Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2479: Documentary (Chinese)

Latest website: "My name is Jiang Zhongqing, and I am the director of the Department of Intervention at Pengxi Township Hospital." The thin figure slowly said in front of the screen.

Director Jiang\'s thick Chuan Yin came out, and Zheng Ren felt a little sore in his nose.

For more than half a year, Director Jiang hadn\'t had much contact with him. He invited Zheng Ren several times to gather. Zheng Ren was too busy with the Nobel Prize project to quit.

Zheng Ren could not imagine what happened after he set foot on that hot land again. He was worried that he would cry unsightly.

The portrait of Yi was aware of Zheng Ren\'s emotional fluctuations, and his fair hand patted Zheng Ren\'s hand gently, as a sign of comfort.

Director Jiang was thinner, but his spirit looked good.

"Speaking of Boss Zheng ... shouldn\'t you come to question too. I said Boss Zheng had a three-day-three-night operation in my lead while wearing a lead coat. Many people didn\'t believe it, Guawazi."

"Oh, that\'s right, then restart recording, all the previous ones are cut out."

"My name is Jiang Zhongqing, and I am the director of the intervention department of Pengxi Township Hospital. The first time I saw Boss Zheng was during the earthquake relief. Two young men in military uniforms came to Pengxi Township to report that they had come to support."

"Looking at them at the time, I thought it was a medical university student. This is the first time I got the news and came in directly. Tell you that anyone who got the news later and came later was stopped. outside."

"At the beginning I didn\'t think about what they could do, just be an assistant, but Boss Zheng came to the stage and had an operation, and I was silly."

"Interventional embolization of pelvic fracture ... Do you think it is simple? When I was a doctor, patients with severe pelvic fracture were using hemostatic drugs and blood transfusion. The pressure of the posterior peritoneal hematoma closed the blood vessels by themselves. It ’s bad to say that it is death To live is to look at your life. "

"Don\'t talk nonsense, who dares to do this kind of operation. When it is opened, the blood will be sprayed out, and no one will dare to open the surgery. Later, with interventional surgery, it is considered to be an effective way to treat."

"I\'m a doctor with cyclic intervention. I don\'t usually perform this kind of surgery. At that time, I could catch the ducks on the shelf. I can do this alone, but I can\'t do it."

"Oh, it takes at least 4-5 hours to make one."

"It\'s not that my level is poor. My old Jiang is very high in this area. Don\'t believe you can find someone to show it."

"Don\'t say this, don\'t say this. Before my boss Zheng came, my heart was broken, and I could do 5-6 patients without stepping down 24 hours a day. At that time, there were already large-scale equipment on the front line, and there were a lot of serious injuries. He was sent down, and the outside was full of patients. There was nothing wrong with anxiety. No one is a fairy. Which one can rescue the patients. "

"If you can\'t, you will be referred. Ambulances from all over the country will send people to various hospitals in Rongcheng. I thought we were an outpost here. How many operations can be performed at my level is a few operations, which can relieve the back. Just a little pressure, a little less pressure. Until Boss Zheng comes ... "

Speaking of Zheng Ren, Director Jiang\'s thin face was filled with a smile. He scratched his head and sighed, "Don\'t say that the bunch of Guawazi didn\'t believe it. I didn\'t believe it when I first saw the operation. The operation performed by Boss Zheng was a quick one!"

"Everything you say has nothing to do with my level. Why not believe it? I\'m terrific!"

"Later, Professor Mu of Pengcheng also came to support, but it was the top person in the country to intervene. Professor Mu did an operation and it took about 2 hours. I have only two operating rooms here. Boss Zheng owns an operating room. Professor Mu A brother\'s room with Boss Zheng\'s assistant Yun.

"Brother Yun? He\'s a teenager younger than me. I\'m willing to call Yun Brother, you bite me!"

"Don\'t broadcast it just now."

Documentaries have frequent "accidents", but when they were edited in the later period, they did not cut out the clips that were not to be broadcast, which seemed more real.

"Three days and three nights, Boss Zheng stood in the operating room for three days and three nights wearing lead clothes. He seldom drools and eats ... My mother-in-law is ready to deliver them. Is there an aftershock and she just falls over. Do not say this, anyway, boss Zheng said that he had no time to eat. Later, I almost kneeled down and begged him, and then I ate.

"Boss Zheng is iron. This is worth mentioning? I will let you put on a lead coat and try it out. If you can stand for two or three hours, you will have to be bitter, let alone say that you have to undergo surgery with radiation."

"Not to mention you guys, I look good with my body intact. Ever since Boss Zheng came here, I have not had surgery and is responsible for transporting patients. Without surgery, I stayed for more than two days and suffered a stubbornness."

"Myocardial infarction, it\'s really a baby girl, with a brain in it."

"At that time, I was about to take the patient away. Boss Zheng suddenly told me to leave me alone. I also wondered if his hypoglycemia was okay. Who knows that it was my own stump. Lying on the operating table and pulling a ECG , Tombstone line! "

"There is nothing to explain, go back and check the book yourself. I was lying on the operating table, and almost cried. You talk about what I haven\'t done, and I\'m only in trouble. This man, old is old."

"Later, Mr. Zheng removed the coronary thrombosis for me, and I was sent to the ward to lie down."

"What? This side? There is Boss Zheng here. At that time, there were 7 transshipment bases near the earthquake-stricken area. We in Pengxi Township were the least to send patients with pelvic fractures to Rongcheng, and the operation was basically done on site."

"Later, there were fewer patients on the front line, and Boss Zheng left. After working for three days and three nights, I drank some water and ate half a meal. When I ate, I saw that Boss Zheng was asleep, and I felt distressed No way, there are too many wounded people outside. "

"I later went to Rongcheng for a meeting. I heard that Boss Zheng went directly to the provincial hospital and had an amputation operation there. By the way, later, Boss Zheng built a fund. Many of the prostheses installed by the wounded were bought by him.

"I don\'t know ~ ~ Since I went to the ward, I haven\'t seen Boss Zheng again. I contacted him twice after the earthquake relief and said that he was busy with the Nobel Prize Project."

Director Jiang\'s expression was a little regrettable, but he quickly became happy. "Our side is finished after the disaster. Boss Zheng has also won the Nobel Prize. We must get together. This is a good thing with Boss Zheng Yes, I already said. "

The words gradually became inaudible, and Director Jiang\'s face began to blur, but it did not look like when switching from Zhou Chunyong\'s interview to Director Jiang.

Several black and white pictures appeared on the screen, which were recorded when Sun Zeli ran to the front line of earthquake relief.

The landslide was cracking, and the sky was filled with clouds.

The freezing rain and the dammed lake, a row of distant figures, gradually became the scene of the operation on the operating table.

[At that time, Dr. Zheng Renzheng was carrying the Nobel Prize, but rushed to the front without hesitation. 】
