Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2451: Wait quietly

On the 10th, DìDū.

Zheng Ren works as usual, just like an ordinary day. It\'s just that the time for the Nobel Prize phone notification is getting closer and closer, and the mood of the other members of the medical team is becoming more and more unstable.

Zhao Wenhua is okay. He is not a member of the medical team and his name is not on the project list.

Gao Shaojie took Lin Yuan to perform the operation, and made several operation errors one after another, apparently not in the state today. Zheng Ren choked them all down, put himself on the stage in lead clothes, and performed the operations today.

Gao Shaojie was also a little apprehensive about this. He sat in the operating room sternly, watching Boss Zheng\'s highly skilled surgery, like flowing water. But at this moment, I feel anxious and uncomfortable. I cannot appreciate such beauty.

"Lao Gao, what\'s the matter with you today?" Su Yun asked.

"Dr. Su, you know ... I\'m restless these days." Gao Shaojie smiled embarrassedly, "Is there no news on that side?"

"Don\'t worry." Su Yun put her hands behind her head, paralyzed on the sofa, and said lazily.

Gao Shaojie knew that Su Yun was also nervous. He usually rarely appeared in the operating room. These days, he is almost inseparable from Zheng. Especially when the phone rang, he jumped up like a rabbit who heard gunfire.

Even ... Ms. Zheng will not be allowed to bring the operating room into the operating room, and it must be placed in the operating room outside, so as not to affect the answer to the bad signal.

Although everyone knows that DìDū morning is Stockholm night, it is absolutely impossible for a phone call to come in. But Su Yun still insisted, which made Gao Shaojie even more emotional.

Even these days, Su Yun rarely plays with his cell phone. He looks lazy like a snoring lion. In fact, his eyes have been staring at the boss\'s cell phone on the console.

Alas, it looks like not only himself, but even Dr. Su is agitated, Gao Shaojie thought to himself.

Only the boss Zheng in the operating room never seemed to have changed. He had been calm and calm, and the operation was beautiful. Gao Shaojie even vaguely feels that Boss Zheng is still on top and is still making progress.

If he continues to make progress like this, will his level go to the cloud and he won\'t even be able to see it?

Not to mention the level, this mentality alone can\'t compare. He is not like a young man, but is like an old man in his seventies and eighties. He has seen the vicissitudes of the world and has nothing to shake his heart.

After speaking a few words that were not embarrassing, everyone was absent-minded, and there was silence in the operation room. Pick up and drop off patients, one after the other. Just over ten o\'clock, today\'s surgery is all completed.

Zheng Ren took off his lead and walked back to the operation room. He felt the depressed atmosphere in the operation room the first time.

Nobel Prize, Zheng Ren knows that everyone\'s attention has been here in recent days.

In fact, Zheng Ren is also looking forward to the Nobel Prize. A large number of skill points can support himself to upgrade a skill tree to the peak, plus a peak skill book.

Four peak-level skills, the treatment of small stones seems to give it a try. Even so, Zheng Ren still felt that he had suffered too much, so let him go. It\'s just a good thing to keep a certain hope, after all, it\'s better to have a choice than to have no choice.

It ’s just [mainline mission-the fifth stage in the world, Nobel Prize! Nobel Prize! !! ] The progress bar of this task has always been at about 99% of the position, but the last trace of life is unwilling to move.

Zheng Ren didn\'t know where the problem was, and he was a bit sorry about it. The big pig\'s hoof didn\'t give a hint or anything, and the troubled one was now dewy.

There is nothing to say with Su Yun and Gao Shaojie. I can\'t tell the doubts in my heart to them.

During this time, everyone\'s emotions were not high, so the plan to see Hongye was dragged and dragged, dragged and dragged.

[They say hurry up ...]

The phone rang, Zheng Ren reached out, but before he got the phone, Su Yun held the phone in his hand with the afterimage.

"Che, Linger has nothing to call you." Su Yun looked at the name marked on it and said disappointed.

Zheng Ren smiled and answered the phone.

"Director Lin."

"Yes, no news yet."

"Wait a minute, don\'t worry."

After speaking, Zheng Ren hung up the phone and put the phone in his pants pocket.

After stepping down to change clothes and return to the office, Zheng Ren was still sitting in his position, holding a fifth edition of Surgery.

It is false to say that you are not nervous, it is a peak-level skill book and a large amount of experience points and skill points! There are many operations involved that are not successful.

But Zheng Ren looked at the main task—Famous in the fifth stage, Nobel Prize! Nobel Prize! !! 99% progress bar, puzzled.

Carefully pondering the various possibilities, but Zheng Ren was not very clear about the process of judging the Nobel Prize, and there was no way to figure out what happened.

The task issued by Big Pig\'s Hoof proves that this is feasible; there is the assurance of the old Roche. Although the goods are extremely slick to ensure the fairness of the review, this statement also gives himself a chance.

At least now, Zheng Ren doesn\'t want to use the real eye to see the disease diagnosis described by the weird self on the panel of the old Roche system. Become a mummy.

If the old Roche could not honour his promises, and it was a big deal, Zheng Ren wouldn\'t believe he dared to run to DìDū to kill himself.

If that\'s the case, Tekken would have broken him long ago, even if he was the head of the ancient and mysterious Bruch family.

"Boss, do I have to look at Marys with a crystal ball?" Su Yun has made this suggestion for the Nth time.

"What\'s so nice about it." Zheng Ren frowned. "It\'s a simple thing to receive a prize when you get a call. It\'s such a simple thing. Besides, isn\'t there an official website for Nobel Prize? It will be announced on the news website. . "

Having said that, Zheng Ren glanced at the system panel, the task progress was still 99%, and he did not get it. No phone call at all.

"Cut!" Su Yun gave Zheng Ren a scornful look.

【they said……】

Zheng Ren reluctantly took out his mobile phone. The mobile phone was exploded in the past two days. Except for Director Lao Pan, many people made a call almost every day.

The old director is still stable. Zheng Ren looked at the name on the phone, Mu Tao, and sighed hard.

"The old Mu is also the same. It\'s okay to make a phone call. You talk about whether getting a Nobel Prize has a relationship with him." Su Yun snorted after seeing the name marked on the phone, and sat a little disappointed. Back to the chair.

His forehead black hair fluttered languidly, the later the time dragged on, the lower the probability of getting a Nobel Prize from a certain perspective.

Su Yun wondered, he had made countless hypotheses in his heart. No matter how hypothetical it is, in the end, it is still impossible to explain why no news has been obtained so far.