Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2595: Kang Long has regrets

Zhou Chunyong arranged it very well. He devoted himself to this meal.

The atmosphere during the feast was also good, but Gao Shaojie was always unhappy. The two heart-piercing words that boss Zheng just said were really piercing his heart.

Some things, don\'t face them better, wait for time to solve them, as an ordinary doctor, even a group professor, there is no chance to change.

Talking and laughing for a few hours has nothing to do with Gao Shaojie. As a forty-year-old doctor in his forties, it is really easy to touch my heart when facing such unsolvable problems.

Boss Zheng is right, thinking too much is useless. Gao Shaojie has always done psychological construction for himself, but today\'s meal is not integrated.

He is different from Liu Zewei. Gao Shaojie is more elegant and closer to Boss Zheng, but he is not as extreme as Boss Zheng. He occasionally literary and artistic, unable to achieve these things like a stone.

After eating, Feng Xuhui wanted to drive Gao Shaojie back, but was stopped by Zhou Chunyong.

Dr. Liao Liao called on behalf of the driver, but dropped a car home, which is more convenient.

After getting in the car, Zhou Chunyong got drunk and asked with a smile: "Lao Gao, how do you think you are not very happy today?"

"Director Zhou, I\'m not unhappy, it\'s just that the mood given by Mr. Zheng\'s words is a little low." Gao Shaojie sighed.

"Let\'s not have to think about it. Boss Zheng has his own way, like Xiao Liao, and he will definitely go to a private hospital to make a lot of money in the future." Zhou Chunyong laughed: "Don\'t think about it so much, it doesn\'t make sense, and let us have a good life It\'s a clear conscience ... Hey, it\'s hard to do that. "

"Yeah, it\'s really difficult to have a clear conscience. How good it is to be like Boss Zheng." Gao Shaojie sighed.

"Boss Zheng? People like us don\'t think about it for a lifetime." Zhou Chunyong said, "Lao Gao, the question should not be asked, I heard that you have given up the opportunity of the competition director to study in Boss Zheng\'s medical team. You will prepare in the future. How to arrange it? "

Gao Shaojie shook his head, his emotions were still not very high.

"It\'s okay to stay in Boss Zheng\'s medical team. If there is no land, or if you are embarrassed to say that you have time to come here, I can do it." Zhou Chunyong laughed: "I\'m not old enough to wait for Xiao Liao to mature Get up. If you are interested, you can come to me and maybe have the opportunity to be a deputy director. "

"..." Gao Shaojie nodded.

"It\'s not a joke, I\'m serious." Zhou Chunyong said, "I\'ve seen your surgery live broadcast, and the level is better than mine. It\'s in the medical team of Boss Zheng, I\'m afraid it won\'t show up."

"The level is high, what do you do when you go back? I have seen Lao Liu, who is nice. But if I say something, a stronger commander will lead the team, can the director have no idea? No matter how good your relationship is. "

"On my side, you can rest assured that Boss Zheng is so close to him. No one can blame you for being with him. I also want to be as close as possible to Boss Zheng. When I retire in seven or eight years, I will be in academic status in the future. He also pointed to Boss Zheng to lift it up. Besides, let ’s take a step back and talk about it, and having a good relationship with Boss Zheng will make my average survival time ... ”

With that said, Zhou Chunyong laughed.

This is a bit lingering, a bit like writing an academic thesis. But when it comes to Zhou Chunyong\'s meaning at the end, the core is boss Zheng.

"At least ten years, I should do something." Zhou Chunyong said.

Gao Shaojie smiled and didn\'t mind.

"Lao Gao, I\'ll put it here, and I\'m not in a hurry to make a decision. You will look at it when you have it. With Boss Zheng in there, you definitely have no shortage of roads. But my side is definitely an option, see your opinion."

"Thank you." Gao Shaojie nodded gently.

The two chatted for a while and talked about the situation in Dibei Province. Zhou Chunyong talked about the support in Beibei Province when he was young, and soon arrived at Gao Shaojie\'s rental house.

"Lao Gao, goodbye!" Zhou Chunyong got off the car, shook farewell with Gao Shaojie, and finally said, "I think about your opinion."

Gao Shaojie nodded.

Zhou Zhouyong\'s careful thinking Gao Shaojie understands, not only because of boss Zheng.

The old saying is that Kang Long has regrets. Zhou Chunyong has always been very high-profile and extremely powerful. When he was on the stage, he didn\'t feel anything, and once he retired, a bad treatment might become a state of breaking drums.

He is leaving a trail for himself.

In the early ten years, I was always on guard for the professors who led the group. Even though everyone was very honest and low-key under strong suppression, the relationship was just that. Who knows what\'s under the mask? Who knows if there will be any resentment.

Gao Shaojie knew that his age was suitable. At this time, going to Emperor\'s liver and gallbladder ... This choice was really exciting, Gao Shaoji thought.

There is Boss Zheng, with powerful Austrian aid behind, no one can move himself. Wait for a year or two to stand on your own feet, mention the deputy director, and wait for Zhou Chunyong\'s class.

I am an outsider. I cannot have any dispute with Zhou Chunyong, the foundation is not stable, what is the contention.

I waited for a few years and owed Zhou Chunyong a big favor if he could become the director.

Is the rapid retreat? Gao Shaojie smiled, Zhou Chunyong\'s abacus was really smart ~ ~ The key is that this step is more than one bird. He is firmly invincible and can also DISS Zhu Liangchen.

What kind of treatment does Liu Xuzhi have? He went directly to take the professor with him, and later referred to the deputy director. What is the treatment?

Alas, the emperor\'s water is so deep. Would you like to go? The idea in Gao Shaojie\'s mind is still biased towards working in Boss Zheng\'s medical team.

Slightly idealistic, even after being locked up in life for many years, Gao Shaojie still has his original intention.

If it wasn\'t for the child\'s college entrance examination, I\'m afraid that nothing happened to Liu Zewei.

He thought about it, and gradually got his own ideas. It is impossible to do exactly what Zhou Chunyong said. You have to have your own ideas. It is not impossible to have the best of both worlds, or to put it through, it depends on the mind of boss Zheng.

I took the elevator to go upstairs, Gao Shaojie figured, his heart beat faster and faster.

When I first heard Zhou Chunyong\'s words, I didn\'t feel anything, just a little beware. Afterwards, slowly remember that this road is simply not good!

The director of the Department of Interventional Affairs of the Provincial People\'s Government and the director of the Interventional Department of Emperor\'s Hepatobiliary ... I\'m afraid the eyes of the old Liu will be red.

"Ding ~~~" The elevator door opens.

When Gao Shaojie was restless, he was about to leave, and then he saw a green tendon and pale trembling hand stretched out from behind the door, and he could faintly hear the "hissing" sound.

Standing in the elevator, Gao Shaojie was walking away. When he saw this scene, his heart jumped to his throat.

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