the patient\'s hematuria?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Not much, there is a small amount of exudate, no pus. I glanced at it, there was only a little bloodshot." Mr. Yu whispered, "Boss Zheng, are you here?"

"No." Zheng Ren turned around and sat on the round stool where the touring nurse was busy in the corner, squinting to observe the patient.

I just couldn\'t say too much with Su Yun. I knew in advance that such a sudden cardiac arrest could only be in my heart. Zheng Ren felt uncomfortable. If he could say in advance, Lao He might be able to put forward some opinions for reference.

There must be "little" problems that I haven\'t noticed.